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[L2J]Line][age Ecomedia x75 & x2000 Live at 23/6/2011

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Grand Opening at 23 of June



Mid Rate Server (x75)



Rates :


Experience : x75

Adena : x100

Spoil : 200x

Karma Drop Rate : 10x

Party Experience : 60x

Safe Enchant : + 3

Max Enchant: + 16

Enchant Rates : 53%

Blessed Enchant Rates : 53%



Character Related:


Offline System.

Max level is 80.

Auto learn skills.

59 minutes buff times.

Augmentation Protection System.

Custom Start adena.

Custom Start title.

Grade Penalty Enable.

Auto Loot.

Allow Wedding.

Unstuck interval 40 seconds.

Anti Buff Skill (Block Buffs).

Retail Raid Bosses (With Custom Drops)


Server Related - NPC :



Server Custom Protection for L2Phx and others!

Properly Geodata.

Working Clan System.

Gatekeepers and NPC buffers (only prophet buffs)

GM Shop (Full Items expect SA Weapons and raid boss jewls).

A Class Changer can be found at all Towns to change your 1st, 2nd and 3rd class.

Exta Shop ( for extra items )

Vote Reward

And more...



Pvp Server (x2000)


Rates :


Experience : x2000

Adena : x5000

Spoil : 5000x

Karma Drop Rate : 1x

Party Experience : 2000x

Safe Enchant : + 3

Max Enchant: + 16

Enchant Rates : 66%

Blessed Enchant Rates : 71%


Server Related - NPC :


GM Shop

Global Gatekeeper

Pvp Color Sytem

No Costum Items

Vote Reward

Pvp Area

Server Custom Protection for L2Phx and others!

Properly Geodata.

Working Clan System.

Siege Retail Like




Punishment Rates :


Chat Ban : The time of the chat ban is decided by the Gm!

Ban : The ban time refers to 7 days or more.

Permanent Ban : The ban time is forever.



L2Ecomedia Rules :


1. Do not ask any staff members for items, adena, mobs, or exp. They are not allowed to give out anything.

2. GM's will NEVER ask you about your account info! If you'll get scammed, hacked, or whatever, it's your own problem and Staff won't take any action, except punishing the offender. Lost items WILL NOT be given back.

3. Insulting anyone from L][Ecomedia Staff will be punished accordingly.

4. Decisions made by GM staff are final, do not criticize the GM's.

5. Pretending that your one of L][Ecomedia Staff members is a bannable offense.

6. Clans/alliances, or players are not allowed to have a GM crest or have anything to do with GM in their name. Clans/Alliances, or players caught doing so will be dissolved and the leader/players in question will be banned.


Our server is based in Germany on one of the best hosting available:

Proccessor : Intel Xeon 2.53Ghz

RAM memory : 16 GB DDR3 RAM

Hard Drive : 80GB SSD Hard Disk

Port Speed : 1.000 Mbit - Unshared

DDos Protection : From Dosfilter and BlackLotus




Contact : L2EcoMedia@Hotmail.Com

Our Forum : Forum

Our Site : L2Ecomedia Site


what extra items??

you can buy Noblesse item / AQ / Zaken and SA To weapons with Gold Coins that you can take from Donate or Vote Reward

when server will be on ?


We have some problems with dedicated cuz the company dont sell you dedi if you have an other .

We have dedicated but it has got ban on hopzone.

Server will be online in 2-3 days maybe ( we are waiting for a new website too )

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