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Poor website. You need a good web-designer? Just PM me.

.  .  .



The open beta period has ended!


Stay tuned for the live launch date!


Thanks for supporting us!


How Many ppl got this srv?


not open yet.



The launch has been scheduled to be on the 10th of June!

Be sure to prepare for great battles, and recall your comrades to assist you.


Meanwhile, register on the forum, and discuss with the rest of the community!


max 100 in this server..?-.- WoW..L2 Community worldwide now is 10 to 13 year old Star Wars Lovers...


Actually it would have been more, but we prefer, as Lomkevicius said, 100 serious players, rather than 1000 kids.


Actually it would have been more, but we prefer, as Lomkevicius said, 100 serious players, rather than 1000 kids.

100 serius players? yes,but with 100 players server will be dead coz of botting,xping etc..

AND,kids wont join server of this kind :) (I hope so)


In 2 days the portcullis of Lineage II Venture will finally be breached.

Get ready for new adventures, new challenges, and more fun!

Spread the word.



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