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i had 7 wins in a row and despite i won with high difference between kills/deaths i keep earning negative elo! how is that system working?


Victory = ELO gain

Defeat = ELO loss


Score doesn't matter.


Things that matter are a) number of ranked games played and b) game length.


thats insane :p

now that i looked again


i had 51/48 W/L(solo) with 555 points i won a game just right now so it is 52/48 W/L and i got +18 but now it says 538


if u got 500elo just dont play ranked again..

its losing of time, w8 1.5month till elos will be reseted

why should i abaddon ranked games?

nahhh normal games have more noobs than ranked! i ll make it 1000 in 20 days for sure


Beware dud cause if you heard the phrase "elo hell" you gonna feel it soon


Noobs wave inccccc ,gl ;P


Beware dud cause if you heard the phrase "elo hell" you gonna feel it soon


Noobs wave inccccc ,gl ;P

i ve felt it already :p i made 7/25 w/l from noobs , feeders and unlimited leavers now it is 62/50

[gr]pistebe to re, egw ekana 3mines na paw apo 1000  sta 1200, an peseis katw apo 1150, teleiwse, pera apo tn plaka

molis ekana to "ap" account m 30 k 3ekinhsa ap thn arxh :D to "ad" menei sthn akrh mexri na mhdenistoun! (8a mhdenistoun sigoura?)

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