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[Share]Fundamentals of Web Design

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This article was written for beginners or those who want to learn something about web design and common practices and rules of good web design. The article is divided into several units so that the reader could more easily navigate the site.



1) The characteristics of web design

Visually attractive Web site attracts visitors, and the visual element is guaranteed to experience the first thing visitors will notice when they visit your site. If the site is nicely balanced and functionally designed visitor will feel at ease and will continue to research and use of the site. Likewise, if the site has left a positive first impression a visitor will go to another site and there seek the desired information.


What is Web Design?

Web design is a process of construction and development of web sites which includes the design, concept, construction and maintenance there of. Web design should embody, transmit and promote the overall goals of web sites and emphasize the same functionality.


Features of good web design:

1.Website design should be appealing and attractive while allowing users the perception that use of the content. The design should be a link between the user and information on the site.

2.Allow users to identify each page as part of a whole (web sites)

3.Allow users easy and intuitive web site navigation

4.Finally, web design should take maximum advantage of the principles and principles of web usability and visual design


The basic principles of good web design

1.alignment of elements on the page - grid

refers to the alignment of the top, bottom, side or central parts of all the graphics and / or textual elements on the page, align the left edges of the elements for example. headings, subheadings and text on the page contribute to a better perception of the connection elements and readable and clear

2.balance of elements - symmetrical and asymmetrical

each element on a page has a "weight", for example. file title, the color intensity of the letters or positions of graphical objects on a page can create a certain balance

3.Uniqueness of the elements (unity)

various elements of the composition is in the mutual interaction.

4.Contrast the appearance of, or setting different graphic or textual elements used to highlight things on the website, eg. serif font such as fonts - Times New Roman or Garamound for headlines and sans-serif font fonts - Arial or Verdana for the contents.

5.Consistency of elements

allows the perception of elements belonging to the website and visual identity and stability of entire web sites, eg. navigation (menu) should always be in the same place on each page (eg at the top of the page or in the left column).


2) The basic elements of web pages


- imagine it as a picture frame that holds the content of these images or illustration or photograph itself, means a container used for "framing" content pages and all other graphics and multimedia elements. Width "container" can be fixed - site is always the same width regardless of resolution or size of your monitor or running (adjustable) - pages are automatically expands depending on the width of the browser window.

2.Logo a major distinguishing mark of identification and its basic element, the logo should be placed always at the top and always in the same position as that way shows visitors that the pages you visit one of the Web sites.

3.Navigation surely one of the most important elements on a Web site that allows users to move the page to find content, navigation should be consistently presented, simple, intuitive and appropriately named, navigation is usually found at the top of the page or in the left or right column of the same.

4.Content, Content is king! "basis, purpose and meaning of life website, if you can not find the specific content or content is not sufficiently interesting or relevant - in an instant a visitor goes to another website, the contents should be clear and well presented.

5.Footer bottom of the page that contains usually more and less important content and / or links, for example. Privacy Information, disclaimer, terms of use site, Data Protection Policy, links the main elements of the page and so on.


3) Types of different looking pages (layouts)

1.Navigation in the left column

the best known and most common type of layout navigation - Standard.

2.Navigation in right column - left content unusual version of which has its practical reasons for applying.

3.Three-column navigation used with the Web site or shop for much more content or navigation.


Types fixed width web pages

1. Fixed width created in the px.

2. "Current" or adjustable width, expressed in %.


The basic difference between these two types of layout width web pages:

1.Fixed width

a) Full control of positioning elements on a Web site in specific terms.

b) The choice of target resolution.

2."Current" or adaptive width

a)Automatic adjustment of all monitor resolutions.

b)Reduces the need to "scroll".


4) Successful Website

What exactly is a successful web site?

How can we define this term? Why do we use this term? Many believe that a successful web site that it achieves a large attendance, or one that is visually attractive and rich interactive multimedia and animations, or one that only has a lot of content. The truth is somewhere in the middle. The truth is contained in words - multidisciplinary, perception and purpose. A successful website determine all this mentioned, and it is in their mutual intertwining and interaction.


To be successful, web page should contain the following elements:

1.Design, attractive and engaging visual design.

2.Content, relevant and useful content for (targeted) visitors.

3.Usability, simple, accessible and usable site.

4.Optimized for search engines, web pages tailored to better position on search engines (SEO)


However, a successful web site "is a term that is perceived differently by different types of users:

1.However, a successful web site is a term that is perceived differently by different types of users.

2.Marketing department believes that the site is successful, if continuously increasing number of visitors.

3.Visitors feel that the site is successful when you find specific information.

4.Web Department believes that the site is successful when they make the ultimate page for a current web standards using the most advanced techniques and tools and more to win this prestigious award from the Web (eg. see Web Awards) ...


Each of them has a different goal - hence the notion of "successful web site" is interpreted differently.



Although this term can be interpreted differently and to define when talking generally about the success of some sites, while they think the sites that are commercial type - then the final result or consequence of such sites - the conversion or "converting" visitors into eg. satisfied visitor, customer or user. This is actually the ultimate goal and purpose of a successful website!





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