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[Guide]Pws ftiaxnoune NPC/Trader/Gatekeeper/PK-Guard/Skill Enchanter

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Geia sas paidia edw 8 sas di3w pws ftiaxnoune NPC/Trader/Gatekeeper/PK-Guard/Skill Enchanter


1)Pws ftaxnoume ena NPC


Prwta prepei n doume pws 8a miazei to NPC.

Twra 8 prepei na pame mesa sto l2 kai na broume ena MOB h NPC pou 8eloume meta patame Shift+1Click panw sto npc

kai grafoume kapou to NPC ID(gia na mhn to 3exasoume).


Na kai ena paradigma:



Sth sunexua 8a prepei na pame sto Navicat kai anoigoume to table pou onomazonte "npc"(xwris ta ")

meta patame Control+F(taftoxrona gia na anoi3i to search)

to search 8a einai kapws etc:searchht.jpg

grafoume to ID tou MOB/NPC pou 8eloume sto search meta briskoume thn grammi pou exei ola ta stoixia tou MOB/NPC


Kai twra kalhtera na kanoume ena kainourgio NPC kai na mhn xalasoume afto


twra o kalhteros tropos gia na kanoume ena NPC einai na ftia3oume ena SQL Arxeio:

twra kanoume ena .txt arxeio

kai kanoume Copy to parakato Code kai Paste mesa sto .txt arxeio

INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('ID', 'Id Template', 'name', '1', 'title', '1', 'class', '20.00', '28.00', '80', 'male', 'Type', '40', '3862', '1493', '13.43', '3.09', '40', '43', '30', '21', '35', '10', '0', '0', '1314', '470', '780', '382', '278', '0', '253', '0', '0', '0', '80', '120', null, '0', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT');

kai twra 8 prepei n kanoume edit to NPC mesa sto .txt arxeio

twra 8 sas e3igisw t einai to ka8ena:


1)ID = To ID pou 8eloume na exei to NPC mas(to ID pou 8a baloume 8a prepei na mhn uparxei mesa stn Database 3ana)

2)ID Temlpate = Edw bazoume to NPC ID pou phrame sthn arxh

3)Name/Title = edw bazoume to name kai to title pou 8eloume na exei to NPC mas

4)Class = edw bazoume to Class pou 8eloume na einai to NPC mas(px--->Monster3.monk_warrior)

5)collision_height = poso upsos exei to MOB/NPC pou 8eloume na baloume

6)level = level pou 8eloume na einao

7)sex = an einai male h female

8)type = auto einai to pio sumantiko gt apo edw diabazei ta .htm arxeia

i)L2Npc =  an baloume L2Npc 8a diavazei ta .htm arxeia edw--->gameserver/data/html/default

ii)L2Merchant = an baloume L2Merchant 8a diavazei ta .htm arxei edw--->gameserver/data/html/merchant

iii)L2Teleport = an baloume L2Teleport 8a diavazei ta .htm arxeia edw--->gameserver/data/html/teleport

iiii)L2Guard = an baloume L2Guard 8a diavazei ta .htm arxeia edw--->gameserver/data/html/guard

iiiii)L2Buffer = an baloume L2Buffer 8a diavazei ta .htm arxeia edw--->gameserver/data/html/mods/buffer

9)attackrange = edw bazoume apo poso makria 8a mporei na xtupaei to NPC mas

10)hp = edw bazoume poso HP 8eloume na exei to NPC mas

11)mp = edw bazoume poso MP 8eloume na exei to NPC mas

12)hpreg = edw bazoume poso 8a fullarh to HP tou NPC mas

13)mpreg = edw bazoume poso grhgora 8a fullarh to MP tou NPC mas

14)str/con/dex/int/wit/men = afta dn einai kai toso sumantika se ola ta MOB/NPC einai ta eidia ektos apo merika

15)exp/sp = afta dn xriazete kana na ta peira3ete apla balte 0 kai sta 2

16)patk/pdef/matk/mdef/atkspd/matkspd = poso patk/pdef/matk/mdef/atkspd/matkspd 8eloume na exei to NPC mas

17)aggro = edw bazoume poso epi8etika 8eloume na einai to NPC mas

18)rhand/lhand = edw bazoume th 8eloume na kratei sto rhand(de3h xeri) kai sto lhand(aristero xeri)

19)armor = afto afhsteto 0

20)walkspd/runspd = poso grhgora 8eloume na perpataei/trexei

21)faction_id = afto afhsteto "NULL"(xwris ta ") ektos an exete Faction Server

22)isUndead = edw balte 0 an den einai Undead 1 an einai

23)absorb_level = afto afhsteto 0

24)absorb_type = edw bazoume panta "LAST_HIT"(xwris ta ")


kai sto telos 'save as' me oti name 8eloume px---> wtf.sql kai eimaste ok!


2)Dimiourgeia .html arxeio gia TRADER

Twra logika 8a prepei na exete etoimo to NPC mas!

Sth sunexia prepei na ftia3oume ena .html arxeio gia ton TRADER

.html arxeio mporoume na ftia3oume eite xhrokinita eite me programata

egw tr 8a sas dei3w xeirokinita :


Loipon otan ftiaxnoume ena .html arxeio panta 3ekiname me <html><body> kai teleionoume me </html></body>

PROSOXH : Panta otan anoigoume ena code->(px <td>) tn kleinoume->(px </td>)

Twra 8a sas dwso ena eteimo .html arxeio kai to fixarete opws eseis 8elete :

<center><font color "FF0000">________________________________</td>
<center><font color "0000ff">Welcome.here you can buy items!/td>
<center><font color "FF0000">________________________________</td>
<button value="Edw bazoume oti name 8eloume" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 89052" width=204 height=20 back="sek.cbui36" fore="sek.cbui75">

Ean 8eloume mporoune n baloume k alla buttons.


To html sas tr 8 prepei n ein kapos etc-->




To <font color="FF0000"> bazei xrwma sto text pou kanoume

Otan teleiosoume to .html arxei kanoume "save as" kai bazoume to ID apo to NPC mas .htm (px 215.htm)

molis teleiosoume me to .html arxei to bazoume analoga me to TYPE p dwsame sto NPC mas

3).Pws ftiaxnoume ena Multisell h SQL Arxeio gia ton TRADER

twra uparxoun 2 tropoi gia n baloume t items p 8eloume stn TRADER


1osTropos)O prwtos einai n ftia3oume ena multisell

to opoio dimiourgite me .xml arxeia


Loipon tr panta s ena .xml arxei prepei n arxizoume me <list> kai n teleionoume me </list>


<list> ---->etsi arxizoume panta!

 <item id="1">   ----> etsi 3ekiname ta items k bazoume mesa oti 8eloume.dhladh osa productions kai ingredient 8eloume.to id='0' prepei n einai monadiko(mono s afto to multisell)

   <production id="8166" count="1"/>  ---->edw bazoume t item pernoume k poses fores(dld to item ein to id="8166" kai t poses fores einai to count="1"

   <ingredient id="57" count="20000" /> ---->edw bazoume to item pou dinoume gia n agorasoume to pano item

 </item> ----edw klinei

</list> ---->etsi klinoume to multisell panta!


Edw sas dinw ena eteimo .xml arxeio to opio mesa exei clan eggs :


 <item id="1">
   <production id="8166" count="1"/>
   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000" />

 <item id="2">
   <production id="8169" count="1"/>
   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000" />

 <item id="3">
   <production id="8172" count="1"/>
   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000" />

 <item id="4">
   <production id="8163" count="1"/>
   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000" />

 <item id="5">
   <production id="8160" count="1"/>
   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000" />

 <item id="6">
   <production id="8176" count="1"/>
   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000" />

 <item id="7">
   <production id="8175" count="1"/>
   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000" />



to .xml 8 einai kapos etc :



kai kati akoma p mporoume epipleon na kanoume me multisell kai dn mporoume me SQL einai oti mporoume n baloume osa

"prodaction" kai "ingredient" 8eloume


twra 8a balw na agorazoume ola ta clan eggs me th mia.



 <item id="1">
   <production id="8166" count="1"/>
   <production id="8169" count="1"/>
   <production id="8172" count="1"/>
   <production id="8163" count="1"/>
   <production id="8160" count="1"/>
   <production id="8176" count="1"/>
   <production id="8175" count="1"/>
   <ingredient id="3470" count="50" />

na pws 8 ein to .xml arxeio:



Twra teleiosame me to .xml arxei tr 8 to apo8ikefsoume kai to name 8 ein afto pou balame sto .html arxeio dld--->89052.xml

kai twra pernoume to .xml arxeio kai to bazoume edw---> gameserver/data/multisell

kai o trader me mulitsell einai etoimos


2osTropos)tr stn deftero tropo prepein na ftia3oume .sql arxeia oste n mpoun mesa stn database pou exoume.

loipon twra afou exoume ftia3ei to NPC mas pame n ftia3oume ta .sql arxeia.


loipon tr kanoume ena .txt arxei kai bazoume mesa tn code apo katw:

REPLACE INTO `merchant_buylists` (`item_id`,`price`,`shop_id`,`order`) VALUES

kai sth sunexia 8 prepei n fta3oume teties lines :

('item_id', 'price', 'shop_id', 'order'),


tr 8 sas e3igisw ti 8a kanoume:

sto 'item_id' 8 baloume to ID tou Item pou 8eloume n agorazoun oi players

sto 'price' 8a baloume poso 8a to agorazoune(einai mono s adena dn ginete px n baleis na ta agorazoun me Gold Bar)

to 'order' 8a prepei n paei m tn seira px--> stn 1 line bazoume ena stn 2 bazoume alla ama 8eloume t bazoume kai allios analoga me pia seia 8eloume

na einai ta Items

sto 'shop_id' bazoume ena id pou 8eloume alla dn  8 baloume se ola ta eidia t eidio id 8 to baloume s afta p 8eloume na ein mazi


/*Helmets*/<-----------------blepete edw exoun ola eidio 'shop_id'

('41', '215122', '35022', '1'), <------blepete kai ta order ola einai sth seira

('42', '252521', '35022', '2'),

('43', '226937', '35022', '3'),<-----tr ama baloume s afto to order 4 kai sto kato 3 dn egn kai tpt apla to kaw 8 ein 3 sto shop kai adto 8einai telefteo

('44', '292472', '35022', '4'),


/*Chests*/<-----------------alla blepete kai edw exoun allo shop id

('21', '25251', '35023', '1'),<--------gt ama balw se afth th line pou dixnei to belaki '35022''shop_id' 8a einai mesa sta helmets otan patame na agorasoume helmets apo to shop

('22', '200000', '35023', '2'),<----kai edw epidei 3ekinisame me kainourgio 'shop_id' to "order' 3ekinise pali apo to 1

('23', '200000', '35023', '3'),

('24', '200000', '35023', '4'),<----kai edw to eidio usxi me to 'order'

('25', '200000', '35023', '5');

PROSOXH : Panta otan teleionoume ena .sql arxei sto telos bazoume ; px---->('25', '200000', '35023', '5');<----

ka8e fora pou 8eloume gia kt allo 8 prepei n knoume opws sas edi3a parapano

dld tr phte 8elete t boots 8a prepei n kanete afta parapano(3exasa n sas pw mporoume n kanoume ose lines 8eloume)

/*Chests*/<---afto dn einai anagkai apla to bazoume gia n 3eoume t einai to ka8ena

kai n 3erete einai No-Grade apla gia paradhgma t ebala..:D


px me afta pou sas edi3a to .sql arxeio 8 prepei n ein kapos etc:

REPLACE INTO `merchant_buylists` (`item_id`,`price`,`shop_id`,`order`) VALUES

('41', '215122', '35022', '1'),
('42', '252521', '35022', '2'),
('43', '226937', '35022', '3'),
('44', '292472', '35022', '4'),

('21', '25251', '35023', '1'),
('22', '200000', '35023', '2'),
('23', '200000', '35023', '3'),
('24', '200000', '35023', '4'),
('25', '200000', '35023', '5');

Twra 8a pame sthn Database pou exoume sto Navicta kai patame de3i click epanos kai meta click sto "Execute SQL File.."(xwris ta ")


meta patame ekei pou sas dixnw sthn eikona gia n kn search:


kai meta pame sto .sql file pou 8eloume kai patame anoigma kai sto telos patame start

an s di3ei afto msg opws sthn eikona eimaste ok 49864287.jpg

an dn to di3ei kai di3ei tpt allo kapios la8os exei ginei


kai tr prepei n ftia3oume ena telefteo .sql arxeio

afto to .sql arxei einai gia n 3r oti to tade npc exei tn tade shop id

8 ein kapos etc---->

replace into merchant_shopids values 

tr prepei n kanoume kapies lines

('shop_id', 'npc_id')--->sto shop id bazoume to shop_id pou 8eloume(to shop_id pou sas edi3a prwigoumenos sto allo .sql arxeio)

kai 'npc_id bazoume to ID tou NPC mas.


Afto 8 prepei n ein kapos etc:

replace into merchant_shopids values

('35022', '123')
('35023', '123')

oi parapano lines 8 einai osa kai ta shop_id.

1 line gia ka8e 1 shop_id


kai kt telefteo tr sto html ekei pou leei action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 89052" 8a to kanoume---> action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buy 89052"

alla tr sth 8esh apo to 89052 bazoume to shop_id pou 8eloume

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4).Pws ftiaxnoume mia Gatekeeper

Prwta kanoume ena npc opws sas edei3a sthn arxh me 'type' = L2Teleporter


Na kai edw sas exw ena ethimo html k kante to edito opws 8elete

<center><font color "FF0000">________________________________</td>
<center><font color "0000ff">Welcome.Here you can Teleport whereever you want/td>
<center><font color "FF0000">________________________________</td>
<td><a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 50009" msg="811;Gludin Village"><font color="80F0FF">Gludin Village</font></a></td>


loipon tr 8 knoume to .sql file gia ta teleport

('Name', ID, loc_x, loc_y, loc_z, price, 0)

Name--->Bazoume to name tou spawn mas

ID--->To ID tou spawn mas n einai monadiko omws

tr gia na broume to loc_x, loc_y, loc_z, 8 prepei n pame mesa sto l2 ekei pou 8eloume n einai to spawn mas kai

pathsoume /loc---->8 mas bgalei sto chat box opws sthn foto


prise -->edw bazoume pso n kostizei to teleport

kai to 0 afhsteto 0


na kai merika dika teleports

DELETE FROM `teleport` WHERE `id` >= '50001' AND `id` <= '50180';

('Dark Elven Village', 50001, 9745, 15606, -4574, 15000, 0),
('Dwarven Village', 50002, 115113, -178212, -901, 15000, 0),
('Elven Village', 50003, 46934, 51467, -2977, 15000, 0),
('Orc Village', 50004, -44836, -112352, -239, 15000, 0),
('Talking Island', 50005, -84318, 244579, -3730, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Dion', 50006, 15670, 142983, -2705, 15000, 0),
('Floran Village', 50007, 17838, 170274, -3508, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Giran', 50008, 83400, 147943, -3404, 15000, 0),
('Gludin Village', 50009, -80826, 149775, -3043, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Gludio', 50010, -12672, 122776, -3116, 15000, 0),
('Hunters Village', 50011, 117110, 76883, -2695, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Aden [NE]', 50012, 159439, 21104, -3684, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Aden [sW]', 50013, 140434, 26222, -2530, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Aden', 50014, 147450, 26741, -2204, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Oren', 50015, 82956, 53162, -1495, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Heine', 50016, 107092, 219693, -3446, 15000, 0),
('The Garden Of Eva', 50017, 84543, 235022, -3756, 15000, 0),
('Cemetery', 50018, 172136, 20325, -3326, 15000, 0),
('The Giants Cave', 50019, 174528, 52683, -4369, 15000, 0),
('The Forest Of Mirrors', 50020, 150477, 85907, -2753, 15000, 0),
('Anghel Waterfall', 50021, 169026, 85272, -2092, 15000, 0),
('Dragon Valley Cave', 50022, 131355, 114451, -3718, 15000, 0),
('Lair End', 50023, 154623, 121134, -3809, 15000, 0),
('Lair Of Antharas', 50024, 173826, 115333, -7708, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower Entrance', 50025, 17192, 114178, -3439, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower 1nd Floor', 50026, 17724, 114004, -11672, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower 2nd floor', 50027, 17730, 108301, -9057, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower 3nd floor', 50028, 17719, 115430, -6582, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower Core Room', 50029, 17692, 112284, -6250, 15000, 0),
('Altar Of Rites', 50030, -45563, 73216, -3575, 15000, 0),
('School Of Dark Arts', 50031, -47129, 59678, -3336, 15000, 0),
('South Border', 50032, -61146, 99591, -3744, 15000, 0),
('Swamp', 50033, -14162, 44879, -3592, 15000, 0),
('Temple Of Shillen', 50034, 23965, 10989, -3723, 15000, 0),
('Undine Waterfall', 50035, -10972, 57808, -3717, 15000, 0),
('Waterfall (in)', 50036, -5162, 55702, -3483, 15000, 0),
('Abandoned Coal Mines [East]', 50037, 155535, -173560, 2495, 15000, 0),
('Abandoned Coal Mines [North]', 50038, 152375, -179887, 2495, 15000, 0),
('Abandoned Coal Mines [West]', 50039, 139783, -177260, -1539, 15000, 0),
('Cave Of Trials', 50040, 9954, -112487, -2470, 15000, 0),
('Frozen waterfall', 50041, 9621, -139945, -1353, 15000, 0),
('Mithril Mines', 50042, 179039, -184080, -319, 15000, 0),
('South Coast', 50043, -37955, -100767, -3774, 15000, 0),
('The Northeast Coast', 50044, 169008, -208272, -3504, 15000, 0),
('Antaras Circle', 50045, 40246, 58785, -3634, 15000, 0),
('Elven Fortress', 50046, 29205, 74948, -3775, 15000, 0),
('Iris Lake', 50047, 51746, 71559, -3427, 15000, 0),
('Shadow Of the Mother tree', 50048, 47932, 39729, -3466, 15000, 0),
('Death Path', 50049, 70000, 126636, -3804, 15000, 0),
('Dragon Valley [Entrance]', 50050, 72317, 117736, -3672, 15000, 0),
('Dragon Valley [inside]', 50051, 84959, 110701, -3209, 15000, 0),
('Execution Grounds', 50052, 51055, 141959, -2869, 15000, 0),
('Giran Harbor', 50053, 47114, 187152, -3485, 15000, 0),
('The Partisan Hideway', 50054, 46897, 111567, -2069, 15000, 0),
('Abandoned Camp', 50055, -56742, 140569, -2625, 15000, 0),
('Gludin Arena', 50056, -88839, 142382, -3646, 15000, 0),
('Cliffside Estate', 50057, -94841, 147430, -2675, 15000, 0),
('Fellmere Lake', 50058, -66931, 120296, -3651, 15000, 0),
('Forgotten Temple', 50059, -53838, 179285, -4640, 15000, 0),
('Gludin Harbor', 50060, -89199, 149962, -3586, 15000, 0),
('Maphri\'s Thumb', 50061, -37689, 193124, -2208, 15000, 0),
('Orc Barracks', 50062, -90562, 108182, -3546, 15000, 0),
('Windy Hill', 50063, -84313, 87057, -3457, 15000, 0),
('Northern Neutral Zone', 50064, -10853, 75689, -3596, 15000, 0),
('Ruins Of Agony', 50065, -56235, 106668, -3773, 15000, 0),
('Ruins Of Despair', 50066, -20043, 137688, -3896, 15000, 0),
('Ivory Tower', 50067, 85332, 16186, -3673, 15000, 0),
('Northern Waterfall', 50068, 70833, 6426, -3639, 15000, 0),
('Enchanted Valley', 50069, 124113, 59232, -4587, 15000, 0),
('Sea Of Spores', 50070, 62425, 30856, -3779, 15000, 0),
('Sea Of Spores [Centre]', 50071, 54216, 23826, -5380, 15000, 0),
('Tower Of Insolence', 50072, 121685, 15749, -3852, 15000, 0),
('Cedric\'s Training Hall', 50073, -73145, 256520, -3126, 15000, 0),
('Einhovant\'s School Of Magic', 50074, -88406, 249168, -3576, 15000, 0),
('Elven Ruins', 50075, 48736, 248463, -6162, 15000, 0),
('Northern Coast', 50076, -101294, 212553, -3093, 15000, 0),
('Obelisk Of Victory', 50077, -99746, 237538, -3572, 15000, 0),
('Talking Island Harbor', 50078, -96041, 261133, -3483, 15000, 0),
('Ant\'s Nest', 50079, -26111, 173692, -4152, 15000, 0),
('South Entrance Of Wastlands', 50080, -17949, 205272, -3670, 15000, 0),
('Wastelands', 50081, -20893, 186060, -4108, 15000, 0),
('Border Outpost', 50082, 109699, -7908, -2902, 15000, 0),
('Blazing Swamp', 50083, 145835, -10995, -4424, 15000, 0),
('The End Thus For', 50084, 125439, -31083, -3862, 15000, 0),
('Aden Castle Cross', 50085, 147967, 4005, 4599, 15000, 0),
('Anghel Waterfall (Top Perch)', 50086, 174354, 90771, 1838, 15000, 0),
('Dwarven Tower', 50087, 106545, -175091, 1300, 15000, 0),
('Partisan Fall', 50088, 49552, 116839, -2131, 15000, 0),
('Devastated Castle', 50089, 178283, -15739, -2262, 15000, 0),
('Bandits Stronghold', 50090, 82662, -15977, -1893, 15000, 0),
('Coliseum', 50091, 150086, 46733, -3412, 15000, 0),
('Innadril Castle', 50092, 116207, 244184, -1084, 15000, 0),
('Alligator Island', 50093, 100887, 172943, -3724, 15000, 0),
('Pirate\'s Tunnel', 50094, 41602, 199340, -4636, 15000, 0),
('Devil\'s Isle', 50095, 42006, 208234, -3756, 15000, 0),
('Field Of Silence', 50096, 84904, 182410, -3670, 15000, 0),
('Field Of Whispers', 50097, 86519, 211911, -3764, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Goddard', 50098, 147591, -56359, -2807, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Rune', 50099, 45843, -47929, -823, 15000, 0),
('Varka Silenos Outpost', 50100, 125893, -40901, -3776, 15000, 0),
('Canyon 2', 50101, 193752, -46075, -2954, 15000, 0),
('Walls Of Argos', 50102, 184380, -62690, -3000, 15000, 0),
('Swamp Of Screams', 50103, 91317, -57174, -2991, 15000, 0),
('Beast Farm', 50104, 52816, -81617, -2751, 15000, 0),
('Valley Of Saints', 50105, 64352, -71206, -3714, 15000, 0),
('Ketra Orc Outpost', 50106, 130512, -72326, -3538, 15000, 0),
('Lakes', 50107, 144621, -105540, -3682, 15000, 0),
('Forge Of The Gods', 50108, 170193, -116256, -2084, 15000, 0),
('Cave 2', 50109, 190403, -108821, -3314, 15000, 0),
('Hot Springs Guild House', 50110, 141213, -122118, -1961, 15000, 0),
('Temple Of Pilgrims', 50111, 168618, -86602, -3021, 15000, 0),
('Imperial Graveyard', 50112, 187120, -75490, -2848, 15000, 0),
('Coliseum Ruins', 50113, -20800, 20906, -3051, 15000, 0),
('Hot Springs Region', 50114, 154482, -126560, -2311, 15000, 0),
('Lair Of Valakas Crystal', 50115, 190188, -106425, -810, 15000, 0),
('Forest Of The Dead', 50116, 63379, -48912, -3164, 15000, 0),
('Rune Harbor', 50117, 38030, -38074, -3668, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 1st Floor', 50118, 115168, 16022, -5100, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 2nd Floor', 50119, 114649, 18587, -3609, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 3rd Floor', 50120, 117918, 16039, -2127, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 4th Floor', 50121, 114622, 12946, -645, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 5th Floor', 50122, 112209, 16078, 928, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 6th Floor', 50123, 112376, 16099, 1947, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 7th Floor', 50124, 115091, 12165, 2957, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 8th Floor', 50125, 111063, 16118, 3967, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 9th Floor', 50126, 117147, 18415, 4977, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 10th Floor', 50127, 118374, 15973, 5987, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 11th Floor', 50128, 112209, 16078, 7028, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 12th Floor', 50129, 114809, 18711, 7996, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 13th Floor', 50130, 115178, 16989, 9007, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 14th Floor Outside Door', 50131, 112714, 14111, 10077, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 14th Floor Inside On RoOf', 50132, 113098, 14532, 10077, 15000, 0),
('The Forbidden Gateway', 50133, 185395, 20359, -3270, 15000, 0),
('Cat Heretics Entrance', 50134, -53187, -250271, -7906, 15000, 0),
('Cat Branded Entrance', 50135, 46529, 170248, -4979, 15000, 0),
('Cat Apostate Entrance', 50136, -20248, -250791, -8163, 15000, 0),
('Cat Witch Entrance', 50137, 140404, 79678, -5431, 15000, 0),
('Cat DarkOmen Entrance', 50138, -19500, 13508, -4905, 15000, 0),
('Cat Forbidden Path Entrance', 50139, 12519, -248498, -9580, 15000, 0),
('Necro Saints Entrance', 50146, -41570, 209785, -5089, 15000, 0),
('Necro Pilgrims Entrance', 50141, 45251, 123890, -5415, 15000, 0),
('Necro Worshippers Entrance', 50142, 111273, 174015, -5417, 15000, 0),
('Necro Patriots Entrance', 50143, -21726, 77385, -5177, 15000, 0),
('Necro Ascetics Entrance', 50144, -52254, 79103, -4743, 15000, 0),
('Necro Martyrs Entrance', 50145, 118308, 132800, -4833, 15000, 0),
('Necro Sacrifice Entrance', 50140, 83000, 209213, -5443, 15000, 0),
('Necro Disciples Entrance', 50147, 172251, -17605, -4903, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Schuttgart', 50148, 87386, -143246, -1293, 15000, 0),
('Schuttgart Castle', 50149, 77394, -147197, -476, 15000, 0),
('Rune Castle', 50150, 21216, -49081, -1301, 15000, 0),
('Monastery Of Silence', 50151, 123743, -75032, -2902, 15000, 0),
('Crypts Of Disgrace', 50152, 56095, -118952, -3290, 15000, 0),
('Den Of Evil', 50153, 76860, -125169, -3414, 15000, 0),
('Frost Lake', 50154, 108090, -120925, -3628, 15000, 0),
('The Ice Queens Castle', 50155, 109060, -128655, -3084, 15000, 0),
('Ice Merchant Cabin', 50156, 113487, -109888, -865, 15000, 0),
('Valley Of The Lords', 50157, 23006, -126115, -870, 15000, 0),
('Pavel Ruins', 50158, 88275, -125690, -3815, 15000, 0),
('Plunderous Plains', 50159, 113900, -154175, -1488, 15000, 0),
('Stakato Nest', 50160, 89880, -44515, -2135, 15000, 0),
('Wild Beast Reserve', 50161, 57849, -93182, -1360, 15000, 0),
('Graverobber Hideout', 50162, 48336, -107734, -1577, 15000, 0),
('Carons Dungeon', 50163, 69762, -111260, -1807, 15000, 0),
('Race Track', 50164, 152610, -126325, -2230, 15000, 0),
('Windtail Waterfall', 50165, 40825, -90317, -3095, 15000, 0),
('Archaic Laboratory', 50166, 87475, -109835, -3330, 15000, 0),
('Fortress Of The Dead', 50167, 58000, -30767, 380, 15000, 0),
('Rainbow Springs Chateau', 50168, 141377, -123793, -1906, 15000, 0),
('Sky Wagon Relic', 50169, 117715, -141750, -2700, 15000, 0),
('Brigand Stronghold', 50170, 124585, -16024, -1180, 15000, 0),
('Lost Nest', 50171, 26174, -17134, -2747, 15000, 0),
('Primeval Plains', 50172, 8264, -14431, -3696, 15000, 0),
('Primeval Isle Wharf', 50173, 10468, -24569, -3650, 15000, 0),
('Research Facility', 50174, 6229, -2924, -2965, 15000, 0),
('Kamael Village', 50175, -117251, 46771, 360, 0, 0),
('Valakas', 50176, 213896, -115436, -1644, 15000, 0),
('Antharas', 50177, 174838, 114912, -7704, 15000, 0),
('Baium', 50178, 113142, 14560, 10080, 15000, 0),
('Zaken', 50179, 55626, 219438, -3224, 15000, 0),
('Ant Queen', 50180, -21610, 181594, -5734, 15000, 0),
('Giran Harbor*', 50181, 49263, 184187, -3480, 15000, 0),
('Ls Zone', 50182, 169265, -91019, -2920, 15000, 0);


kai telos me tn Gatekeeper


5)Pws ftiaxnoume ena PK-Guard

to n ftia3oume ena PK-Guard einai to pio eukolo pragma to mono pou kanoume einai n pame se ena kanoniko guard n tou ala3oume wep name title

kai ta pios basika hp,patk,pdef,mdef,atkspd,attackrange,aggro kai runspd kai t bazoume ola full

kai tr apla kante spawn tn guard opou 8elete :)


6)Pws ftiaxnoume enan Skill Enchanter

Prwta ftiaxnoume ena NPC me 'type' = L2Merchant

kai tr ftiaxnoume ena .sql arxeio p 8 ein kapws etc

INSERT INTO `skill_learn` (`npc_id`, `class_id`) VALUES 

('npc_id', 'class_id')--->sto npc id bazoume to ID tou NPC
kai sto class id to class id apo ka8e character vsk einai apo to 1 mexri 136 :D

kanoume mia line gia ka8e ena class pou 8eloume


molis teleiosoume me to .sql arxeio kanoume execute to file mesa sthn db

kai an dn mas bgalei kanena error eimaste ok


Credits : Se Emena :)


sry pou ebala kai apo katw kai ekana kai double post alla dn xwrousan epano :(

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episis ksexases na peis kai gia ta types sta sql p.x ena shop prepei na exei type merchant klp klp klp


to exw balei oriste :


8)type = auto einai to pio sumantiko gt apo edw diabazei ta .htm arxeia

i)L2Npc =  an baloume L2Npc 8a diavazei ta .htm arxeia edw--->gameserver/data/html/default

ii)L2Merchant = an baloume L2Merchant 8a diavazei ta .htm arxei edw--->gameserver/data/html/merchant

iii)L2Teleport = an baloume L2Teleport 8a diavazei ta .htm arxeia edw--->gameserver/data/html/teleport

iiii)L2Guard = an baloume L2Guard 8a diavazei ta .htm arxeia edw--->gameserver/data/html/guard

iiiii)L2Buffer = an baloume L2Buffer 8a diavazei ta .htm arxeia edw--->gameserver/data/html/mods/buffer

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