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my "cave" looks nice now, I invested many money in it, I relax in it all day with my bitches


And now you are banned so you have MANY MONEY to spend on your biches as u said , hahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha




I know of 3 people who did the middle-man service and got scammed already. All middle-men were with 200+ posts and 20+ trades. I dont see how you are any different



ICQ: -

Date of scam: 25.08.2012

MSN: -

Skype: bojurin87

MXC Nickname:

Real name:

Scam method: fraud

Server: shilen

Topic link: he was buying

Who did the scammer scam: me

Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.) rl036w.png

Additional Info:

banned on other forums, begged for vouches, scammed again :D tried to photshop his faked "payment" to make me handover adena


bojurin87 - http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?reportsent;topic=249106.msg2298687#msg2298687 he already scammed someone but they did not report it here so I thought I should. Also Chomakova - http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=249103.0 is the same person as bojurin87, they use the same paypal. Also, citygamers is the same person or working with them. They are uping each other's posts and are recommending each other. Take care!



Date of scam:25.08.2012


Skype:bojurin87 , L2.Sales.webs.com , GamesGoldSeller

MXC Nickname:bojurin87,Chomakova

Real name: Paypal1 : bojurin@abv.bg  , name Borislav Bojurin . Paypal2 : chomakova@abv.bg , name Maria Bojurina

Scam method: Asking for money in his paypal and doesn't pay .


Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=249103.0    ,  http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=249106.0 

Who did the scammer scam: me , logopus

Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.) First he scammed logopus , member of this forum . When i ask him if he is the same guy from the treads he declined (you can see this in the picture i have )

Then i found his other tread where he used the nickname Chomakova and considering the paypal bojurin87 gave me , its the same person .

He tried to scam me , good that logopus reported him early so i didn't fail in his trap . Thanks and hope he will get banned (Bojurin87 and Chomakova)


Additional Info: I have another picture with his character named "Bastun" with over 5b linked to me , so i guess he was stealing pretty good before logopus and i catched him . (If need i will post it too)


he also pretended to be a site, so be careful if he tries again. check the contacts listed on the webpage or just deal with live chat. lets not feed that scammer anymore

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