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you are a liar raising their number of posts writing slander. Want to say that I have 10 and each akkuntov I write myself to raise my rating here? How do I know why I traded with him for a long time that day he wanted me to cheat? there is evidence that I am someone cheated?

mine is only evidence to the contrary so Prop.


I cannot even understand what you are trying to say. Why dont you explain to people how you had your first account here banned?


I cannot even understand what you are trying to say. Why dont you explain to people how you had your first account here banned?


i was banned for spam. if you have no evidence that I have deceived someone then do not say it. This is called slander. In addition there are several people who make deal with me and conform it. Who traded with you?


this guy wants to convince me im scammer :D

i dont know whats his problem i just wanted him to find another middleman

and i dont think thats so big problem... look if you dont trust me i can ask people who i sold accounts to write positive posts here for me


conform. AdenaonCore scam my friend today



i was scamed too buy AdenaOnCore


he wonna buy 3.2bil but 1st packeg was 500kk and he no pay


if need i can post screenshot from skype and from game


Save from this scamer




paypal on scamer are : ddem2001@mail.ru

Skype : AdenaOnCore and Josh Gefikent






i was scamed too buy AdenaOnCore


he wonna buy 3.2bil but 1st packeg was 500kk and he no pay


if need i can post screenshot from skype and from game


Save from this scamer




paypal on scamer are : ddem2001@mail.ru

Skype : AdenaOnCore and Josh Gefikent



I did not scam you and here is proof. First of all when we spoke you agreed that I will send you the money AGAIN tomorrow if you have NOT recieved them in paypal. Second, you gave me a SCAMMER PAYPAL - CHOMAKOVA@ABV.BG so as far as I know you are the same as bojurin87 and Chomakova - well known scammers.



[4:05:38 PM] AdenaOnCore: Hi adenatraders! I’d like to add you on Skype. AdenaOnCore

[4:05:53 PM] Hristo Petrov: Hristo Petrov has shared contact details with AdenaOnCore.

[4:06:00 PM] Hristo Petrov: hello

[4:06:05 PM] AdenaOnCore: hi

[4:06:12 PM] AdenaOnCore: how much for 1b on shilen server?

[4:06:18 PM] Hristo Petrov: 60$

[4:06:55 PM] AdenaOnCore: do you use paypal?

[4:07:03 PM] Hristo Petrov: y

[4:07:15 PM] AdenaOnCore: have stock atm?

[4:07:24 PM] Hristo Petrov: 4bil ATM

[4:07:51 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[4:07:59 PM] AdenaOnCore: i will msg you when server is up

[4:08:07 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok how many will need  ?

[4:08:24 PM] AdenaOnCore: atm 3.2b

[4:08:30 PM] AdenaOnCore: but i buy frequently

[4:08:39 PM] AdenaOnCore: have lots of customers

[4:08:46 PM] AdenaOnCore: so i might need more later

[4:08:50 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok good

[4:09:00 PM] Hristo Petrov: pm when server is up

[4:09:04 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[5:01:51 PM] Hristo Petrov: server UP

[5:04:13 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok gimme 10 min

[5:04:26 PM] Hristo Petrov: k

[5:16:18 PM] AdenaOnCore: here

[5:16:23 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok

[5:16:31 PM] AdenaOnCore: i have some time

[5:16:35 PM] AdenaOnCore: let me log in char

[5:16:40 PM] Hristo Petrov: k

[5:16:57 PM] Hristo Petrov: now will buy 3.200 right ?

[5:17:41 PM] AdenaOnCore: yes for 60$ 1b

[5:17:47 PM] AdenaOnCore: let me calculate that

[5:17:50 PM] Hristo Petrov: y

[5:17:56 PM] Hristo Petrov: 192

[5:18:00 PM] AdenaOnCore: yes

[5:18:25 PM] AdenaOnCore: do you want to do all amount first or part of it?

[5:18:35 PM] AdenaOnCore: you have 1 post i cant send money first

[5:18:44 PM] AdenaOnCore: i can give you 20+ vauches for me

[5:18:54 PM] AdenaOnCore: i have been trading for 2 years

[5:20:23 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok give me 2min

[5:20:25 PM] AdenaOnCore: char name TerryLT

[5:24:30 PM] AdenaOnCore: so?

[5:24:43 PM] Hristo Petrov: lets make 500 buy 500

[5:24:51 PM] Hristo Petrov: im scarry to send 3.2 at 1 time

[5:25:00 PM] AdenaOnCore: yeah i get that

[5:25:08 PM] AdenaOnCore: we can do 6 times 500m

[5:25:11 PM] AdenaOnCore: and then 200m

[5:25:16 PM] Hristo Petrov: k

[5:25:25 PM] Hristo Petrov: 500 send 30$

[5:25:27 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok send and give me paypal

[5:25:56 PM] Hristo Petrov: i did

[5:26:12 PM] Hristo Petrov: sharp_eye@abv.bg

[5:26:18 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[5:26:20 PM] AdenaOnCore: sec to check

[5:27:26 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok got it

[5:27:27 PM] AdenaOnCore: sending now

[5:27:33 PM] Hristo Petrov: k

[5:28:46 PM] AdenaOnCore: done

[5:30:33 PM] Hristo Petrov: i cant see it

[5:30:42 PM] Hristo Petrov: can have problem whith my PayPal ?

[5:30:54 PM] AdenaOnCore: dont know i sent

[5:30:56 PM] AdenaOnCore: sec

[5:31:17 PM] AdenaOnCore: here

[5:31:18 PM] AdenaOnCore: money sent to sharp_eye@abv.bg , -30.00$ , Fee -0.00 , Total -30.00$

[5:31:34 PM] AdenaOnCore: all fine with my paypal

[5:32:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: saw it>

[5:33:26 PM] Hristo Petrov: no :(

[5:33:38 PM] Hristo Petrov: i tell one friend tell me 1$ to see and get it at 1min

[5:33:42 PM] Hristo Petrov: all its ok

[5:33:44 PM] Hristo Petrov: but no see it

[5:33:47 PM] Hristo Petrov: why :(

[5:34:11 PM] AdenaOnCore: hm

[5:34:16 PM] AdenaOnCore: usually it takes 1 min

[5:34:19 PM] AdenaOnCore: to see transaction

[5:34:22 PM] AdenaOnCore: relog paypal?

[5:34:30 PM] Hristo Petrov: sec to try

[5:34:41 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[5:34:54 PM] Hristo Petrov: i no have e-mail for paypal transaction too

[5:35:24 PM] AdenaOnCore: maybe it is not going through

[5:35:25 PM] AdenaOnCore: let me see

[5:35:27 PM | Edited 5:35:29 PM] AdenaOnCore: if i can cancel

[5:35:32 PM] AdenaOnCore: and make new one

[5:35:35 PM] Hristo Petrov: k

[5:37:30 PM] AdenaOnCore: nope

[5:37:35 PM] AdenaOnCore: cant cancel a gift

[5:37:41 PM] Hristo Petrov: tell me your paypal

[5:37:54 PM] Hristo Petrov: i will send 1$ to try

[5:38:23 PM] AdenaOnCore: think it will work

[5:38:24 PM] AdenaOnCore: ?

[5:38:29 PM] Hristo Petrov: will try

[5:39:34 PM] AdenaOnCore: ddem2001@mail.ru

[5:39:41 PM] AdenaOnCore: i will give it back when i see it

[5:40:23 PM] Hristo Petrov: done

[5:41:09 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok checking

[5:41:34 PM] Hristo Petrov: Transaction ID: 9CL31657VS2913315


Dear Hristo Petrov,


You've sent a payment for $1.00 USD to ddem2001@mail.ru.

Please note that it may take a little while for this payment to appear in the Recent Activity list on your Account Overview.

[5:42:29 PM] AdenaOnCore: nothing here wow

[5:42:40 PM] Hristo Petrov: lol what happen

[5:42:47 PM] AdenaOnCore: maybe its me?

[5:42:49 PM] AdenaOnCore: i relog

[5:42:50 PM] AdenaOnCore: sec

[5:43:16 PM] Hristo Petrov: Payment For








Details Payment For ddem2001@mail.ru 9CL31657VS2913315




-$1.00 USD

[5:43:21 PM] Hristo Petrov: [5:43 PM] Hristo Petrov:


<<< Unclaimed

[5:43:45 PM] AdenaOnCore: yeah i dont see them

[5:43:50 PM] AdenaOnCore: i cant claim

[5:44:06 PM] Hristo Petrov: i send gift too

[5:44:15 PM] Hristo Petrov: but couse its unclaimet i can CANCET

[5:44:21 PM] Hristo Petrov: see you can cancel may be too

[5:44:31 PM] Hristo Petrov: and will try another paypal on my friend np

[5:45:25 PM] AdenaOnCore: i not see the transaction at all

[5:45:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: what is friend's paypal?

[5:46:02 PM] Hristo Petrov: sec will call him to ask

[5:46:31 PM] AdenaOnCore: k

[5:47:21 PM] AdenaOnCore: what he say?

[5:47:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: if you want u can send rest i will pay for all 3.2b on his paypal

[5:47:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: cuz if u dont see money

[5:47:43 PM] AdenaOnCore: then

[5:47:46 PM] AdenaOnCore: i should get it

[5:47:49 PM] AdenaOnCore: in my account

[5:47:49 PM] AdenaOnCore: back

[5:47:53 PM] Hristo Petrov: no call up may be 3-4min

[5:47:54 PM] Hristo Petrov: pls

[5:48:09 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[5:48:18 PM] AdenaOnCore: maybe can do other than paypal?

[5:48:27 PM] AdenaOnCore: WU or bank transfer?

[5:48:44 PM] Hristo Petrov: no have

[5:49:05 PM] Hristo Petrov: i know on my neigberhoods but he have post he is scamer in forum :(

[5:49:19 PM] Hristo Petrov: if no problem for u can try there

[5:49:24 PM] Hristo Petrov: i will get from him

[5:49:32 PM] Hristo Petrov: when i send adena 1st no problem for u i think

[5:49:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: yes

[5:49:46 PM] AdenaOnCore: there is no risk for me

[5:49:51 PM] AdenaOnCore: if you send first

[5:49:54 PM] AdenaOnCore: i can pay

[5:50:06 PM] Hristo Petrov: send 1$ on chomakova@abv.bg

[5:50:11 PM] Hristo Petrov: to see what will happen there

[5:50:29 PM] Hristo Petrov: i will get pass from he now to can login

[5:50:40 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[5:52:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: done

[5:52:46 PM] AdenaOnCore: tell me when you see it

[5:52:49 PM] Hristo Petrov: k

[5:53:47 PM] Hristo Petrov: what happen today whith this faking paypal

[5:53:56 PM] AdenaOnCore: maybe it is my account

[5:54:11 PM] Hristo Petrov: send 1$ pls but no gift normal trader's

[5:54:13 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok ?

[5:54:25 PM] AdenaOnCore: i sended 1$ as gift

[5:54:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: there?

[5:54:46 PM] Hristo Petrov: send 1$ normal whith tax i think gift's have problem ....

[5:54:56 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[5:55:53 PM] AdenaOnCore: done

[5:55:55 PM | Edited 5:55:59 PM] AdenaOnCore: check it now

[5:56:06 PM] Hristo Petrov: chomakova ?

[5:56:23 PM] AdenaOnCore: chomakova@abv.bg

[5:56:26 PM] Hristo Petrov: k

[5:57:13 PM] Hristo Petrov: you have moneybooker's ?

[5:57:27 PM] AdenaOnCore: no, webmoney, bank transfer and western union

[5:57:39 PM] AdenaOnCore: see money

[5:57:40 PM] AdenaOnCore: ?

[5:57:46 PM] Hristo Petrov: no ...

[5:57:55 PM] AdenaOnCore: then it is my account

[5:57:57 PM] AdenaOnCore: that is the problem

[5:57:59 PM] AdenaOnCore: hm

[5:58:20 PM] AdenaOnCore: i smoke a cig cuz i got mad

[5:58:34 PM] AdenaOnCore: cannot do western union or bank transfer?

[5:58:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: webmoney is easy too

[5:58:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: but u need account

[5:58:53 PM] Hristo Petrov: fast to make it ?

[5:59:01 PM] AdenaOnCore: i make it online

[5:59:07 PM] AdenaOnCore: and money is there

[5:59:11 PM] Hristo Petrov: Canceled Payment From








Details Canceled Payment From ddem2001@mail.ru 5TX98920GT119272E




$1.00 USD

[5:59:15 PM] AdenaOnCore: tomorrow i think

[5:59:21 PM] Hristo Petrov: on sharp_eye@abv.bg i see 1$

[5:59:25 PM] Hristo Petrov: 30 no but 1 i see it

[5:59:39 PM] Hristo Petrov: ohhh no :(

[5:59:44 PM] Hristo Petrov: this is 1$ who i cancel

[5:59:46 PM] AdenaOnCore: u see ur canceled payment

[5:59:47 PM] AdenaOnCore: yes

[6:00:23 PM] AdenaOnCore: with western union you get money tomorrow and i can cover fees

[6:00:29 PM] AdenaOnCore: i have online account and low fees

[6:00:54 PM] Hristo Petrov: but must trust can't see money now ?

[6:04:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: what do u mean

[6:04:51 PM] AdenaOnCore: can or cant see money now

[6:05:21 PM] Hristo Petrov: no see

[6:06:01 PM] AdenaOnCore: dont know why not happened to me before you can ask people always goes smoothe

[6:06:06 PM] Hristo Petrov: may be can make fast moneybooker's whith credit card no need w8 create and send in the moment

[6:06:26 PM] AdenaOnCore: can you?

[6:06:32 PM] AdenaOnCore: paypal takes 2-3 days to verify card

[6:06:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: i think

[6:06:39 PM] Hristo Petrov: see MB no need

[6:06:55 PM] AdenaOnCore: let me see it

[6:11:11 PM] Hristo Petrov: here ?

[6:11:58 PM] AdenaOnCore: yes

[6:12:02 PM] AdenaOnCore: making account

[6:12:15 PM] Hristo Petrov: send me back adena and will pm you after support tell me what happen

[6:12:38 PM] AdenaOnCore: so i stop moneybookers?

[6:12:52 PM] Hristo Petrov: oo no if can make them will be great

[6:13:09 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sec i done

[6:13:14 PM] AdenaOnCore: now have to add card

[6:13:28 PM] AdenaOnCore: will send for the 500m as well

[6:13:45 PM] Hristo Petrov: y

[6:15:23 PM] AdenaOnCore: haha they want photo id to confirm account of people from russian federation

[6:15:27 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[6:15:33 PM] AdenaOnCore: tell me name and adres

[6:15:35 PM] AdenaOnCore: i will send you

[6:15:38 PM] AdenaOnCore: with wu

[6:15:47 PM] AdenaOnCore: u will see money tomorrow in the bank

[6:16:39 PM] Hristo Petrov: lets w8 1-2h for my paypal MB will confirm

[6:16:44 PM] Hristo Petrov: wonna w8 1h to see what happen

[6:16:59 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[6:17:06 PM] AdenaOnCore: but paypal usually take 1 week to answer

[6:17:09 PM] AdenaOnCore: tech support

[6:17:28 PM] Hristo Petrov: y i write them

[6:18:00 PM] AdenaOnCore: and then who knows how much time would take

[6:18:02 PM] AdenaOnCore: and problem

[6:18:04 PM] AdenaOnCore: is in my account

[6:18:22 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok resend back 500kk and will w8 1h pls will think ....

[6:18:23 PM] AdenaOnCore: tell me address i send

[6:18:33 PM] AdenaOnCore: 192$

[6:18:36 PM] AdenaOnCore: for all

[6:19:17 PM] Hristo Petrov: how i will bw sure you sendet in WU ?

[6:19:26 PM] AdenaOnCore: i give you transaction code

[6:19:40 PM] AdenaOnCore: i resell 5b adena a day

[6:19:45 PM] AdenaOnCore: my name is important for me

[6:19:53 PM] AdenaOnCore: i have 20+ vauches right now

[6:20:01 PM] AdenaOnCore: why risk it over 3b

[6:20:09 PM] AdenaOnCore: i make more in 2 days

[6:20:31 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok pls resend 500kk and give me 1h only

[6:20:39 PM] Hristo Petrov: after that will amke it

[6:20:47 PM] AdenaOnCore: it has been 1h already

[6:20:52 PM] AdenaOnCore: i dont have all day

[6:21:02 PM] AdenaOnCore: wanna do WU or not?

[6:21:11 PM] Hristo Petrov: no man i will confirm my PP

[6:21:35 PM] AdenaOnCore: i dont see what problem is

[6:21:38 PM] AdenaOnCore: i send money with wu

[6:21:39 PM] AdenaOnCore: u check

[6:21:40 PM] AdenaOnCore: code

[6:21:43 PM] AdenaOnCore: see that it is all ok

[6:21:46 PM] AdenaOnCore: and then give adena

[6:23:31 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok man give me back and sorry for loose time will FIX PP and will pm u

[6:24:07 PM] AdenaOnCore: adena is already resold

[6:24:13 PM] AdenaOnCore: i dont take long like this deal

[6:24:33 PM] Hristo Petrov: and now i lopose 500kk ...

[6:24:36 PM] Hristo Petrov: loose*

[6:24:39 PM] AdenaOnCore: i told u

[6:24:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: i send u all with wu

[6:24:44 PM] AdenaOnCore: if u want

[6:24:49 PM] AdenaOnCore: or wait for paypal to see money

[6:24:55 PM] Hristo Petrov: no man i like online banking only

[6:25:00 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[6:25:07 PM] AdenaOnCore: i send with bank transfer

[6:26:47 PM] AdenaOnCore: dont worry then i buy from another seller

[6:26:54 PM] AdenaOnCore: let me know if u not see money with paypal tomorrow

[6:26:58 PM] AdenaOnCore: i will send with WU

[6:27:00 PM] AdenaOnCore: for the 500m

[6:27:03 PM] Hristo Petrov: ok

[6:27:04 PM] AdenaOnCore: and i buy the rest

[6:27:06 PM] AdenaOnCore: from someone else










conform adena of core scam my friend today



Here is the chat conversation with your friend. You can see he said he got the money and everything was OK.



[8/28/2012 6:39:22 PM] RD: ok

[8/28/2012 6:39:35 PM] RD: go do trade with 10 parts

[8/28/2012 6:39:44 PM] RD: 150kk each

[8/28/2012 6:40:02 PM] RD: and you pay % of trancsation

[8/28/2012 6:40:13 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[8/28/2012 6:41:35 PM] RD: sent

[8/28/2012 6:41:45 PM] RD: after each sent money copy log here

[8/28/2012 6:42:03 PM] AdenaOnCore: copy log where?

[8/28/2012 6:42:11 PM] RD: in skype

[8/28/2012 6:42:16 PM] AdenaOnCore: from where

[8/28/2012 6:42:20 PM] RD: from paypal

[8/28/2012 6:42:27 PM] RD: log about sending money

[8/28/2012 6:42:31 PM] AdenaOnCore: aa ok

[8/28/2012 6:43:18 PM] AdenaOnCore: i send now wait

[8/28/2012 6:46:02 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok check pls

[8/28/2012 6:46:09 PM] AdenaOnCore: 9 usd

[8/28/2012 6:46:16 PM] RD: copy log here

[8/28/2012 6:47:41 PM] RD: ?

[8/28/2012 6:47:52 PM] AdenaOnCore: i dont understand what to copy here

[8/28/2012 6:48:33 PM] RD: when waiting same

[8/28/2012 6:48:43 PM] RD: becouse i'm dont login paypal now

[8/28/2012 6:49:01 PM] AdenaOnCore: Payment To




Details Payment To ddem2002@rambler.ru    -$9.00 $0.00 -$9.00 USD

[8/28/2012 6:49:18 PM] RD: ok, w8 same

[8/28/2012 6:49:23 PM] RD: then other

[8/28/2012 6:49:27 PM] RD: i'm need login my paypal

[8/28/2012 6:49:30 PM] RD: 30min

[8/28/2012 6:49:58 PM] AdenaOnCore: lol log now pls

[8/28/2012 6:50:00 PM] AdenaOnCore: check it

[8/28/2012 6:50:18 PM] RD: i'm at work now

[8/28/2012 6:50:22 PM] RD: w8 same pleaes

[8/28/2012 6:50:24 PM] RD: please

[8/28/2012 6:50:59 PM] AdenaOnCore: how much

[8/28/2012 6:51:12 PM] RD: 30 min

[8/28/2012 6:51:29 PM] AdenaOnCore: no man trade now please

[8/28/2012 6:51:34 PM] AdenaOnCore: sites can sell me faster than you

[8/28/2012 6:51:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: i dont have all day

[8/28/2012 6:51:39 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 6:54:45 PM] RD: ok

[8/28/2012 6:54:46 PM] RD: i'm login

[8/28/2012 6:54:52 PM] RD: sec check

[8/28/2012 6:55:17 PM] RD: ok, have it

[8/28/2012 6:55:22 PM] RD: go other

[8/28/2012 6:55:44 PM] RD: sended

[8/28/2012 6:56:48 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok i send now

[8/28/2012 6:57:38 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sent check pls

[8/28/2012 6:57:46 PM] RD: sec check

[8/28/2012 6:58:52 PM] RD: have it

[8/28/2012 6:59:16 PM] RD: sended

[8/28/2012 7:00:03 PM] AdenaOnCore: sending

[8/28/2012 7:00:07 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 7:00:34 PM] RD: send now?

[8/28/2012 7:00:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: wait

[8/28/2012 7:00:48 PM] RD: dont see last

[8/28/2012 7:01:15 PM] AdenaOnCore: send chceck

[8/28/2012 7:01:20 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 7:02:00 PM] RD: sended

[8/28/2012 7:03:03 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sending

[8/28/2012 7:04:25 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sent

[8/28/2012 7:04:32 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 7:06:49 PM] RD: sent

[8/28/2012 7:06:53 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok paying now

[8/28/2012 7:07:02 PM] AdenaOnCore: next trade send 300 i pay , too slow 150

[8/28/2012 7:07:04 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[8/28/2012 7:07:06 PM] AdenaOnCore: sec i send now

[8/28/2012 7:07:52 PM] AdenaOnCore: sent check

[8/28/2012 7:08:34 PM] RD: ok now 300

[8/28/2012 7:08:40 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[8/28/2012 7:09:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok i pay now wait

[8/28/2012 7:10:36 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok check

[8/28/2012 7:10:41 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 7:12:43 PM] RD: sended last

[8/28/2012 7:13:30 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok payin now wait

[8/28/2012 7:15:16 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sent

[8/28/2012 7:15:37 PM] RD: check

[8/28/2012 7:18:40 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok all good ?

[8/28/2012 7:18:48 PM] RD: yes

[8/28/2012 7:18:54 PM] RD: write me when you will need esle


Now I am sure that that citygamer, Ludogoretz, bojurin87, chomakova, ojsimpson87, and petarbozhurin are the same person/working together.


If you hate me why make business with me?!




This guy just scammed me with 200kk with scype AdenaOnCore.First he wanted to buy 3bil but tell me he dont trust me because there is scammer talk in my thread which is done btw from Nippers the guy who told in this thread that AdenaOnCore is good seller.So we decide to make it in parts and after 1st one he go away.So in my opinion they are group of scammers or 1 guy with more accounts who 1st talk that you are scammer after that they scammed you because the told they cant trust you and want adena first for now i am sure they are AdenaOnCore and Nippers but be carefull may be there is others too.


thats our conversation in Skype:

[15:33:41] AdenaOnCore: hi

[15:37:53] AdenaOnCore: Hi petar.bozhurin! I’d like to add you on Skype. AdenaOnCore

[15:37:53] Petar Bozhurin: Petar Bozhurin размени пълномощно с AdenaOnCore.

[15:38:12] AdenaOnCore: you sell adena on shilen yes

[15:38:13] AdenaOnCore: ?

[15:38:19] Petar Bozhurin: yes

[15:38:37] AdenaOnCore: price for 1.7b?

[15:39:00] Petar Bozhurin: 102$

[15:39:30] AdenaOnCore: and for 2b?

[15:39:38] Petar Bozhurin: 120$

[15:39:58] AdenaOnCore: hm

[15:40:08] AdenaOnCore: paypal?

[15:40:19] Petar Bozhurin: yes

[15:40:23] AdenaOnCore: verified?

[15:40:28] Petar Bozhurin: sure

[15:40:37] AdenaOnCore: ok i get 2b then

[15:40:41] AdenaOnCore: can trade now?

[15:40:47] Petar Bozhurin: yes of course

[15:40:57] AdenaOnCore: ok let me log in

[15:41:06] Petar Bozhurin: but w8

[15:41:12] Petar Bozhurin: now there is no server

[15:41:15] AdenaOnCore: ?

[15:41:17] AdenaOnCore: ahhh

[15:41:19] Petar Bozhurin: i cant send you adena

[15:41:19] AdenaOnCore: didnt know

[15:41:23] AdenaOnCore: just woke up

[15:41:27] AdenaOnCore: ok

[15:41:30] AdenaOnCore: are you here later?

[15:41:37] Petar Bozhurin: we need to waitservers to restart

[15:41:44] Petar Bozhurin: in 4 hours

[15:41:47] AdenaOnCore: ok i am here all day

[15:41:53] AdenaOnCore: when server is up

[15:41:56] AdenaOnCore: i msg you

[15:41:58] Petar Bozhurin: ok i wil bw here if u are interested

[15:42:13] AdenaOnCore: and you have stock, yes/

[15:42:13] AdenaOnCore: ?

[15:42:35] Petar Bozhurin: yes around 3.5bil

[15:42:41] AdenaOnCore: what is your paypal?

[15:42:56] Petar Bozhurin: p_bozhurin@abv.bg

[15:43:15 | (15:43:19 — редактирано)] AdenaOnCore: ok

[15:43:24] AdenaOnCore: i msg you later when server is up

[15:43:27] Petar Bozhurin: ok

[15:43:32] Petar Bozhurin: cya

[18:21:30] AdenaOnCore: here?

[19:27:34] AdenaOnCore: ?

[19:27:48] Petar Bozhurin: hello

[19:28:14] AdenaOnCore: can we deal now?

[19:28:21] AdenaOnCore: and can i change a-beep-t?

[19:28:32] AdenaOnCore: i was supposed to buy more adena from a different

[19:28:33] AdenaOnCore: guy

[19:28:39] AdenaOnCore: but he had problems with paypal

[19:29:10] Petar Bozhurin: i have 1 client too now and not sure is he is sirious

[19:29:18] Petar Bozhurin: let me check in for 5min ok?

[19:29:23] AdenaOnCore: ok

[19:29:26] AdenaOnCore: msg me when rdy

[19:29:36] Petar Bozhurin: i will be able to sell between 2 and 3.5bil

[19:30:00] AdenaOnCore: ok i need all

[19:30:04] AdenaOnCore: 2b or 3.5b

[19:30:08] AdenaOnCore: whichever u can do

[19:30:10] Petar Bozhurin: ok

[19:30:19] Petar Bozhurin: i will pm u in a mins

[19:30:22] AdenaOnCore: kk

[20:01:38] Petar Bozhurin: hi there?

[20:01:59] AdenaOnCore: yeah

[20:02:16] Petar Bozhurin: the other guy just scammed me

[20:02:24] Petar Bozhurin: so i have 3bil now

[20:02:42] AdenaOnCore: wow

[20:02:47] AdenaOnCore: who was it?

[20:02:51] AdenaOnCore: someone from maxcheaters?

[20:02:57] Petar Bozhurin: i dont know

[20:03:28] AdenaOnCore: maybe it is this guy citygamer

[20:03:30] Petar Bozhurin: skype name Josh Gefikent

[20:03:50] Petar Bozhurin: char in game stormeris

[20:03:59] AdenaOnCore: dont know him

[20:04:02] AdenaOnCore: but maybe this is just

[20:04:07] AdenaOnCore: scam skype

[20:04:11] AdenaOnCore: with scam char

[20:04:39] AdenaOnCore: so can we trade the 3b now?

[20:04:50] Petar Bozhurin: yes but i am really scared

[20:05:11] Petar Bozhurin: how do you want to do it?

[20:05:27] AdenaOnCore: we can do it in parts if you want to

[20:05:36] AdenaOnCore: but i wont send money first

[20:05:36] AdenaOnCore: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=249595.0

[20:05:43] AdenaOnCore: and i have done trades with NipperS

[20:05:48] AdenaOnCore: he is trustful

[20:05:54] AdenaOnCore: so i am scared too you know

[20:06:09] Petar Bozhurin: yes this is stupid posts

[20:06:18] Petar Bozhurin: i really dont know why they do it

[20:06:35] AdenaOnCore: well if all goes smoothe now i will give you ++

[20:06:40] AdenaOnCore: and talk to nippers

[20:06:44] AdenaOnCore: to delete posts

[20:06:49] Petar Bozhurin: from all i understand there is a guy with name close to mine who is scammer right?

[20:06:53] AdenaOnCore: he buys from me regularly

[20:07:09] AdenaOnCore: i didnt read it all

[20:07:11] AdenaOnCore: just skimmed

[20:07:33] Petar Bozhurin: ok do you want to make it in parts of 100 or max 200kk

[20:07:38] Petar Bozhurin: pls

[20:07:46] Petar Bozhurin: i will send adena 1st

[20:08:24] AdenaOnCore: with 200m it will be 15 trades

[20:08:25] AdenaOnCore: wanna do

[20:08:29] AdenaOnCore: first 1b

[20:08:30] AdenaOnCore: by 200m

[20:08:43] AdenaOnCore: next 1b by 400m

[20:08:52] AdenaOnCore: and next 1b by 600m?

[20:09:00] AdenaOnCore: so 5 times 200m

[20:09:03] AdenaOnCore: 2 times 400m

[20:09:07] AdenaOnCore: and 2 times 600m

[20:09:18] AdenaOnCore: after 5 trades you see i am serious

[20:09:31] Petar Bozhurin: ok i hope

[20:09:38] Petar Bozhurin: i really pissed of scammers

[20:10:03] AdenaOnCore: i know it was hard from me from beging too

[20:10:08] AdenaOnCore: and maxcheaters is full with scammers

[20:10:34] AdenaOnCore: i am logging tell me paypal

[20:11:23] Petar Bozhurin: p_bozhurin@abv.bg

[20:11:29] Petar Bozhurin: tell me char name

[20:11:34] Petar Bozhurin: and gimme 1min

[20:12:27] AdenaOnCore: TerryLT

[20:13:50] Petar Bozhurin: ok 1min pls

[20:14:20] AdenaOnCore: k

[20:16:30] Petar Bozhurin: 200k sent

[20:16:35] Petar Bozhurin: 200kk

[20:16:38] AdenaOnCore: ok checking

[20:16:57] AdenaOnCore: got it

[20:17:08] AdenaOnCore: sending cash

[20:17:11] AdenaOnCore: 12$ right?

[20:17:15] Petar Bozhurin: yes

[20:17:15] AdenaOnCore: ok

[20:22:35] Petar Bozhurin: nice you just scammed me

[20:30:09] Petar Bozhurin: i will post this on forum i hope it will help other guys not to trust you



Tell me about this AdenaOnShilen and after that tell me how you decide that i am citygamer, Ludogoretz, bojurin87, chomakova, ojsimpson87?Here i proove that you are scammer i can post sreens from skype if admin want.And you just talk me that i am citygamer, Ludogoretz, bojurin87, chomakova, ojsimpson87 but cant proove it. They may be are scammers but i dont know them and dont know why decide that i am same with them.



Here is the chat conversation with your friend. You can see he said he got the money and everything was OK.



[8/28/2012 6:39:22 PM] RD: ok

[8/28/2012 6:39:35 PM] RD: go do trade with 10 parts

[8/28/2012 6:39:44 PM] RD: 150kk each

[8/28/2012 6:40:02 PM] RD: and you pay % of trancsation

[8/28/2012 6:40:13 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[8/28/2012 6:41:35 PM] RD: sent

[8/28/2012 6:41:45 PM] RD: after each sent money copy log here

[8/28/2012 6:42:03 PM] AdenaOnCore: copy log where?

[8/28/2012 6:42:11 PM] RD: in skype

[8/28/2012 6:42:16 PM] AdenaOnCore: from where

[8/28/2012 6:42:20 PM] RD: from paypal

[8/28/2012 6:42:27 PM] RD: log about sending money

[8/28/2012 6:42:31 PM] AdenaOnCore: aa ok

[8/28/2012 6:43:18 PM] AdenaOnCore: i send now wait

[8/28/2012 6:46:02 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok check pls

[8/28/2012 6:46:09 PM] AdenaOnCore: 9 usd

[8/28/2012 6:46:16 PM] RD: copy log here

[8/28/2012 6:47:41 PM] RD: ?

[8/28/2012 6:47:52 PM] AdenaOnCore: i dont understand what to copy here

[8/28/2012 6:48:33 PM] RD: when waiting same

[8/28/2012 6:48:43 PM] RD: becouse i'm dont login paypal now

[8/28/2012 6:49:01 PM] AdenaOnCore: Payment To




Details Payment To ddem2002@rambler.ru    -$9.00 $0.00 -$9.00 USD

[8/28/2012 6:49:18 PM] RD: ok, w8 same

[8/28/2012 6:49:23 PM] RD: then other

[8/28/2012 6:49:27 PM] RD: i'm need login my paypal

[8/28/2012 6:49:30 PM] RD: 30min

[8/28/2012 6:49:58 PM] AdenaOnCore: lol log now pls

[8/28/2012 6:50:00 PM] AdenaOnCore: check it

[8/28/2012 6:50:18 PM] RD: i'm at work now

[8/28/2012 6:50:22 PM] RD: w8 same pleaes

[8/28/2012 6:50:24 PM] RD: please

[8/28/2012 6:50:59 PM] AdenaOnCore: how much

[8/28/2012 6:51:12 PM] RD: 30 min

[8/28/2012 6:51:29 PM] AdenaOnCore: no man trade now please

[8/28/2012 6:51:34 PM] AdenaOnCore: sites can sell me faster than you

[8/28/2012 6:51:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: i dont have all day

[8/28/2012 6:51:39 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 6:54:45 PM] RD: ok

[8/28/2012 6:54:46 PM] RD: i'm login

[8/28/2012 6:54:52 PM] RD: sec check

[8/28/2012 6:55:17 PM] RD: ok, have it

[8/28/2012 6:55:22 PM] RD: go other

[8/28/2012 6:55:44 PM] RD: sended

[8/28/2012 6:56:48 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok i send now

[8/28/2012 6:57:38 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sent check pls

[8/28/2012 6:57:46 PM] RD: sec check

[8/28/2012 6:58:52 PM] RD: have it

[8/28/2012 6:59:16 PM] RD: sended

[8/28/2012 7:00:03 PM] AdenaOnCore: sending

[8/28/2012 7:00:07 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 7:00:34 PM] RD: send now?

[8/28/2012 7:00:42 PM] AdenaOnCore: wait

[8/28/2012 7:00:48 PM] RD: dont see last

[8/28/2012 7:01:15 PM] AdenaOnCore: send chceck

[8/28/2012 7:01:20 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 7:02:00 PM] RD: sended

[8/28/2012 7:03:03 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sending

[8/28/2012 7:04:25 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sent

[8/28/2012 7:04:32 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 7:06:49 PM] RD: sent

[8/28/2012 7:06:53 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok paying now

[8/28/2012 7:07:02 PM] AdenaOnCore: next trade send 300 i pay , too slow 150

[8/28/2012 7:07:04 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[8/28/2012 7:07:06 PM] AdenaOnCore: sec i send now

[8/28/2012 7:07:52 PM] AdenaOnCore: sent check

[8/28/2012 7:08:34 PM] RD: ok now 300

[8/28/2012 7:08:40 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok

[8/28/2012 7:09:37 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok i pay now wait

[8/28/2012 7:10:36 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok check

[8/28/2012 7:10:41 PM] RD: sec

[8/28/2012 7:12:43 PM] RD: sended last

[8/28/2012 7:13:30 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok payin now wait

[8/28/2012 7:15:16 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok sent

[8/28/2012 7:15:37 PM] RD: check

[8/28/2012 7:18:40 PM] AdenaOnCore: ok all good ?

[8/28/2012 7:18:48 PM] RD: yes

[8/28/2012 7:18:54 PM] RD: write me when you will need esle


Its Logg my friends . he dont got $ on paypal .  AdenaOnCore Scammer . Moderators Plz block her Account. How many Conform u need?


AdenaOnCore  Boujurin ojsimpson all are the same person. all of them are Bulgarians and pretending they are from US  Germany and so on. just i never saw so funny scammers :))

I`m not the one who dont accept middleman and who pretend to get all first

and of course they calling[Lain Most trusted member at mxc SCAMMER :)) cause watn to give them all first

please someone to bann them from the site


AdenaOnCore  Boujurin ojsimpson all are the same person. all of them are Bulgarians and pretending they are from US  Germany and so on. just i never saw so funny scammers :))

I`m not the one who dont accept middleman and who pretend to get all first

and of course they calling[Lain Most trusted member at mxc SCAMMER :)) cause watn to give them all first

please someone to bann them from the site

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