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[Guide]Playing Call of Duty 2

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Hello guys , today i'll show you how to play cod2 .


This guide include

  • Pictures
  • Tips - Notes
  • Guide ofc
  • Q & A


Call of duty 2 is an old version (Now we have cod4,5,6) but it has big community from all over the world.



How i can find an online server?

I suggest you to read and follow this steps.

After you'll did everything open xfire.After you registered download xfire and install it . Now open it and verify your account info.

After you joined go to Servers and search one server

TIP*in the first lines you'll see your country servers but you can search for server from all over the world as i said before



whatever , i'll stop to give more infos about xfire since it's not our subject at the moment.


What version do you prefer (is most easier)

All versions are actually the same , 1.3 is better at the moment since all use it for easier rcon commands.


Now let's go and find a server !


How i can join to a server?

Open Call Of Duty press from the keyboard the button ` (it's before 1 ^^) and then write server IP.

How to find servers ip?

Click to a server and then in the right box you will see Server IP : server ip here

so then write /connect and server ip


after you pressed it you will wait a bit (if it counts more than 10 sec just close it , server might be down)


How many 'people' include there?

  • Americans
  • British
  • Germans
  • Russians

Omg there is a hack which you can see behind of walls - auto shot & etc?

You can try this but 50% of servers have protection . You can buy undetected hacks for cod2 but don't start with a hack because then without hack you will be a zero and you can't take even a kill.If you find one it would be awesome to share it with us.

To open hack menu press 0 !

Can you give me some tips about 1 vs 1 (face to face) ?

You should be fast , move ur pc-mouse around sit down , stand up , jump and hit sometimes bash!

Can you giveme the buttons of Cod2 (Chat & Etc)?

T is for public chat for server

Y is for your team chat (It won't work in deadmatches)

V is for Voices (I like sometimes when they add flames with Sound ;D)

Shift is for bash (You can use bash from near it throw ur weapon on the enemy - not too much range)

H/left click for aim-zoom (Do not walk around with H / Left click if u wanna stay alive ::))

Right Click for shoot (You can use it azoom and with zoom)

Esc for Change team - weapon - leave game - add server to your favourites .

I posted only the useful commands , they are more but kinda useless

What type of games cod2 have?

  • DM - Dead Match , kill everyone!
  • TDM - Team Dead Match , kill everyone whos not in your team
  • S&D - Search And Destroy , kill your enemies if you die u will wait until the next round
  • CTF - Catch/Capture The Flag ,
  • VIP - Find one of your enemies who is vip and kill him to win the round!

How many maps CoD2 has?

Call Of Duty has 28 MAPS!

Check them one by one - download them too

You may see more than 28 maps , everyone can create his own map and edit him (Need knowledge).

Which Weapons are better and why?

Machine guns for TDM - CTF - DM are awesome because you can kill everyone without refill ammos every minute.

Rifles are better for S&D - TDM - VIP - CTF because you can aim from away and kill the one whos take your flag with one shot

Sniper are better for LONG maps , i can't suggest you games because u can use them whenever u want if the map is huge.

Can you gimme some videos for take some tips and be like them?

Yes why not  :o

In the second video the owner of this video is abit fool but check how he throws the grenades

Which part of the body is better to shot

The 'perfect' part is at head , with headshot ur enemy die with the first and sometimes u get announced about your headshot . the next one is at the chest but it's hard to aim there since he moves and u hit at his legs.

I must see all call of duty 2 weapons where can i?

Check there

But don't forget you can't have all of them you can have at least 2 weapons at your hand and not all types of weapons .

For example , you can't have PPSh-41 if you're american , only russians can have this weapons  you can get it by pick up

Rcon ? Privileges ? admin? how...?

RCON is cod2 control panel , if you have control panel you can control the server.

How to open it?

Press SHIFT and ` (~) and then type /rcon login password  , if u have logged succesfully  press /rcon cmd

Some RCON Commands

cmdlist - Print all available RCON commands in console.

map_restart - Restart map currently in play.

map - Select next map (i.e.- map mp_carentan)

map_rotate - Move to next map in rotation


say - Use to create console messages

status - Returns status of server in console

clientKick - Kick client by client id

unbanUser - Unban specified user by username

tempBanClient - Temporarily ban by client ID

tempBanUser - Temporarily ban by username

kick - Kick player by username

banClient - Permanently ban by client id

banUser - Permanently ban by username


Do not give RCON stat to the others it's like you give them server -_- .


Here my guide ends .

Credits for the guide goes to me , i took some links by searching google and some videos from youtube.


I didn't post the part how to make your server because i don't know yet  ;) .





P.S if u need to download cod2 pm me to give u link via torrent or mu


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