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Well after a few months of work the time has finally come to let people know about our server. Many of you know Azure and their C5 servers which are unfortunately closed now. We are using their C5 files and client protection. We first had planned on Interlude but when the option came to open a C5 server with those files it was impossible to pass on. We are the only ones besides Azure to have the privilege of running these C5 files.


Open Beta date has been announced! It will begin on May 26th. Also Aderyn has joined us as Head Dev, a huge bonus for the staff and the community. For those that do not know him he is the owner of Azure Gaming and whose files we are using.


Server Information


Chronicle- C5 (Oath Of Blood)


5x xp


5x sp


5x Adena


5x Drop (chance)


3x Quest item (chance)


5x Spoil (amount)


1x Epics




The client protection is top notch and afaik has never been bypassed. There will be no bots. It also blocks dual-boxing even if you use sandbox or vm.


Server Hardware


The server is bought and paid for, there is no rentals here. I did this so I could afford to put the server on a real ddos protected network (not cheap). More about the ddos protection farther down.


Server Specs-


2x Dual Core AMD Opteron 2212s


2x SAS 15k RPM, 73GB HDDs


12 GB RAM, DDR2 667 MHZ


The server will hold 3k players with no lag.


Server Connection Server is located in Montreal, Canada


The server is connected to some real high quality backbones and the routing is excellent for players all over the world. This is not something every datacenter can do! Outgoing traffic traffic travels VIA Tata Communications (formerly Teleglobe), Videotron, Peer1, TorIX, Level 3, Deutsche Telecom, and Cogent.


**NOTE** Cogent is only used if there is a major failure on one of the other high quality carriers that is effecting service.


DDOS Protection


The main reason many of the bigger servers are closing or being forcibly closed is ddos attacks. Unfortunately it is a reality of the L2 Private server community. Not many servers are investing in ddos protection and most of those that do are being tricked. Many datacenters offer ddos protection but it is false advertising. A Firebox, Cisco router, or software ddos protection may work against small non-flood type attacks, but they all fail against large flood attacks. Those attacks are what is being used to shutdown so many large servers.


I contacted over 100 Datacenters all over the world over the course of 2 weeks not too mention did a huge amount of research. **FACT** If the protection offered is not network wide and based off Arbor Peak Flow/Analysis and Top Layer technology...it is BS! We are hosted on one of these networks..shielded and fed clean traffic by the best ddos protection/mitigation in the world. Expensive? Yes...but if your going to do something do it well, right?


The amount of support since we announced our decision to go with C5 has been huge. The community has grown almost 10x larger over the last week and continues to grow very quickly even though we only started to put some ads out today. It looks like it is going to be a huge opening.


Here is the site http://www.l2insomnia.com



Looks like this is the only "serious" L2 project out there right now with all the lame ass l2j servers out there. I wish you guys good luck, too bad its more than one month left to go.

Looks like this is the only "serious" L2 project out there right now with all the lame ass l2j servers out there. I wish you guys good luck, too bad its more than one month left to go.


Thanks man. Yeah its a long wait but I want to make sure it's good to go. Amazing how much time all the little details eat up hehe.


rate is very low to me, but good luck, i love C5!

x5 rate means better gameplay which means more fun.If it was like x10-15 server would die in summer :D

Nvm enjoy the game!


The best in this case, is that Insomnia will have most of Azure's players(since it's C5 ,and the only one)

Something that promises nice gameplay.


And this is not a kiddo-project , like the ones opening/closing in some months


The community is growing very well. It was a bit of a chance going with C5 and lowrate but seems it was a good choice. It really is looking like it will be a great opening.



Head Dev


Skrillex is one of the few surviving original Old-school devs. You very rarely see him say anything or see him on the forums. I suppose he is shy or buried in code. Either way we are lucky to have him with us! Hint** He responds well to insults and it's one of the best ways to get him talking.




no old school dev has ever head of skrillex..... lol nice try anyway



Head Dev


Skrillex is one of the few surviving original Old-school devs. You very rarely see him say anything or see him on the forums. I suppose he is shy or buried in code. Either way we are lucky to have him with us! Hint** He responds well to insults and it's one of the best ways to get him talking.




no old school dev has ever head of skrillex..... lol nice try anyway

Aderyn is supporting the server..too(not staff)

Or u dont know him?O_o  Check forus anyway



Head Dev


Skrillex is one of the few surviving original Old-school devs. You very rarely see him say anything or see him on the forums. I suppose he is shy or buried in code. Either way we are lucky to have him with us! Hint** He responds well to insults and it's one of the best ways to get him talking.




no old school dev has ever head of skrillex..... lol nice try anyway


Trust me you have, that's just an alias :P

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