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hellbound [L2J private] L2Apollon x50 fresh start at 15/10/2011


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buffer gives full buffs?i mean prophecies + resists+cov/magnus/ chant of protection+pet buffs?


Yes but we can make that as vote for what players want. We respect players opinions!

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Queen Shyeed , Water Spirit Lian , Gwindorr , Last Titan Utenus , Hekaton Prime , Giant Marpanak , Gorgolos all these bosses have been added and implemented on our server, enjoy!

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Mana potion's replenish value has been increased from 100 to 300.

Pet buffs removed from Npc Buffer and now a new Npc called 'Cerberus' can buff your pets in towns. Also, for balanced reasons, they get less buffs from now on.

Apollon mobs drop rate of Apollon coins is 100% now.

Npc Vitalizer's reuse time of vitality buff reduced to 6 hours from 15 hours.

Inventory slots raised to 150 for normal players and 200 for dwarves.

TvT event's and Event Manager's minimum participation level is from now on 76 lvl.

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