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[L2J] Hell Zone


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Gracia Epilogue - Hell Zone 20x server


Fresh started on 12.04.2011


WebSite: http://www.hellzone.ro


# Rates :


° XP 20x

° SP 20x

° Party XP x1.2

° Party SP x1.2

° Adena 20x

° Drop 15x

° Spoil 20x

° Raid Drop 4x

° Quest Drop Rate 4x

° Quest Reward XP 20x

° Quest Reward SP 20x

° (24) Buff slots. (Almost Retail Like)

° (12) Dance/Songs slots. (Retail Like)

° (+4) slots from Divine Inspirations (from events). (Retail Like)

° Enchant Rate 66% (Retail Like)

° Blessed Enchant Rate 66% (Retail Like)

° Safe Enchant +3 (Retail Like)

° Safe Enchant Full Body +4 (Retail Like)

° Max Enchant Weapon +16

° Max Enchant Armor +16

° Max Enchant Jewelery +16

° Element Enchant 50% (Retail Like)


# Supports :


NPC Buffer in any Town(whitout cubis and kamaels) Manual Buffs & Scheme Buffs. All buffs 2h.

Global Gate Keeper. All Town | Town Areas | Seven Sings | Interlude | Gracia | Arenas...

GM Shop in any Town support you max to A grade full items.

Blacksmith of Mammon & Merchant of Mammon are in Giran town.

All unseal and special ability for S | S80 | S84 work 100%.



# More informations :


° Fortress sieges - (Retail Like)

° Castle sieges - (Retail Like)

° Olympiad Games - (Retail Like)

° All Grand Bosses - (Retail Like)

° All Normal Bosses - (Retail Like)

° Hellbound Island with Levels/Quests/etc - works.

° Shift+Click on Mobs - will show drops & spoils of selected mob and his exactly % of drop/sweep.

° S grade items Full functional + Foundation {PvP} - (Retail Like)

° S80 grade items Full functional + Foundation {PvP} - (Retail Like)

° S84 grade items Full functional  - drop by raids, working on it


° Talismans 80% Fixed.

° Skill Enchantment - Fixed and working  - (Retail Like)

° Jewel Augmentation - All Rings,Earnings,Necklaces - (Retail Like)

° Offline Shops - Enabled (Sit on private store and exit game).

° Anti-Bots Protections.

° Conquerable Clan Halls - works. (Retail Like)

° Sub class without quest: max 3.

° Sub class max level 85.


° .xpoff / .xpon commands.

* .trust - Hellbound level

* .info - Server info and news


# Instances :



° Crystal Caverns - works. (Retail Like)

° Dark Cloud Mansion - works.

° Kamaloka - works. (Retail Like)

° Pailaka - works. (Retail Like)


° All Hellbound Island instances - works.


# Auto Events :


Team vs Team , VIP Team vs Team , DeathMatch , Last Man Standing , Capture the Flag , Domination ,

Simon Says , Bomb Fight , Double Domination , Lucky Chest , Zombie , Russian Roulette,  Battlefield , Mutant.


#Comming soon:


° Seed of Infinity

° Seed of Destruction

° Seed of Anihilation

° Chamber of Delusion (East | Great | Nort | Sout | Tower | West)

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NOTE ON THE FLY: Ignore the fact i sent you to download a Freya client instead a epilogue one, just follow the instructions form Download page and you wont have problems.

Why freya client on epilogue server?

Simple, we try to exclude soon the client modding that doesnt agree EULA rules and more than that we prepare to be ready to go Freya anytime on community request. Also some features are not compatible with the old client and some players may play on other freya server


Yes we are a low community but a growing up one. As happening on every new server ... people come and go and come and go and some remains others dont have the patience to play a LOW rate sever same things happens on Hell Zone too.


And thank you for giving a chance to this server





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  • 2 weeks later...

Some news:


# More informations :


° S84 grade items Full functional - (Craft)

° Reworked locations: Plains of the Lizardmen, Pavel Ruins, Beast Farm, Monastery of Silence




# Instances :


° Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire

° Pailaka - Devil's Legacy

° Pailaka - Injured Dragon

° Kamaloka - Hall of the Abyss

° Kamaloka - Labyrinth of the Abyss

° Seed of Infinity (Hall Of Suffering)

° Seed of Destruction (raid Tiat)

° All Hellbound Island instances (Base Tower, Tower of Infinitum, Tully's Workshop, Tower of Naia, Beleth, Anomic Foundry)




#Comming soon:

° Event Voice commands

° Seed of Anihilation (on wish list)

° Chamber of Delusion (East | Great | Nort | Sout | Tower | West)

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