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[L2J] L2 Forgotten


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First community competition is here!


[Competition] Graphic Beauty


Also let me remind you about Patch note 1.1 which is big and and many changes,events,party areas with AI mobs are applied to bring you the best possible experience!


Community is raised at 200 players and we are keep growing

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Patch note 1.1 Preview


Moar achievement and missions

New Events(We have 17 in total now with the new ones)

New accessories with stats

New Farming Areas


And much more..you can see at our forum.


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PvP Tournament Engine is now implemented and it is unique trust us!


" We finished with testing and implementation of Tournaments engine. So lets try new unique Tournament event. I will explain some basic functions ules to avoid confusions.


Whats is that - "Tournament"? This is automatic event 3v3 fights with olympiad rules. If say roughly - is olympiad for departure.


Currently it havent any limits and payment to join. You can register with any character level and even if you are not a nobless.

Tournament do not affect on olympiad points and any other olympiad stuff.


Rules like in olympiad:


Only main class

Character should be alive

Not be chaotic weapon owner

Inventory slots should be free more than 80%


How it will be?


In each town placed NPC (near monument of heroes), named "Teams Tournament", where you can register or skip your registration. After leave game and login again, registration wont skip, you will be in registered list even after relogin. After tournament start - you cant register or skip current registration. You can register or skip registration only before tournament began.


Currently tournament will be started manually by GM, after needed players count will be registered. Registration process is simple. You need to make a (team) party (maximum 3 party members allowed), then party leader should register at npc and wait when GM will start the event. Also can be less team members (2 in party). If you are experienced enough - feel free to participate alone.


After event start, teams will be teleported to stadium. Winner team goes to next round, team what loose becomes spectators. If team (your opponent team) kicked due they broke tournament rules - your automatically will win and go to next round. Delay between rounds is 30 seconds.


In each next round participants count decreased 2x times (for understandable reasons). In the end will remain only one team, this team will be a winners. Also exists a rewards for all teams which won at least 1 round. More rounds win - more rewards. The team what win in last round will receive most big reward. Currently like rewards you will receive "Platinum coins" and "Gian's Codex".


If you have any questions about tournament - feel free to ask in that topic.


Caution! Unlike olympiad, you can see the fights via special olympiad manager even if you registered in tournament. BUT, be careful, if you will be watching fights during your teleportation to stadium, you will be kicked from participations list and your opponent team will won the round.

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This is a really good server and has really good unique features, great custom farming zones for parties and for solo. By far the best mid rate I have played on, It also has dedicated GM's that are very helpful and always are fixing or testing bugs which are reported. So yeah, Great GM team, Great unique features and farming zones, fun events, good balance, a really fun server to play, the best i've played for a while.

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cant reg or download patch, web page is fucked up big time - i click on anything and nothing happens. tried different browsers, tried going to page at different times( even tried yesterday ) - still same bullshit

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Forgotten update v1.1 is now here!


For Full Details,Discussion and images click Here!



New mechanisms were implemented


Hellbound (Chaotic Zone)

Skill checker (it will be removing all skills which player should not have and get via bug or via GM)

Daily backups added

Geodata engine reworked. Previos engine was far from optimal. From now on pathfinding will have much better quality, also geodata will be alot better in many places.



New events were added


Teams Tournaments

New Era Event

Raid Boss Event

Trivia Event



New Raid Bosses including Artificial Inteligence ( A.I ) Much more to come


Giant Marpanak


Last Titan Utenus

Hekaton Prime

Queen Shyeed (placed in stakato nest)


Water Spirit Lian



New Quests and instances were implemented


Delusion Chamber instance. Party required to enter (minimum 2 and maximum 9 members). Start npc is "Pathfinder Worker".

Control Device Of The Giants

Land Dragon Conqueror

Fire Dragon Destroyer

Fade To Black

Pailaka Injured Dragon was reworked, fixed all known bugs


Skills changes


Dreadnought skills adjusted.

Stun chance attack chance boosted.

Stun's duration lowered.

You can use Earthquake with Blunt.

Fixed the bug of losing Duel Blow, Curse of Desparion.






Phantom Mask fix

Made karma loss harder.

Adjusted jewels

Subclass Restrictions Removed

Fixed a bug which causes lag (stuck)

Added 2 S Grade Accessories. Adjusted some stats. (Run updater)

Siege guards spawns during Siege lowered.

Added Pets on Misc Store (Triol).

Increased the hit Time of Inquisitor.

Increased Speed of Fenrir,Strider.

Decreased the Patk of Wolves,Striders,Fenrirs.

Added Spoil drops on Elven Fortress.

Removed Subclass restrictions for Elfs-D.Elfs, & Warsmith, Overlord.

Disabled Subclass Restriction for Judicators (3 subs)

Disabled Global Chat.

Enabled Trade chat as Global.

Adjusted few accessories stats.

Added more achievements

Achievements rewards added.

PvP/PK Name/Title color system - Bonus system Fixed. (Check changelog for the counts)




Small voiced command .repair were implemented for players to deal with client crashing when trying to enter a character. When used, it moves character to Floran village, removes all shortcuts\buffs and places all what is equipped into char's warehouse. Very useful command when player cant login his character and got critical error during login. You can use either that or Community Board's one

Added 2 S Grade Accessories. Adjusted some stats. (Run updater)

Olympiad now displays number on waiting-list.

Added a new Welcome Box which is going to work as management panel. Away system, Password change and much more!

Added A Mana Tree Feature which recovers your MP. You must be near and non - combat!






Reworked on some skills formula

Stun skills adjusted.

Dread pool boosted in PvP.

Curse of Desparion is now 65% Chance from 85%

Shackle duration time boosted to 12 seconds


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