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interlude [L2J] L2Acid


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Having fun stealing names? ;D

Stealing names? :S


EDIT : I don't know if there is a server named Acid or something else,but I know that my Clan is name acid.Also,I use this tag for 2 years.

Stop spamming,if you like join the server or postBOUT so Amething important ABOUT the server.

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The Server is very good every day the fix things the only think that need is players so join.

So i change my mind after playing this server for 2weeks  the gms help there friends, they don't know to choose there gm team and is unbalanced so if you join create mage

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So i change my mind after playing this server for 2weeks  the gms help there friends, they don't know to choose there gm team and is unbalanced so if you join create mage

Oh really?

1.We got some reports about this and we kicked immediately 2 persons from the team and banned their accounts.

2.I'm on Holidays for Easter.I have the fixes ready,but I have no access to the server.

Fixes coming the next 2 days :

-Mage Robe re-balance

-Fix of Dagger Skills

-Some alternative skill fixes(paladin)

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If you don't give it a try why do you even post?Or if you have tried why don't you tell exaclty your problems?


@BlackBirdiv What's your ingame name?We must have a conversation.

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Some of you post here,and im sure half of you didn't even give try. How many people online ?

Year and half i was GM at one server and for that reason i decided to stop playing,too much of work to do on good servers. Now i want to have fun and be part of good server,play like normal player.

I hope answers will come here from Head Admin as soon as possible. Also if i catch some serious bugs,will be reported for sure.

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I was the one of the two players that help you about this think and now we stop playing this server

Probably Nimaya or Jaeger.. the other one.

I appreciate all your help and the reports.I answered to your thoughts and I told you that I'm on holidays.There isn't any corruption for sure.I've already banned the IP ranges of the previous GM that was playing & helping.We talked before 2 days and everything was fine for you except some stats and skills that I will fix when I return.


@MoonGoat I am happy you support the topic of the server and after the forum creation,I will make a competition for Forum Moderators.You are invited to join it.

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Ye,thanks... Just joined server,played now a little because i have to go out,but u have to fix gremlins lvl1 at spawn when you enter in game and start playing. They are impossible to kill with magics. Thanks.


EDIT: I know community is right now low,but this is how server should look like. Hope there will be soon arround 100+ ppl online to have fun and playing. Also i don't know how stuffs are going on there about items... If there that doesn't exist yet u should put S Weapons/Armors Mobs to drop in high lvl areas,so when you farm u got them,buy AA to unseal or Crystals.

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Ye,thanks... Just joined server,played now a little because i have to go out,but u have to fix gremlins lvl1 at spawn when you enter in game and start playing. They are impossible to kill with magics. Thanks.


EDIT: I know community is right now low,but this is how server should look like. Hope there will be soon arround 100+ ppl online to have fun and playing. Also i don't know how stuffs are going on there about items... If there that doesn't exist yet u should put S Weapons/Armors Mobs to drop in high lvl areas,so when you farm u got them,buy AA to unseal or Crystals.

I already explained the system.I will have a look at gremlins.

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    • well i didnt used to had that issue u reffering , u can always lower the page value that would show on each page . keep in mind it was taken  from h5 that it can handle more html length than interlude .   package handlers.admincommandhandlers; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.WorldObject; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.item.instance.Item; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.util.Util; public class AdminInventory implements IAdminCommandHandler { private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS = { "admin_showinv", "admin_delete_item" }; @Override public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, Player activeChar) { WorldObject target = activeChar.getTarget(); if (target == null || !target.isPlayer()) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.INVALID_TARGET); return false; } if (command.startsWith(ADMIN_COMMANDS[0])) { if (command.length() > ADMIN_COMMANDS[0].length()) { String com = command.substring(ADMIN_COMMANDS[0].length() + 1); if (Util.isDigit(com)) { showItemsPage(activeChar, Integer.parseInt(com)); } } else { showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); } } int count = 1; if (command.contains(ADMIN_COMMANDS[1])) { String[] parts = command.split(" "); if (parts.length == 3) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid quantity format."); return false; } } if (count == 0) { activeChar.sendMessage("Quantity must be 1 or above, or left blank for default."); showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); return false; } String val = parts[1]; target.getActingPlayer().destroyItem("GM Destroy", Integer.parseInt(val), count, null, true); showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); } return true; } private void showItemsPage(Player activeChar, int page) { final WorldObject target = activeChar.getTarget(); final Player player = target.getActingPlayer(); final Item[] items = player.getInventory().getItems().toArray(new Item[0]); int maxItemsPerPage = 13; int maxPages = items.length / maxItemsPerPage; if (items.length > (maxItemsPerPage * maxPages)) { maxPages++; } if (page > maxPages) { page = maxPages; } int itemsStart = maxItemsPerPage * page; int itemsEnd = items.length; if ((itemsEnd - itemsStart) > maxItemsPerPage) { itemsEnd = itemsStart + maxItemsPerPage; } final NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); adminReply.setFile(activeChar, "data/html/admin/inventory.htm"); adminReply.replace("%PLAYER_NAME%", activeChar.getName()); StringBuilder sbPages = new StringBuilder(); for (int x = 0; x < maxPages; x++) { int pagenr = x + 1; sbPages.append("<td><button value=\"" + pagenr + "\" action=\"bypass -h admin_showinv " + x + "\" width=20 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"); } adminReply.replace("%PAGES%", sbPages.toString()); StringBuilder sbItems = getStringBuilder(itemsStart, itemsEnd, items); adminReply.replace("%ITEMS%", sbItems.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(adminReply); } private static StringBuilder getStringBuilder(int itemsStart, int itemsEnd, Item[] items) { StringBuilder sbItems = new StringBuilder(); sbItems.append("<table width=270>"); sbItems.append("<tr>"); sbItems.append("<td width=24><b> </b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=120><b> </b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=90><b>Count</b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=65><b>Quantity</b></td>"); sbItems.append("</tr>"); for (int i = itemsStart; i < itemsEnd; i++) { Item item = items[i]; sbItems.append("<tr>"); sbItems.append("<td><img src=").append(item.getTemplate().getIcon()).append(" width=24 height=24></td>"); sbItems.append("<td>").append(item.getName()).append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td>").append(item.getCount()).append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td>"); sbItems.append("<edit var=\"itemCount_").append(i).append("\" width=40>"); sbItems.append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td><button action=\"bypass -h admin_delete_item ").append(item.getObjectId()).append(" $itemCount_").append(i).append("\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI_ct1.Button_DF_Delete\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.Button_DF_Delete\"></button></td>"); sbItems.append("</tr>"); } sbItems.append("</table>"); return sbItems; } @Override public String[] getAdminCommandList() { return ADMIN_COMMANDS; } } Since i did jumped to mobius here the mobius one with quantity field aswell .  feel free to adapt it back to acis or wherever    <html><body><title>Inventory : %PLAYER_NAME%</title> <center> <table width=270> <tr> %PAGES% </tr> </table> </center> <br> %ITEMS% </body> </html>
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