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L2Eclipse.com - Powered by GameFobia.com

Officially Launched on 31 March 2011








Dear Lineage II Players,


Nowadays it is hard to find a  serious and trusty low-mid rate server,  thing   which made players loose their  confidence when it comes to new  private   servers. However we can 100% GUARANTEE that this one, L2Eclipse, is a LONG TERM Server which is here to stay and we will give you one big reason why we can guarantee that:


L2Eclipse is Powered by GameFobia.com - An active online gaming network since 2006 that continously expands with more and more gaming servers and there is no reason to stop now.


GameFobia.com was first founded in 2006 starting with a MuOnline  server under the name of MuDomination.com    having a great succes and  later on was known as NoobsWar.com when we    first changed the rates  after about 2 years. Later on we decided that we    should open some  more gameservers since we found sponsors worldwide    especially from  popular hosting companies such as ThePlanet, SoftLayer,    NGZ-Servers,  Giga-International, MarquisNet, etc so we changed our name into Diablo  Gaming   Network or Diablo-Network.com and we renamed our MuOnline  server into   DiabloMu.com  which is still online and rocking today  being active for   over 5 years  and there are more to come. Around 3  years ago we also   launched more  gaming servers for popular games such  as WorldOfWarcraft,    Counter-Strike, GTA SA:MP, Diablo II, Red Alert  2, StarCraft, Warcraft III, and    more.

Few months ago we decided for a new network name that would suit us best  and become permanent so GameFobia.com was chosen. Htting near to 23000%  traffic in one month only according to Alexa Traffic Ranking statistics  we realized this was a great decision we took and we are happy to  receive thounds of unique visitors among with more and more players for  our gaming servers every day.



Currently GameFobia.com owns over 3 MILLION accounts , over 30,000 active players every minute of the day, over 180,000 forum members and it's rated as one of the best private gaming networks worldwide.



This  is the BIG reason we offer to you and we guess is enough to tell that WE  ARE HERE TO STAY  ... so enough with those low-mid rate servers that wipe  their database    after few weeks or they shut down and going offline after  few  months.


L2Eclipse is also thinked and created by RETAIL old players so everything that you ever hated on the official server is now FIXED and IMPROVED








Server Links










Server Rates


  • EXP: 15x


  • SP: 15x


  • Adena: 20x


  • Drop: 10x


  • Spoil: 10x


  • Manor: 5x


  • Fish: 5x


  • Siege Guards Price: 10x


  • Quest EXP: 5x


  • Quest SP: 5x


  • Quest Adena: 10x


  • Quest Material: 2x


  • Enchant Rate: 66%


  • Blessed Enchant Rate: 75%


  • Max Enchant: 20


  • Max Safe Enchant: 3


  • Max Full Safe Enchant: 4


  • Max Buff Slots: 22



Server Features



  • Retail Features


  • Freya Client


  • NPC Buffer that includes all classes buff


  • UPDATED Raind Boss Drops


  • Mana Potion & High Grade Healing Potion available at grocery store






  • 100% Working Skills


  • Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah)


  • 22 Buff Slots


  • Balanced Classes & Skills


  • 100% Working Augmentation


  • 100% Working Olympiad System


  • Max. Level 85


  • Offline Shopping System


  • Spawn Protection


  • RETAIL LIKE Respawn Time For GrandBosses


  • Dedicated Server






L2Eclipse . . . WE ARE HERE TO STAY


This is the motto that suits us best since we'll be here tomorrow, the  next week, the next month and the next coming years without any  downtimes excepting short maintenances that are done periodically so  everyone can enjoy a top quality and lagless server.


Join L2Eclipse Today, Join A Truly LONG TERM Server and you will not be dissapointed.









Best Regards,



we started our advertise today


We kept a closed beta before launch, limited to a few number of players so we didn't made anything public till today and near to 100 online w/o any notice i would say it's pretty good



PS: Not to forget that buying votes for topsites is lame as hell and we won't do that even if we have the money to invest in. It's always about quality over the quantity.



Anyone as all of our servers, by time , everyone will understand that we are damn serious about long term world as we are not complete beginners or newbies in MMORPG world ... we got over 5 hears of hosting our own servers and over 8 years of IT and Gaming experience



Welcome btw


Anti-Bot? Real ddos protection? What pack are you based on? Have own dev team?


L2Eclipse is also thinked and created by RETAIL old players so everything that you ever hated on the official server is now FIXED and IMPROVED


Since you are RETAIL old players can you tell us some of what those things are that we hated?


well from 2 of my friends experience i could say our feedback is better in matter of support as we're investigating things in case of scam, thing which didn't quite happend on retail where both of them lost some precious items and before saying that it was their fault ... it wasn't since they are not just ordinary PC users to get folled by keyloggers and stuff


I'll let my other collegues answer as well as soon as they'll be available


Let's not forget this is a FREE TO PLAY server and some ppl avoid paying for any kind of games



Now i ask you something as well. If you love retail why making your own server and not continue playing there ? Because i doubt you still do


There will always be players that dislike retail and players that will stick with it, and this is available for any MMORPG


well from 2 of my friends experience i could say our feedback is better in matter of support as we're investigating things in case of scam, thing which didn't quite happend on retail where both of them lost some precious items and before saying that it was their fault ... it wasn't since they are not just ordinary PC users to get folled by keyloggers and stuff


I'll let my other collegues answer as well as soon as they'll be available


Let's not forget this is a FREE TO PLAY server and some ppl avoid paying for any kind of games



Now i ask you something as well. If you love retail why making your own server and not continue playing there ? Because i doubt you still do


There will always be players that dislike retail and players that will stick with it, and this is available for any MMORPG


So you fixed and improved players getting scammed and keyloggers? How did you manage that exactly?


I made my server because I do not like the game after Interlude and Hellbound. Next question?


Sorry but as people getting scammed... Pay attention please... Also, when someone pops up a chat with you on skype/msn with a mysterious link without saying anything, that may be a warning signal, and don't forget those beautiful 0123456 pws!

100% warrantys...dangerous


Currently GameFobia.com owns over 3 MILLION accounts , over 30,000 active players every minute of the day, over 180,000 forum members and it's rated as one of the best private gaming networks worldwide.



So you are the best option to play a retail like server .. when you even can't make a good link to your website :o

Best Regards,



BTW .. i like your website .. is .. new for me :D


You also did not answer any of my original questions.  

Anti-Bot? Real ddos protection? What pack are you based on? Have own dev team?


if you think you are just going to come to mxc and say "we just opened and have been around for 127253 years and have 764532 members and are using a unnamed l2j pack with unknown protection and a unknown team" and expect people to flock to your server you're in for a surprise.


HighOne, the promo ad was copy pasted to multiple forums and most of them are VB not SMFT. So thats kinda lame to make this afirmation that i can't even make a good link for the website ... since i saw this forum takes the code input well i didn't payed attention that it won't do the same for links and it's gonna duplicate http://

You can try this by yourself pasting a vb code into a SMF


And about the accounts and stuff I was reffering to our entire network, not that we got 3 mil acc on l2 that was fresh launched. I invite you to test everything by playing any of our games


About the website, i've seen over 200 l2servers websites and i have to say that l2 has one of the most uglies sites i've ever seen. There are so many lame games that make 100x times better templates than l2 ... anyway i would say it's a nice design. Some of the template has been inspired from the creator and as you see we kept his credits and most ppl don't do that , then we added our design content which i would say is far for better than the original.




So you fixed and improved players getting scammed and keyloggers? How did you manage that exactly?


Pay attention to my story ... no one will ever be able to do that but atleast we care about this more and we can investigate if that certain player which got scammed has smth suspicious on his pc and indeed was scammed and he's not trying to lie or so



Insomnia, that is just our guarantee we are not another ordinary server that will close after getting donations money like 70% of servers do , try to understand that. It's a marketing method


Antibots will never be stopped no matter how good your protection is ... but updates will be made continously and ofc active GMs gonna solve most of these problems as well

About DDOS, well how about try and see yourself :)


And yes, we got our own dev team .. not a part of it but we are communicating daily on our ts3 server os isn't just a msn chat or so + i know these guys from some time ago before the l2 project



if you think you are just going to come to mxc and say "we just opened and have been around for 127253 years and have 764532 members and are using a unnamed l2j pack with unknown protection and a unknown team" and expect people to flock to your server you're in for a surprise.


I know that, i'm pretty sure i've got more experience than you in managing stuff so i'm not expecting to happen that at all

Atleast we are doing a clean advertising and forum thing isn't the only one, we got already other advertise projects running but as i've said ... we are not buying votes as others do. I'm already agains corrupted tops and i can say there is no fair top.


I was part of xtremetop100 staff and was kicked because i was fair ... kinda sucks right? Ofc after i've fixed some important exploits on their website but this happens everywhere.


Not to forget that corrupted owners of l2servers suck as well and there is a 90% percent that owner gave even a signifiant item to a friend, thigh which it never happend for me since this network is running. Hard to believe indeed ... but there are still honest ppl around


Also, remember that we didn't announced anywhere while we were on beta as many other servers do but again ... by time there will be more and more online players and we'll get an advantage if we would open another server in the future

Antibots will never be stopped no matter how good your protection is ... but updates will be made continously and ofc active GMs gonna solve most of these problems as well

About DDOS, well how about try and see yourself Smiley


Its true that if people want to get by your anti-bot there is a chance they will. But if you have a active dev team they should be able to make a anti-bot that blocks all bots and when or if somebody finds a way around it they update it.

I am not going to bother trying your ddos protection I am sure somebody else will though...it's the norm these days. Glad to hear you have protection though ;)


I know that, i'm pretty sure i've got more experience than you in managing stuff so i'm not expecting to happen that at all

I'm not here to compare e-penis :P


I was part of xtremetop100 staff and was kicked because i was fair ... kinda sucks right? Ofc after i've fixed some important exploits on their website but this happens everywhere.


Not to forget that corrupted owners of l2servers suck as well and there is a 90% percent that owner gave even a signifiant item to a friend, thigh which it never happend for me since this network is running. Hard to believe indeed ... but there are still honest ppl around


I also hate the voting sites and yeah the vast majority of L2servers are corrupt in one way or another. Pretty rare to find a honest server these days I hope you live up to your word. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions and answer them well.


Good Luck on your server I hope your successful :)

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