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Welcome to L2Sevent!

Our Sever has been wiped and is back with new Features and a fresh start! Our Server is based on L2jFreya but with Epilogue Features

Web: http://l2sevent.com

Forum: http://l2sevent.com/forum



General Information:

Quick overview of our server.

-3000x Experience , 3000x Skill Points , 1000x Adena , 2x Drop.

-Safe enchant +0 , Max enchant +8.

-Enchant rate with normal enchant scroll 35% , 60% with blessed enchant scroll.

-Max atributte level 4

-Server based in the pvp.

-There are not custom items.

-NPC buffer , GMshop , Custom Gatekeeper .

-New heroes every two weeks, castle sieges every two weeks.

-You haven't to make quests , automaticaly class changer , noblesse item selled at shop.


Unique Features:

Features that you aren't able to find anywhere.

-PVP system quite similar to retail. Class balance is almost complete.

-Fully operational Instances.

-Olympiad retail like , without any powered class there.

-Well developed custom events, team vs team , capture the flag.

-Powerfull dedicated server, Intel® Core™ i7-980X Hexacore , 24 GB DDR3 RAM. 3x 120 GB SSD.

-Clan System , Castle benefit system .


Server Protection:

Security of our server versus external programs.

-Anti-Bot System. You can't join with programs like L2Net , L2Walker.

-Anti-Cheat System. You can't join with l2phx , l2haplex .

-DDOS Protection System. High security versus attacks.


Farm Zones:

Zones where you can farm items.


[Elven Fortress]

- Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Blue Eva.

- Raid Boss (respawn time 18-24 hours) ---> Adena , Coins of Luck , Life Stones.


[Cave of Trials]

- Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Mouse Coin.

- Raid Boss (respawn time 18-24 hours) ---> Adena , Coins of Luck , Life Stones.


[Esmerald Square]

- Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Atributte Stones, low rate divine inspiration.


Zone where you can farm items. Press here to read instances guides


[Dark Cloud Mansion](needing two persons)

- Normal Mobs ---> A-Normal Mobs ---> Adena ,Low chance Life Stones


[seed of Destruction](needing command channel)

-Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Life Stones , Low chance Coins of Luck.

-Raid Boss ---> Boosted Adena , Boosted Coins of Luck ,Boosted Life Stones.


[Crystal Caverns](needing quest items , buyables at exchange. You will need big party)

-Normal Mobs ---> Adena ,Life Stones , Middle chance Coins of Luck.

-Raid Boss ---> Boosted Adena , Boosted Coins of Luck ,Boosted Life Stones.


Custom Zones:

Zones where you can go to obtain items.


- Raid Bosses level 85 around the map (Drop-> Coin of luck , Life Stones)


- PvP Zone: Every person that you kill in this zone you earn a coin that you can use to buy items.


- The Tunnel: Powerfull mobs that respawn every hour . There you can find every shirt and belt.



Lineage2Sevent™ Staff


server failed once, ppl wasted  their time, so how can we be sure we wont waste our time again ?

You can't be sure if you won't check it ;)


Thank you.

@HighOne Dunno why but i can't add Prefix. Anyway thanks.

@Widel Online is about 350 PPL and we are growing up day by day. Yes there is easy farm.



Our Staff would like to inform you that Advertise Event has been started! More Infos -> http://l2sevent.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1152


Also you may now like us on facebook!



"We won't give any item or reward that unbalance the game."


this sentence is from your site at donation section ,also max enchant is +8 and the following donation list :


- Weapon +12 of your choice -----> 15 euros


- Armor Set +12 of your choice -----> 25 euros


- Jewels Set +12 of your choice -----> 25 euros


- T-Shirt+12 of your choice -----> 10 euros


- Belt +12 of your choice -----> 10 euros



no comment...


"We won't give any item or reward that unbalance the game."


this sentence is from your site at donation section ,also max enchant is +8 and the following donation list :


- Weapon +12 of your choice -----> 15 euros


- Armor Set +12 of your choice -----> 25 euros


- Jewels Set +12 of your choice -----> 25 euros


- T-Shirt+12 of your choice -----> 10 euros


- Belt +12 of your choice -----> 10 euros



no comment...


nice :D

hope u will badly fail with your server ;)

*i hate such retarded kid admins*


"We won't give any item or reward that unbalance the game."


this sentence is from your site at donation section ,also max enchant is +8 and the following donation list :


- Weapon +12 of your choice -----> 15 euros


- Armor Set +12 of your choice -----> 25 euros


- Jewels Set +12 of your choice -----> 25 euros


- T-Shirt+12 of your choice -----> 10 euros


- Belt +12 of your choice -----> 10 euros



no comment...


Hello , the difference of damage between +12 and +8 is 50 damage. We have tested it. Also , the players will can get +12 pvping. Same as donators. We will announce how soon.


@SkyNet You are just a hater. :) but thank you anyway.

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