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Hello everyone.

I have a problem with my server.i need your support :)


I just made compile and i open my server.the server running good without any problem except

that doesnt load 3rd class skills.what i mean?


when i speak to my class master to make 3rd class hes making my 3rd class but i m not taking all my 3rd class skills

for example in all mages is missing arcane power  in some fighters other 3rd class skills.

i Checked skills trees skill learn and other things on navicat all are ok.

i Checked skills in gameserver/data/stats/skills  and arcane power and the other skills that missing are there :/



So i finally check my gameserver panel and it says : 



error in  net.sf.l2j.gameserver.SkillsEngine(Skills.Engine.java)



i understand that i have to go to my eclipse (i think)

and fix something but i m newbie developer and  i dont wanna do any mistake...


Some Pro Developer Sure will know what to do excatly  So i need your help Guys...



Help me...A lot of kids waiting to fix that...Thanks :)

2 answers to this question

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in eclipse, those files are also missing? if yes then u should just create them and compile, later should be ok. Also u arent getting any errors in console while starting server?

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the gameserver panel says  analytical :

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.Document item.Parse item.<Document item.java>


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.Document Base.parse <Document item.java:115


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.Skills Engine.Load Data<Skills Engine.java



that's the error console says.. what i have to do? u want to sent u some java to edit it and send me back? or i dont know.

Just want help.ill do whatever it takes just tell me . .

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