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I'm aware that there is no even 50% complete pack for Freya, but what options do we have?


I would like to discuss this, and hear options, since l2jserver is FAR from being playable.


Well In my case I'm looking a playable pack, not those filled of custom stuff packs from la2base but with basic events, and playable.


Ideas and suggestions are welcome!


Heres an idea.


Well since every single people ask for a pack but not willing to do anything for it(my opinion only), heres what those who want a good freya pack do. Come to emu forum test,test,test than report and/or code to help to improve the pack and than you have your good pack.


You people should think about it just for a second to help and code insted of just waiting for it.


I am a L2jFree team coder, dont worry, Im looking other ideas.

Thank you


Thats not why I asked, you are going offtopic.


My question is that 1000 users testing packs know more than me right now since I'm coming back to L2.


L2JFree is not ;) Stay on hold, we have a couple of surprises coming.


Yes we had problems and we had to migrate etc. No we are not dead and we are re-building many sections / stuff related to our opensource development sources, engines and tools.


L2JFree is not ;) Stay on hold, we have a couple of surprises coming.


Yes we had problems and we had to migrate etc. No we are not dead and we are re-building many sections / stuff related to our opensource development sources, engines and tools.


Good news well than we are looking forward to it in a future collab maybe since emu is jfree based too and have quit a few stuff on our side either :P


You are L2EmuProject dev? I've been developing for L2EmuProject when it born with the Brazillian Owners. About 3-4 years ago.

You can find me on msn / skype / gtalk at: bodie2003@gmail.com


You are L2EmuProject dev? I've been developing for L2EmuProject when it born with the Brazillian Owners. About 3-4 years ago.


atm its owned by lordrex but ye.


How is L2Emu going with development? It's currently Freya?


its freya and well...we sufferthe base we started from was l2jfree gracia final and well it was so bugged to hell that it took a lot of time to make it stable. And now we are on the verge of reworks in the way like only a hungarian does(delete it and than recode) :D


PS.: thats why we has no bosses atm xD


Hahaha it happens, I've been working with Seth, he does the same, breaks everything haha.


Well, Im trying to find something mostly stable, to open a playable PVP server, I have hosting, website, forums, some budget for ads, and old forums for mass mailing, btw, are open for considerations / avaliable to work for a server?, we can discuss it, Im not behind money or scam/use a dev.


Hahaha it happens, I've been working with Seth, he does the same, breaks everything haha.


neah i dont want to work with him never again he fucks up everything and code things for e-penis xD


neah i dont want to work with him never again he -beep-s up everything and code things for e-penis xD


Might be, depending of each-ones opinion haha. Check my previous post please, I would be grateful.


Well if you search for a decent pack to open a pvp server right now i would say you have no other choice than l2j...a pack needs to be done properly because you can use anything else thats the sad part, the good part is...it can be done just need the right ppl :D

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