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Problems with Client



Hi guys,i got a serious problem with my interlude client.I just bought it so dont tell me that i got corrupted client or something.I got my server running perfectly and when im trying to join in game from l2.exe  when lineageII window opens  it says  (This is a GameGuard initialization error.) and after (There was a problem when running GameGuard.)Errorcode=610


i got my firewall off and my antivirus too... for any case.im also connected in internet lol and nothing happens.. If u know something about that,POST IT! Thanks a lot for any reply~

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well man just use serch and find guids about it.. is easy emulate GG just ejecute startspache.bat and copy host in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc and fun

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Whats this emulator ? my hosts are localhost l2authd.lineage2.com   <-delete this if u use patched system folder and edited l2.ini l2authd.lineage2.com   <-delete this if u use patched system folder and edited l2.ini


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