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Kalhspera 8a h8ela na kanw mia erwtish.... psaxnw mia kalh etairia gia na hostarw ton server m... kai vrika auth edw.... einai kalh??? http://www.giga-hosting.biz/

exw akousei kai gia thn http://www.hetzner.de/ kai http://www.worldstream.nl/ kai gia thn http://www.hostgator.com alla h hostgator mou fenete pl akrivh... tespa ti pistevete eseis gia autes pou evala?

kai an exete kamia akomh na mou protinete peite m....



EDIT: vrika kai auth edw.... dn thn kserw ka8olou.... alla peite m thn gnomh sas ean thn kserete.... http://hostzealot.com/


13 answers to this question

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nai ontws twra pou to epsa3a kalhtera einai kai h pio kalh se xaraktiristika sto machine kai pio f8inh.... opote mallon gia ekei me kovw... :D

3ereis an mou parexei domain? h an oxi an uparxei kati pou na sikonw to site apo to machine? gia na valw kai server statistics? (katalaves ti enow?)

  • 0

Hosting gia website mporeis na kaneis kai apo to machine pou stegazei ton server an kai den einai toso asfales. Domain name den ksero an parexei, nomizo pos oxi. Des sto site tous ti paketa prosforon exoun.

  • 0

http://www.giga-hosting.biz/ oxi  einai arxisti.


http://www.hetzner.de/ mporei na einai  kalh eteria  alla  den exeis kan protection anti -ddos

fusika kamia apo oles tis eteries  pou ebales den exeis anti ddos proection na to 3ereis file mou ...


  • 0

http://www.giga-hosting.biz/ oxi  einai arxisti.


http://www.hetzner.de/ mporei na einai  kalh eteria  alla  den exeis kan protection anti -ddos

fusika kamia apo oles tis eteries  pou ebales den exeis anti ddos proection na to 3ereis file mou ...



file an brei etairia me anti-ddos protection dn 8a tou anebei kai to ''enoikio'' pou 8a plhrwnei ka8e mina?

  • 0

file mou  ama theleis na sikoseis server ayto to kero me ta ddos atack tha prepei na plhroseis..

Den ginete  poia opws palia pou eixame mono ta  bug  kai to phx..

Twra ta bug kai to phx  fixaronte kai  ta ddos den mporeis na ta fix giati den einai apo to pack alla einai apo dedacted...


  • 0

Egw pou ekana server gia na exw ekei 80-150 atoma.Piga stin server4you.net einai poli kali kai to internet einai kalo kai to pc stathero dn exw provlimata oute disconnect oute tipota


ok 8a thn dw kai auth... alla 8elw kati gia ta ddos...


File mou ta linux  den stamatane ta anti ddos.


giati akousa oti sta linux uparxoun pio liges pi8anothtes gia ddos attack...



ti mporw na kanw gia ta doss attack ? ti 8a htan kalhtero... ?


exw vrei ena site gia doss protection alla 8elei polu xrima...




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