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Posts posted by NynphetamineFix

  1. sorc


    mejai (optinal)


    void (optional but almoast everytime i get it -,- )

    rod of ages.

    if u need armor u can get zhonyaor if u need mr bans

    but i never use them :P

    bcs at late game whoever gots stuned is death insta xD

    not really in late game they die be4 u stun them o.0 anyway , meaningless topic ,every1 can learn these just by clicking in veigars name :/
  2. ok look.


    1. Runes: You need flat AD as well in order to have both passives available at lvl 1.

    2. Masteries: You don't need armor pen. Akali needs AD for her spell vamp passive not to auto-attack.

    3. Mejai's is only worth if you play normal games or low ELO ranked games.

    4. Your build has no defensive items. 30 MR from Lich Bane and some Tenacity are not enough for a squishy that has to be in melee range in order to be a menace.

    5. Mercury Treads is not always the best option.

    6. Rylai's is a core item for Akali.


    soz but ur build is sucky :/

  3. Impossible to take no kills.If someone knows to play jax he cannot loose easy...

    you can still out lane him ,dude look im not saying that jax is easy to kill , no ,no way but you can ruin his game , pick lets say nasus or morde which are great at area-lane controling and just dont let him farm , harras him so that he will stay at the back , the less money you give him the easier you win him and since he got nerfed you wont die  with 2 empower + leap strike combo's
  4. in the beggining you say welcome to the best server , well the features are not that good actually you can see them in every server ,nothing special nothing unique , no reason for me to play , gl with your server

  5. 1) Not in a serious game. Who the -beep- would pick Sona instead of any real AD carry?

    2) Doesn't work, since you have to constantly be in melee range in order to keep hurting your enemies, which is insta-death for a squishy carry. And no, heals won't save you, since they'll probably disable/ignite you.

    it was a normal game and it did work , u have a point though soraka is not ment to carry but in teamfight with me q and only i deal enough dam to oppoments

    about 1 ad sona =trinity and with ur passive(q effect) u deal like 600 dam ofc u get manamune the restitems are up to you , give it a shot in a normal game and you will see why u would pick sona instead of a carry , simply its way more fun ;)

  6. well lot of players hate my build :D but i never lost one 1v4 fight with morde,

    so my first item is regrowth pendant and 1 health pot

    you have to focus at hitting ALL the enemy minions ( and if u can harras at the same time the enemies ) even if they try to harass u you will lose only your hp shield

    after that if the lane goes fine and i have 1-2 kills then i pick soulstealer, after that i choose to buy deathcap

    the tactic on all teamfights is. mark the enemy carry if your team focus at him then u just ulti him.use your shield when its on and the try to play like E and Q everytime ( if u have those items i said you can 1-2-3 hit them ) then i build rylai's cause of the slow and health, after that you can pick if u want more AP or a bit of defence if the enemies are getting harder to fight

    thia actually worked for me ty <3


  7. Morde is an awesome champion ,with lots of rolles in team ,i really like this champ but -i dont know why- i suck with it , i mean i rarely see a bad morde ,on topic i want a full guide for morde items/runes/masteries/gameplay tacts

    ps: yes i ve read alot of guides in sites like leaguecraft and mobafire... but i still suck at him , i was wantedring if you guys can help me out !?!

    ty in advance


    u just say the same items like the league of legends prefer on 1st look video Talon The Point is to find your way and no to look others

    i have played over 30 games with him tried alot of builds and this one stucks the best ,and i also suppose u reffer to the quicksilver sash , well its an item i use alot ,and i mean alot ,i almost always pick it , unless i dont need it lol
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