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Posts posted by AlmostGood

  1. what is on screen shows number of players bot sees in range, adr never used auth server for anything.


    Back to maybe 2 years ago, off servers still allowed unauthed access to direct server stats (c_version with proto -3), and when covid hit chronos/naia/classic was at its online cap of 5.5k-6k most of the day. L2j ppl might be unaware, but off servers had login queue added many years ago, because servers were often full (back when game was still doing good).

  2. 54 minutes ago, BruT said:

    as you can see noone can judge Russia no matter what they do

    thats unfortunate, because whole world excluding few countries around russia, already judged and classify what putin is doing as genocide. History is already wrote and general consensus is made, whats said to russian ppl to justify starting this war is irrelevant, because noone is taking putins bullshit seriously anymore.

  3. common pattern from all triggered russian ppl here, they all excuse their attack on independent country (actual act) with list of possible (not actual act) threats which never happened and were put in their head by local news programing.
    Its like book example how to manipulate stupid: create fear/threat of common enemy which is in your case "rotten west", and then any government movement wont be questioned doing anything they want.
    Do you guys really think putin gives two fucks about some nazis in another country? how stupid one can be to think your own country would send all of its soldiers and pump billions of $ into something which was not planed to bring PROFIT back, delusional imbeciles :D

  4. 52 minutes ago, Trance said:

    Hypothetically speaking, if Russians would be 100% right - you can't trade that for human blood - that's not enough to enter another independent country. Human life > anything.

    that's the funny part of russian excuse for this war, even if lets say 5% of ukraine was neo-nazi (which is prolly few times less), putin self inserted himself as white knight to fix internal problems of another independent country and justify killing 40m nation as a whole in the process.
    Unless our few nationalists here are ready claim they don't randomly shell whole towns of civilian buildings and thousands of videos were fake :D

  5. this topic perfectly shows how russians are mentally stuck in soviet times and missed the fact ukraine is independent country, even if putin tries very hard to make it not like like so. Calling it "civil war" just make you look like imbecile lmao

  6. 31 minutes ago, Romotheone said:

    I don't know how big the russian community is here on MXC, but I also think that this topic shouldn't be here.

    Lineage 2 is not partaking in the war, we are not responsible, nor should we fight over it here. Don't split the community even further by possible retards driving a wedge between us. We are here to play and we are here to create, fuck the rest. IMO.

    ah yes, lets not talk about schizo grandpa with nuclear weapons wiping out nation of 40m ppl, after all we dont want to make few nationalist russians on gaming forum angry in their free time.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Bearus said:

    bro u have no idea then, there are actually a lot more historically speaking figures that proved Jesus was real what about that? what about Megas Basileios 330 - 379 AD, have u heard or read his books? he was a PAN SCIENTIST, the science he teached 1700 years ago the science now is proving him and he was the Lion of Jesus.


    i dont know about those guys u mention but where they are now? noone have heard them bro, but everyone knows Jesus. so fck Dionysus, Mithras, Horus, Attis. and other "Gods" they are under Jesus almighty balls.

    there nothing historicaly speaking places/relics etc etc of them. Jesus & Jesus followers have tons of evidence.


    u tell me to educate my self but your only evidence to debunk is Youtubers like Zeitgeist the most propagandistic shit i ever saw bro i know what u tell me ive seen this months ago. they take 1 line from the bible giving other meanings and delete what the rest of the article is saying so boom the meaning is now changed damn how clever people are. 

    lmao, books wrote 1700 years ago, in ages where people also believed eating own feces have healing effects lmao

    you might as well get high on lsd and write own bible today, same quality of source

  8. why do we need great creator to explain what we became? past 1k years of findings (unlike guessing and made up stories) and evolution shows that no extra input was needed for biological/cultural/technology to progress. With data we have you can extrapolate backwards and assume a lot without need of greater touch.


    But yeah, i can see how humanity will end own cycle with greed and new weapons, sooner or later someone will pull the trigger and rollback whoever survives to medieval times :D

  9. each of 5000 "documented" gods across the planet, somehow stopped to appear after cameras were invented lmao
    Religions were made to control uneducated and train them to don't question any moves of these in power, you just had to slap "god" word here and there and say it will make imagined creature mad if you don't obey.

    Thankfully education pushes ppl from such bullshit, we just need few more generations.

    • Like 1
  10. selling backdoored bins is retarded but doing it with java which takes little to none reversing skills, makes you twice the retard :D
    sooner or later it will be discovered and bite you more than potential chargebacks

    • Haha 1
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