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About koprivec

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  1. Well emir0n I tried the way you wrote in the other thread but no matter what I do I get the Access Failed error. Any ideas?
  2. can some1 say how to resolve the packet error becouse the oog works but when i enter in the game after 2sek. packet error...so can any1 help me pls? :-\
  3. this aint working now with bake ice passer...or just for me? i get this error L2Walker was patched for Lineage2worlD (port: 2106, protocol: 746) WSS2 by Sh00rGo 22:15:05 »¶Ó­ĘąÓĂĐĐŐߡŁwww.ToWalker.com 22:15:05 ´ËŐËşĹÉĐδłĺÖµ. 22:15:05 Link LoginServer Succeed. 22:15:05 ->Login LoginServer Fail. and this picture: http://www.imageshack.gr/view.php?file=79c82wnj370cqu53aie9.jpg i just click on the walker on the right side and click pc'?????? and leave it like it is? tnx
  4. this aint working now with the bake ice passer... or only for me... i get this error: L2Walker was patched for Lineage2worlD (port: 2106, protocol: 746) WSS2 by Sh00rGo 22:15:05 »¶Ó­ĘąÓĂĐĐŐߡŁwww.ToWalker.com 22:15:05 ´ËŐËşĹÉĐδłĺÖµ. 22:15:05 Link LoginServer Succeed. 22:15:05 ->Login LoginServer Fail. what is the problem?
  5. l2 viciouse added bake ice passer and i cant log in with the ig walker... so if any1 have oog or ig walker for crack that or somethink to work or ig or oog can post here pls... tnx
  6. i have a new problem...how its possible to use that ig interlude walker with the server which have bake ice passer... can some1 help me pls?
  7. HD DVD is dead
  8. lol shame on u, the removed mobs from hot springs cuz of malaria and not coz of his script(btw:this isnt even an exploit) Btw u can change move to,(or better, remake this crapy script) and move to another place .
  9. Rename lineage2.exe to l2.exe adn l2.exe to lineage2.exe.Then rename lineage2.ini to l2.ini and vise-versa.It works 100%,tested!
  10. Yes it works. Wogly u can u se the same scrit for frozen, just change your ip and port:)
  11. Dont work anymore:/
  12. how much?
  13. u cant sell hero stuff
  14. And maybe you can post the error >.<
  15. Make sure you set high priority to the server...
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