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Everything posted by tr3l0s11

  1. Someone know when Season 3 start?
  2. Hello guys i change region(EuWest) and i don't have someone for play together.If someone want one person to play Duo at 1400 and lower can pm me with his name to add him at play.Thanks a lot.
  3. As topic say pm me or post here.
  4. Dont trade with this guys he scammed me before 5 min
  5. I want to change server but i'm not sure please vote.To make me sure.
  6. LF for interlude C6 server like old l2 pride ex. with unique dynasty rykros something like that. I dont care about the ppl online i want just to spent my time.
  7. problem with site? fucking error
  8. filaraki mporw na sta kanw egw tha parei peripou to poli 1 bdomada mporei na kataferw na sto kanw kai se 3-4 meres and dn exeis vrei allon
  9. I cant log in because the server is down?WTF I log in the server have 9999ping and with reds grammas write at russian down. Anyone can you help me?
  10. I dont know mate i download the patch.I log in and the server is down... I dont know What the fuck is going on. -.-
  11. tr3l0s11


    WTT account lvl 30 at west server for one account lvl 30 at east server Here is my account informations: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=230057.0 If Have Offer Pm me
  12. Wts my account at LOL Server:West Level:30 Wins:293 Ranked Games:i dont have ranked games. Here is my Chars: http://imageupload.org/?d=294DA0291 I Have 6 skins.I have Legandary Skin At Kog'Maw Lion Dance Runes:Full Armor Penetration. 20Euro
  13. I cant download the patch.I click at link for patch and nothing..Tell me please what happen
  14. Server is full unbalance and full tricks/bugs
  15. Dark Epic Heavy apo armors Draconic Bow apo weapons
  16. L2 Pride c6 Apo tous kaliterous PvP/PvE Servers.
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