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About Stride

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  1. Hi, i am interested in trying L2Phx in some servers, but i don't know how to really work it. So i am requesting if someone would like to create a guide on how to get items using L2Phx. It doesn't have to be super detailed but good enough to understand. Also if you know some servers this works on pleae include. Thanks :)
  2. seems like he just good at pvp
  3. hmmm, sounds weird
  4. Does anyone have a guide of how to work L2PHX, and what servers it works on?
  5. hmmm suck much?
  6. i didnt vote any cause i think it should be a 15x or around there
  7. hmmm, oh wait i cant see it..
  8. the game closes the patch, so before you verify quickly start the patch then quickly click verify.
  9. ohhh i need 200 post bah
  10. haha
  11. NOPE I NEED 200 POST!!!
  12. NEED 200 POST! dont hide
  13. well if it does work it all depends on the servers AA cost. if its a low rate its like 5a per AA and it would be worth it but if its a high rate it will be like 50a per AA and probally not worth it
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