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Everything posted by Roronoa

  1. Welcome To L2GrandLine Home Page We are currently working too hard to make server balanced and enjoyable! Our staff will never ask for your account password if you are asked by someone saying they are with our staff it is probably a scam so don't give your account information to anyone! Under Construction soon will make a great website with php scripts Server Rates XP:x1000 SP:x1000 Adena:x500 LifeStone Rate - 7% Enchant Safe +3 Enchant Max +10 Enchant Rate : 50% Party XP:x1000 Party SP:x1000 Party Adena:x500 Server General Features Platform:Java Chronicle:Freya Auto Vote Reward System (Every 5 Votes) Auto TvT Event GM Shop (Get Top Items with GB) Buffer (Buffs (24) Dance/Song (12) Slots & 3h Time Buffs) Gatekeeper ( All chronicle zones + 4 Farming zones Retail Olympiad System Siegeble Clan Halls (Devated Castle & Etc) Heroes every Month No Custom Items & No Donations Website Community Download Our Patch
  2. sofaki i can ask you something? you dont work One Piece new game? if im remember wrong?
  3. ok paidia kai egw to eftiaksa h java mallon eftege anyway afou douleuei tr mporo na pw k egw ta comments m poly kalo kai me source ;)
  4. ok to eftiaksa paidia
  5. to dokimazo apo allo pc w8 8a s steilo pm me results
  6. re 8a me boh8isi kaneis ?
  7. krima ksenerwsa kai fenete wraio to pack :)
  8. paidia exw perasi to eclipse kanonika opws ta leei o odhgos tou papaditsa alla otan kanw debug to build.xml m leei pws xriazete tin 1.8.2 Ant katebasa to ant p m leei alla dn kserw na to kanw install exei kaneis kamia idea?
  9. dokimasa kai l2gs kai l2ls duo database kai tpt episis epsaksa sto google mhpws brw lisi kai kati brika 1. Right-click the project & select Properties. 2. Select Run/Debug Settings. 3. Under 'Launch configurations for...', select the desired item (class, maybe project etc), and click Edit. 4. Select the JRE tab. 5. Select Alternate JRE and choose the JRE.
  10. oute kan exw zwh ;) h zwh m dn einai ena maxcheaters opws eseis ;)
  11. o ka8enas me ta psyxologika tou :))
  12. to exw kanei 500 fores ta idia m leei
  13. mporei -omg leipoun libs dld .jar arxeia apo to pack :/ fail
  14. to pack omws den douleuei egw to anoiksa k m ebgaze errors
  15. Good Work Baggoc all we search for freya good pack with source :) thank you
  16. h or8ografia metraei h oti leei swsta pragmata? paniblaka - egw 8a s dwso mia sumboulh mn to balis kan sto stoma sou giati meta 8a to metaniwseis kai dn 8a mporeis na to kopsis ase pou kaneis kako ston eauto sou kobis tin anaptuksh s kai maurizoun ta pneumonia sou ligo 8a trexeis kai 8a kremas glwssa twra kane oti nomizeis :)
  17. oxi re file edw ksupname me to zori na pame deutera trith klp kai perimenoume pws k pws na er8ei to sabbato na araksoume ligo paei k auto twra :/
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