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Everything posted by acerulz

  1. Its been more than 4 years since I played on a stable and fun L2 server. I would like to post my opinion about the server I would like to play. I see most of the servers out there are only Interlude and Hi5 (The Interlude chronicle is very old and very boring and the Hi5 chronicle sucks ass big time!). A Ertheia high rate server with custom farm would be fun, not so hard because after all retail is free. Anyway... People are blind, retarded and don't see that every server is the same, the L2 OFF ones with retail style, die so fast. The server I would make/play in my opinion these days, because L2 is kinda dead, is based on the clients like Interlude and Gracia Final which need diversification. What do I mean by that? A server with custom armors with non op stats than normal ones (it is boring to farm for the same gear from retail on server after server), with 3 (or more) tiers armor and weapon with upgrade option, by adding a tier after every 2 months, this way people will always have something to do on the server. The gear should be able to be obtained by RBs or solo farm. A long list of 80-85 RBs (excluding the epics), would make every clan on server very active by farming and fighting for the RBs, but with an "anti-zerg" restriction of 5 parties/clan or alliance (good servers die in 2 weeks because of retarded huge clans that join to dominate 2 weeks and then leave like retards because the weak side leave first ("weak" by having less people). Thats why in my opinion for a server to have a longer life should have an anti zerg restriction, punishable by giving banip to the clan/alliance leader for 2-3 weeks in case of having more than 5 parties at any RB/SIEGE and taking the items/castle won from them. After that re-spawn the epic or doing the siege again). People might say its retarded but this way the server will have a longer life, more sides and everyone would have more fun by having more chances to get gear and RBs; this way you prove you have skill! - Donations should be opened after 2 months, when the 2nd tier gear is added. And people can donate for the tier 1 +6. When you add the tier 3 you add to donations tier 2 +6. For weapons the same thing but +7/+10 enchant. Donations should be balanced and obtainable by farming too. Why 2 months for every tier? 1 week to make armor, 1 week for weapon, some days for the shield and then pvp and epics. No epics at donations! - Enchant gained by PVP on the equipped gear which would make the server more competitive. But max pvp enchant you could get would be +8/+10 for weapons and +6 for armors. When you upgrade your armor you will lose the enchant because the +6 tier 1 will have the same p def as the tier 2, same for the tier 3 with tier 2 +6. The bonus you get from enchant +6 for example tier 1 light +6 gives you evasion, the tier 2 +0 will give same evasion. This way when you upgrade your armor you still have to pvp to gain the enchant. - Custom armors would be Apella in different colors (I saw it is possible for ex. the normal one - tier 1, blueish one - tier 2 and dark one - tier 3 [i can add photos]). You can upgrade only if the armor is +6. Custom shield: Dusk (Nephilim) Shield for tanks 10% block rate and magical mirror, for mages 5% m atk, for daggers no evasion penalty and 2 speed, for healers 5 speep and 5% block rate. - Custom weapons with the hero glow (Like L2 Revolt, L2 Sublimity, but with a system option for those who don't want to have that glow), the tier weapon should have same stats as the hero weapons which would make it an advantage to be hero; the stats on the hero weapon would be like a +8 tier weapon. When a new tier weapon is added the stats of the hero weapon will be changed after the new tier (this will make Olympiad more competitive). Tier 1 with single SA, Tier 2 with increased SA and stats (p atk/m atk), Tier 3 with double SA (Sword 1h/2h Focus & Haste, Bow Focus & Haste, Dagger Critical Damage & Mortal Strike, Mace Acumen & Empower, Spear Focus & Haste, etc. And maybe some with Health, Critical Stun). - Olympiad gear A/S grade retail and RB jewels of course, restriction enchant +6/8 (armor) +8/10 (weapons). - When you start the server you have no grade restriction, in shop you get for free A grade and S grade so you can start leveling. I would do a 50/75x exp with boosted zones to level. - No attribute system (in case of Gracia, this fucks up the balance) and life stone with option to buy the actual augment from shop but only the STR/INT/MEN/DEX/CON ones (the passive, active and chance should be removed because they also fuck up the balance) without changing the glow of the weapon. - The list of Raid Bosses should have 80-85 with 3-4 classes of bosses like Grand Boss, Major Boss, Middle Boss and Low Boss; or Grand Boss, M Boss, L Boss and S boss. The drops for the lower bosses than Grand Bosses should be items to make the armors and weapons, bews/beas[*] and giant books. The Grand Boss should drop weapons and armors parts, bews/beas and giant books. The epics should drop all above but full armors and weapons++ and ofc epic jewels. When you hit the RB you get flagged and not possible to drag it, this way everybody has a chance to get the RB. But ofc to go back to the raid boss after you die would take some time. Drop pickup by most damage. Every RB giving CRP. [*] bews/beas if you want to enchant more than +6 / +8/10. - Spawn time of bosses: daily Low Bosses (35 rbs), 2 days Middle (20 rbs) and Major Bosses(15 rbs), 3 days Grand Bosses (10rbs), 4 days Epics. Imagine the activity on the server! - Solo farming, I know people like spoiling/crafting and it is a part of the game so the first tier armor you can make it like that, same for weapons, but shouldn't take ages to make it (1-2 days/part). 5-6 zones to farm. - 3-4 party zones to farm items to buy custom accessories, tattoos (not op stats), armors/weapon level up tier and augments. - Max enchant skill +15. - About balance is hard to debate because it is hard to make it perfect, even with OFF files. But with a trustworthy group of people with good knowledge of L2 classes, in closed BETA test, you can make a good balance. - System in several languages of the biggest communities of l2, for ex. in English, Russian, Greek, Romanian, Portuguese and Chinese. - By voting everyday you can get buffs from buffer, dual boxing not allowed. This way you have to vote to be able to get buffs. 4 hours buffs, scheme buffer. You don't lose buffs if you change subclass. - Subclass quest with gold bars. - Noblesse quest with items from Major and Middle Bosses. - Global Gatekeeper with port for everything from farm zones, quest zones to RBs zones (but with some distance from spawn, in case you die in pvp at a RBs).
  2. Still with that casting speed mc come easy, just sayin'!
  3. Mages hitting 1.5k (cast speed over 2.5k) in UD with 7.5k m def... Everything else its nice..
  4. Funny I posted most of your problems on forum and you didn't fix anything. There is no doubt who is pathetic here, lol.
  5. Its the same server, same owner, different name (l2topzone same vote count, hes the same inactive GM and many other clues). People mostly are not afk, outside farming/pvping/rb. Too bad that the files are really nice and it could be a nice server if he could listen and just try to improve the server. Even if he wants to make money, he should be smart and do what people asked the first time. But hey! That is the difference between smart people and stupid ones, you got to live with them too.. No one is bumping your forum post here, this opinions just makes you loose people smartass.
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