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Posts posted by leomade

  1. Nexus engine is 99.9% more extended than phoenix engine I used to have tested both engines. Also nexus engine has an amazing in-game administration and there do not exist any bugs as they exist on phoenix. Finally it includes new and fresh events so please don't spam this thread if you haven't tested something.


    why do u QQ? did i say that this engine is bad or something?

    Testing it means in other words buying it, which im not going to do as long as according to the description i dont see much of difference between this and the current engine i already own, thats why i said i might be a future customer, depending on the updates that'll come.


    your reply was the one that was leading to spamming now, i'm not interested in replying anymore so dont bother replying to this post, keep this topic clean.

  2. another important thing that should be added to this engine is checking if a weapon/clan has already been used to get an achievement


    For example:

    if i have achievement to get weapon +xx, then the one who got it can just move the weapon from char to char and claim rewards over and over, ofc i can add some more requirements like must be noble / lvl 80 etc but thats just a workaround and will not get what i intend to do


    Same for clans, if some1 used the clan to gain the clan achievement (for example minclanLevel 8 achievement) then the same clan cannot be used again, else leader will just pass it from each other to claim the reward.


    hope you'll take it into consideration

  3. bought it, its very nice and has a big potential, aswell as matim is giving a very good support on installation. waiting for updates! :P


    p.s. my suggestions

    1) Meet a certain hero count

    2) Meet a certain raid points amount

    3) raid killing, e.g. a kill Valakas achievement

    4) getting a certain amount from an item, e.g. 200 Sprigant's fruits (gained from sprigants on PI) <- there can be an option to take the items from the player, so it'll be like 200 fruits for xx reward.

    5) Survivor achievement, gain a certain amount of exp without dying (counter will reset if char died.)

    6) a HasCastle achievement

    7) treasure hunter achievement - open XX amount of chests

    8 ) MustBeMarried achievement

    9) reach xx online time achievement


    Well thats all my suggestions. :)

  4. i doubt if ppl will buy it (the way it is now i mean), like some1 said, project is inactive atm, no1 knows where it will go, u expect ppl to buy it without even knowing how it looks like (no test server, no access to bug reports section in ur forum to at least see what bugs are there on the pack and which are fixed)


    do some changes if u want more customers instead of bumping it all the time, i could've been ur customer since a long time now and i belive many others too, but ppl wont go for something they dont know how it even looks like.

  5. what's the problem with l2warcraft if i may ask?

    i can just answer some of ur requirements:

    rate x50 -x200 - its 25x but really easy cuz of bufftimes + double pt exp

    stable - it is.

    balance ( not only mage , dagger , archer in server ) - it is, watch the vids on the forum for example the castle siege one, u will see every class playing in pvp even destros.

    buff slot 24 - buff time minimum 1 hour max 2 hours - it is.

    Enchant like retail - well enchant rates here are 75%

    Online 500+  ( minimum ) - almost

    Europe server - it is

    not shit donate - it is

    not care if server have AIOx - if it means AIO NPC then it has

    no custom items - zones - it is.

    craft system nvm - Oo

  6. Can someone help me please with the following code?

    I took hitman event from:



    However i want to add some restrictions to it for example:

    If a player requested to kill some1, and then he (or some1 from the same network) makes the kill, then it wont count, so he will get karma.


    Anyone can look at the code below and tell me what its not working? problem is that i reuqested a kill then killed the requested target but still didnt get karma.


    PlayerToAssasinate pta = Hitman.getInstance()._targets.get(targetPlayer.getObjectId());
    String name = Hitman.getInstance().getOfflineData(null, pta.getClientId())[1];
    L2PcInstance client = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(name);
    if(getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress() != client.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress())
    else if(getClanId() != 0 || targetPlayer.getClanId() != 0)
    if(getClanId() != targetPlayer.getClanId())


    this check is done on l2pcinstance at public void onKillUpdatePvPKarma(L2Character target)

  7. nvm, it works now :) i think i forgot to add Break in the previous time thats what caused the problem, thanks for your help :)


    I want to do another thing now :P i want to make a fortrees event, basically fortreeses are already working (im using IL pack) but my question is how to add for example a reward, that will be added every xx hours to the owning clan CWH?


    thanks again for the help



  8. Thanks for the reply,

    I came up with something like this, but still i dont understand how to make it so they'll see the castle by NPCs and not by region?


    			case 35278: 
    				getCastle().getSiege().listRegisterClan(player); // aden
    			case 35367:
    				getCastle().getSiege().listRegisterClan(player); // goddard
    			case 35188:
    				getCastle().getSiege().listRegisterClan(player); // giran

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