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Posts posted by leomade

  1. hey, thanks for trying to help but that's not the problem i got :)

    its abit more complicated, i'll try to explain it here:


    If a player runs away from a dagger and turns around to face him using the mouse to move and the dagger will then use backstab, frontstabbing will not work


    but if a player runs away and turns around using a spell on the dagger (so he is also facing him) then frontstab will work

  2. Hello all,

    I tried to use Pipiou21's anti-bot for my interlude server (l2jfrozen pack)

    topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=207620.0


    can someone change a voicedcommandhandler to bypasshandler? (i do not care if i cant anymore call that bypasshalder with chat command, i just want to use pipiou21's antibot and i just want to call the voicedcommand from a html window, but in my interlude pack i cant do this, so i simply want someone remake the Antibot.java and Captcha.java to bypasshanders to be possible to called by a html button


    Thanks for the help


  3. /CARE


    I dont fricking care ,but right now im tired of flames and trolling on forums to see how retard are almost each player of l2 ,i go breath some real air ,start my training etcs


    PS: I just pretend im retard and i joke here but im not this type of human being ,you know that is easy to make threatre


    Dont judge ppls on Internet since they have many faces


    Everyone insult, everyone flame ,everyone spam ,everyone break rules ,everyone cryes ,everyones DIES! end.


    how pathetic.

  4. You ignored me?

    Hahahahaha ,what a CRAP


    That's why you answered to my questions ,wtf ure noob gm ,gl corrupt tard ^^ ,5 players on => I tryed to be nice but you're another retard so Fail! ,FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





    according to the way you talk, the picture on ur signature is you...


    and u're blind in addition to all, he answered to the guy posted right after u

  5. You are saying im writing a lot, Im allowed to it! I said lets stop whole fight at MSN, while we were talking, but no - you had to create ANOTHER THREAD just to start it again, so do it, but without me, because Im bored of you.

    It was enough for me to stop it at MSN, but no - you have to keep posting, seems you like it.

    I said stop, you shared it, ok I don't care, so why the -beep- you are starting again?!?

    this topic was created before our MSN conversation, another fail.


    Idiotic, keep sharing it rotfl, if it makes you feel better, at least im glad i made you feel like that.

    i wont keep sharing it, i respect mods desicions, eventho i dont like them.

    And yet, our msn conversation didnt solve anything.

  6. eh.....please...write less >_<


    You didn't receive 20 lines patch, because you started blaming me, without receiving fix for previous version. Learn how to post proper and constructive criticism.

    you make up things again, and im -beeeeeep-ing tired of repeating my self all the time, wtf is wrong with you? the only bad comment i made was that u offered to start a new engine when hardly finished (or should i say, started) with ur previous engine, this was before ur fix was even released so YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SHOULD STOP LYING


    About SIGMO, I don't care for such part and part with deleted replys from sigmo. Since I wasn't replying there, mod, which name I don't even know deleted flame between VHALIOR and customers, so its different story, but you are trying to prove connection between achievements case and sigmo.

    I didn't even ask mod for deletion (I did for the first time, I pmed WeirSituation to remove it, since we always did like this, while people were resharning/resseling things they bought or private projects such as L2DC, because its just matter of respect for author) At the 2nd time, while you posted it, I even said I dont care if you are resharing it, seems you are blind, but of course, you know everything again, and you are 99% sure that I requsted to remove it, but here is the funny thing, they asked me if it should be deleted, because they have at least a bit of respect.

    i did not tried to make any connection lol, its 2 different stories, you try to quote something i've never said again, i had to show what are the mistakes the mods are doing, thats all.


    You talking about respect is funny, because u have no respect at all, some1 says good comments about you = thanks thanks

    Some1 says bad comments = flaming like a b1tch plus no more products even when the product is already bought.


    NOT LIKE YOU, after I was helping you 2-3 days, with Team Viewier, provided big update, including part of your whims, but without even receiving fix for previous version, you decided to saying bullshit, and now wondering why you didnt receive fix? Or now asking me for fix, while you reshared it? Get real, jeez. I said I don't care for this because I can create new engine and sell it as well, without fighting with you to remove it.

    Now thats something completely new, you say that u didnt give me the fix for resharing, i think i dont even need to explain, but ill give a hint anyway:

    Fix was ready in saturday

    Share was made yestarday


  7. oh again ill have to explain, 2 topics with ~8 pages wasn't enough (plus a private conversation done just about an hour ago)


    u sent me patch with issues, i tested it and told u whats there to correct, u corrected and i did not get the corrected version, which leads to the fact that i did not recieved what i paid for


  8. I suppose no. But I talk with Matim and he said that you recieve the updates but you had a little issue and he told you that you will recieve again the updates on saturday. So where is the problem?

    Thats the update we're talking about, i did not recieve it, and if im not wrong, i live on earth too where saturday passed since 3 days ago already.


    He said clearly that i wont recieve it because of my comments.

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