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About leomade

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  1. probably you is the one who failed and bored : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=247948.0 :)
  2. damn dude, all people here laughing at you.... but i think you're smart really nice startegy !
  3. after testing it, i can only say: Trusted , worth any penny, great service and support. +1 recommended.
  4. there's no need to see we already know btw who the fuk u are? stop hiding behind a 17 posts unknown nickname tard
  5. i also advise this server, there's nothing better around Join it !
  6. Hello all, im trying to use this anti-bot for my server: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=207620.0 but there's seems to be a problem with bypassing (when pressing confirm button nothing happens) so my offer is 5euros paypal or 20euros PSC for some1 who is willing to fix that, PM me for more info bout the problem if interested.
  7. yes i tried it didnt work out :)
  8. hey, thanks for trying to help but that's not the problem i got :) its abit more complicated, i'll try to explain it here: If a player runs away from a dagger and turns around to face him using the mouse to move and the dagger will then use backstab, frontstabbing will not work but if a player runs away and turns around using a spell on the dagger (so he is also facing him) then frontstab will work
  9. Hello all, I tried to use Pipiou21's anti-bot for my interlude server (l2jfrozen pack) topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=207620.0 can someone change a voicedcommandhandler to bypasshandler? (i do not care if i cant anymore call that bypasshalder with chat command, i just want to use pipiou21's antibot and i just want to call the voicedcommand from a html window, but in my interlude pack i cant do this, so i simply want someone remake the Antibot.java and Captcha.java to bypasshanders to be possible to called by a html button Thanks for the help
  10. LF some1 to fix frontstabs issue on an interlude pack paying 10euros paypal PM me
  11. so did any1 managed to make this work for interlude ?
  12. UP still looking for a good java coder to make some fixes (list of about 14 fixes (not so hard ones) for 50euros PSC) pm.
  13. Need some java fixes pm me paying in PSC
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