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Everything posted by UnixCode

  1. diladi thes gia paradigma mono gia donates? An ne, kathe player pou ine donate tha ton kaneis setDonate(true); //tha prepei na iparxoun oi methods, an oxi dimiourgise tes. Meta sto .command.java tha valeis to eksis: if (!activeChar.isDonator()) return false;
  2. egw pantos tha sou protina na ksekiniseis na kitas ta thenewboston gia eksaskisi kai gia na pareis mia geusi.Meta afou pareis mia vasiki idea, sou protino na agoraseis ena vivlio kai oxi 1 e-book. To plires egxeiridio gia java 6 (43 euro to poli, ala kanei telia doulia).
  3. gia to 2o: <set name="power" val="20"/> auto alazeis
  4. l2pcinstance.java dimiourgis ena boolean stin arxi private etsi: private boolean _aio; meta vriskeis ti methodo setNoble gia paradigma kai apo panw vazeis: public boolean isAIO() { return _aio; } public void setAIO(boolean x) { _aio = x; }
  5. dimiourgis isAio kai setAio methods esi .
  6. if L2Character, pet can hit=false; return; this i will tell you is just an example: you need something like: boolean canhit = false if (this instanceof L2PetInstance) canhit = false; if (!x.canhit) return; Now, where to add them i can't tell you i dont have eclipse to explain you now. but that's the way i think
  7. lipame tote, den nomizw na vreis kai ase ta logia me ta donates kai ta prasina aloga, o allos tha ksimeroviadiazete gia sena xoris lefta, kai tha perimenei pote kapios tha kanei donate?eleos
  8. o dev tha plirothi ? ps:den endiaferome , apla na kseroun.
  9. to code einai ok, auto me to restart ginete automata den xriazete extra kodika, episis addare kai tin methodo rewardSkills(); gia sigouria kato apo to setHero(true); , eisai sigouros pos meta to rr paramenei? Edit: An exeis to idio problem , mporeis na kaneis to eksis: dimiourgis mia methodo setHeroUntilRR kai otan to pataei o pektis tha to kaneis true, enw sto enterworld tha to vazeis na ton kanei false. episis tha dimiourgisis kai tin isHeroUntilRR gia checks.
  10. ti oraio guide, χαχα file eleos katarxas vale [guide], 2on fixare to topic sou omg gia to theo diladi, 3on exei ginei ksana share
  11. aoux yes :P, i thought he was having core buffer maybe
  12. yea? never watched it because i never searched for something like this :P , but tell him the "way" to do it. EDIT:TRY THIS: if (getNpcId() == 3234) { if (activeChar.getPvpFlag() > 0 ) { activeChar.sendMessage("You can't by pass in this npc while you are in flag"); return; } } try this on your onbypassfeedback method of your instance of your npc.
  13. via java you can do it , but it will affect almost all your npcs, so you will not able to press buttons in flag mode, but if your buffer's type is for example L2Buffer you can do it.(i use only interlude so i dont know about other clients).
  14. gia na valis ola ta mobs na petane 1 item den theleis java ala SQL script
  15. mpes sto site tis kai des mixanimata, exei diafora me diafores times.
  16. mono ta zwa tha to xrisimopoiisoun, oxi oti den ine kalo, ala epidi ine private kai ine shared.QQ oti na ne
  17. elegkse to l2jmod , sigoura ine ekei, tora ti ine omos...enas theos kserei gi auto prosexoume otan ta pername :P, sigoura pantos ekei ine to error
  18. sou ekana pm kai sou ipa dose me team viewer, ala tipota, an thes dose me.
  19. esi agori m ise vlakas me V kefaleo ilikrina den pezese, stokos entelos ilikrina
  20. first of all since you practising, its a fkcing good idea to do it it will be a perfect practice maybe. secondly i think yes it will be usefull
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