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Everything posted by buyrpg

  1. Hi there. WTS Wind rider 85 all subs noblesse dyna set dagger mj light set PvP dc robe set tts set, oly ring + earring as+cd+150 all important skills +10/12 40k oly tokens all 81 / 83 books learned a lot of stuff for oly (including weps, talismans, etc) cp shirt, s bracelet, etc.. about 700kk adenas, wolf 80, kooka 80, shitload mats, 2 tw's missing for s80 cloack, many TW badges from diferent citys, etc etc etc, i wanna get rid of all. pay method: wester union / bank transfer. pm me on forum whit the offer, and if its enof i will give u my contact info. cya
  2. pm price whit anthy zaken tezza and the vesper shaper on 1 side, and on another side pm me whit what u expect for WHOLE char. ty
  3. mate i cant view profiles yet. can u send me price on pm whit: price whit baium / zaken / aq. per piece and what price u can make whit all together. ty.
  4. how mutch for shaper?. do u have any epic for sell?. pm me whit info ty.
  5. bump! sent u a pm
  6. Hi there, im interested on buying somethings on rpg x15. I need to buy adena (alot tbh) and some epics / items, would like to get some prices, so then i decide to who i wanna buy. first of all scammers get off from here, i will buy from ppl that have at least more than 30 post, and i will use the search and check out if ur trustfull seller or not. heres the list: need price for 1b adena need price for 10b adena and price for 15b adena I will decide whats better to buy depending on what prices u guys make. epics: need price for biaum need price for zaken need price for tezza Weps/armors S84 dagger +300 +CD Clock s84 I need u make me 2 prices: 1)just put prices there 2)a combo price (example best price u can do me if i buy 15b + dagger s84 + epics + cloack) I will choose whats better for me. This month im out of cash, but will buy ALL on first days of next month. Cya
  7. What price u can make me for 15b adena. Also do u have zaken / baium / tezza for sell?. All in rpgx15 ofc pm me whit info (cant view profiles yet-.-) ty.
  8. Any1 whit more than 1 or 2 post can vouch this guy (tbh the ones that vouched u got just 1 or 2 post thats kinda lol) if there is i will prolly buy u things. btw, do u have zaken / baium / tezza for sell? how mutch? send me all in pm. thanks.
  9. pm me how mutch u want, and how many rurs for change mail.
  10. send me pm: price whit baium / zaken / aq. per piece and what price u can make whit all together. ty.
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