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About Celina

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  1. I'm buying Adena, as the title is saying, on L2 Era. The price I am looking for is per billion/1E. PM me in here, we will talk into it by there and Skype.
  2. No, they actually said that the new camps will be MUCH harder than the golems.
  3. Elise is soooooooooooooo stronggggg dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. Lol I have to face these D5s with low MMR every time I am playing ranked. The sad part is that, even if our team is doing great, that Diamond player will fucking throw the shit out of it. http://imgur.com/pwuwWMW 19-9 from 17-3 or so. Meanwhile my D5 Corki http://imgur.com/EpWP43v Like, whatever..
  5. If you guys make some games in EUNE I'd love to join :)
  6. Are you that Kssadin or AFK or smth? If yes, then I'd love to see a guide from you. Mostly because you've got the most games of that champion though. So yea, go for it.
  7. I don't understand the definition of 'good boosters' which actually implies that I am not a good booster, do you even know me? lol. Anyways, since you're already communicating with boosters, the topic can be locked.
  8. I could do it for you if you would actually pay with paysafe card, but paypal no, and the reason is that I am afraid that you can actually take the money back.
  9. No, he probably lied to you. None can jump from one tier's 1 to another tier's 4. It's just impossible. Also, to jump from for example Silver 5 to silver 3 (and you are not recruiter) you have to make a win streak from 0 points to 100 and not lose a single promotion game.
  10. E elo boost ti ennow =D a/w none of my business opote : )
  11. Oxi oti 8elw na sou thn pw alh8eia alla prepei na efages polu dunato boost :D (platinum 1 - diamond 3)
  12. Translating the first part of the post (for the ones who are interested): Hey peeps, the account I am selling is currently inactive and getting decayed. I can't tell you the information of the account because they're so many things inside it. It currently owns the 95% of the Runes, 200+ skins (including Pulsefire Ezreal and of course Spirit Guard Udyr) Every single champion, 30k IP/1000 RP. Diamond in Season 2 Every rare summoner icons and so much other stuff. For every information you'll need just send me a PM so I can give you my skype and deal. The price is: 350E, not negotiable. If you offer something less than that, just don't bother PMing me. PS1: I don't have the e-mail (at least I think so), the main e-mail I had of the account has been hacked and I have disabled it. I haven't tried changing it, but I do know the e-mail, so we can change it to the one of yours. PS2: We'll trade through middleman, you will give the money to him and then I will give the account to you.
  13. 8a sou kanw egw to english version meta apo to game pou paizw twra :)
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