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About Cher0uvim

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. l2buff=l2furrina....maybe its l2erika too...you will understand it if there is only admin with name ''admin'' and with no gms cause he dont trust
  2. not this one again...this srv has done wipe several times...dont break our balls with fail srv who do every day wipe...
  3. srv is up!!!!
  4. system is available to download!!! srv opens in 18 minuites!!!go go go join!
  6. LINEAGE 2 THE WORLD HIGH FIVE SERVER X50 OPENS TOMORROW http://www.lineage2theworld.com/server-features Server Rates: Carefully chosen for fair gameplay, balanced economy and with server longevity in mind. * XP – 50x * SP – 50x * Adena Drop – 50x * Items Drop – 10x * Quest Item Drop – 10x * Quest Adena/Material Reward – 10x * Spoil – 20x * Epic Jewelry Dopr – 10x * Weight Limit – 3x * Equipment Maximum Enchant Limit +16 * Olympiad Enchant Limit +6 * CP/HP/MP Recovery – 1x (retail-like) Anti-Bot Protection: Strong anti-bot protection to keep real players happy. Equipment Safe Enchant: Retail-like at +3, fullbody armor pieces at +4. Champion Monsters System – ON: Called “Bison monsters” on our server, set at a spawn rate of 3%, with each dropping New Adena currency at 100% drop rate. Mailing system – ON: Send/receive messages, Adena and items quickly and easily, using High Five’s new improved in-game mail interface. Events – ON: Enjoy various automatically running and GM organized events to spice up your gameplay and obtain useful rewards. Normal Buffs/Bards Duration – 2 Hours: Our Scheme Buffer provides you and your pet with all the buffs you need to deal with most PvE and PvP challenges, including the new H5 Dance and Song buffs for extra increase of attack and defense stats. Offline Shops – On: You can make a private sell/buy/craft shop and just press Exit Game to let it run even when you’re offline. Limited zones and distance between PCs/NPCs to prevent player shops from getting in the way of active characters. Subclass Certification Skills: Possible without doing the “More Than Meets the Eye” quest – just bring your sub(s) to the required level, obtain the certificates from the appropriate class Grand Master NPC and speak to the Transformation Wizard (Avant-Garde) NPC in Ivory Tower. Retail-like Working Class Skills: We’re constantly working to try and fix class skills so they can work like they do on retail. Some examples: no-variation damage for focus charge based skills (very few servers have this) and fully implemented buff cancel/steal attacks and resistances that almost no other server has (enjoy PvP that is not ruined by users relying on dagger/fist/polearm PvP bonus cancelling buffs with ease, or Soul Hounds stealing all your buffs every single time). Properly Working Monster Skills: Enjoy retail-like combat against monsters that don’t just attack you with normal hits, but follow their internal AI scripts for each of their skills. Cursed Weapons – ON: Enjoy a game element that’s been forgotten lately – hunt down Zariche and Akamanah users, or use them yourself. Drop rate set relatively low to avoid disturbing PvE too much. Top Quality Geodata: Excellent Geodata and Pathfinding, with fully working H5 Olympiad stadiums, instances and new hunting grounds. Luxury Shop with Convert Crystals Custom Function: Convert crystals from any grade to any other grade at a reasonable rate. No more relying on others or having to make an alternative dwarf character to get your lower/higher grade crystals. H5 Retail Costs for A-Grade armors/weapons in Giran’s Luxury Shop: Decent and affordable equipment for your character early on. H5 Monster Drops: Enjoy getting things like Giants Codex, Forgotten Scrolls, Top Life Stones, Attribute Stones and Attribute Crystals from more hunting grounds and monsters than ever before! Sel Mahum Training Ground with Working AI Script, monster skills and Quests: A great place for leveling and spoiling, but beware of the newly added monster skills that can hurt you seriously now. Fun NPC Morrigan added in Giran and Fantasy Island: Would you dare do what she requests of you? Fully Updated and Working Epic Raid Bosses: Challenge and defeat revamped H5 Grand Bosses to get new amazing rewards such as mid and top S84-Grade equipment, as well as RB Cloaks and RB Weapons. Instanced Zaken working retail-like. Keep Your Buffs on Class-Change and Pets/Servitors on Relog: No need to rebuff or resummon every time you change class or relog your character. Unique Donation System: Help the server go forward and receive New Adena that can help with your gameplay. Spend your New Adena at our in-game Special Shop that changes dynamically according to the advancement of players on the server, in order to preserve fairness and balance. Go to our Donate page to learn more. Mana Potion : Mana potions will only be disable for pvp for better balance and to give the chance to some ppl who like support classes to play them as main character. Olympiad : Enchant limit +6 for iqual chances. FOR MORE INFO JST VISIT THE SITE www.linegae2theworld.com
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