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Everything posted by bilekburak

  1. +1 That
  2. Im Waiting For G.O
  3. Summons Are Done?
  4. Count Me In !
  5. I Will Be There For Sure
  6. The Best Balanced Classes I Have Ever Seen !
  7. Great Day To Start !:)
  8. Thank You But These 2 Servers Are Sux :)
  9. I Believe You Know This Job And You Can Do It.
  10. I Hope Absolute PvP Balance. Its So Important :) This Server Deserves Balance For This Hard Work And Epic Features.
  11. Im Looking For Any GOD Server But Not Low Rate.
  12. It Looks Server Will Have 500+ online at Start. So Make Lots Of Farm Zones Or 50 Player Will Hit 1 Mob In A Time :)
  13. Still How Many Online?
  14. New client after do you WİPE the server ? I think need that
  15. It Says 1 Dollar = 150 Coin. 150 Is Valuable Or Just A Small Amount?
  16. Thanks You Man, I Will Try It With My Brothers. Donation Exist?
  17. Is There Language Problem With Players??
  18. Lineage 2: Goddess of Destruction CHapter 2 TAUTI (100Xp/1000Adena). ►Chain Skills, All Skills working, Constant Updates, Solid economy, 100% ANTIBOT, 100% GEODATA! Farm zones, Easy in game user interface (alt+b access), specially created hunting zones, New Item enchantment System: R-grade and higher armor items have additional offensive properties which are more effective the more highly the item is enchanted Head-Increased P. Evasion and M. Evasion Chest-Increased P. Atk. and M. Atk Legs-Increased P. Critical Rate and M. Critical Rate Hands-Increased P. Accuracy and M. Accuracy Feet-Increased Spd SKills fixed: giants blessing, summon death gate, maximum critical Fortuna instance added -New attribute system When the attribute of attacker is lower in comparison by defense of the target the damage now has been reduced, not ignored (previous version of this system ignores defensive bonus, only neutralices atk bonus) -When the attribute of attacker is 0 on all attributes, the calc of defense bonus of the target is based on the highest attribute resist. (ie. attacker 0 attribute bonus, defender has 300 of Wind Defense, and 150 of all remaining attributes, the defense bonus is based on Wind Defense in this case) Modified bonus for enchant weapon -Added boolean for items blessed -Reconstruct FuncEnchant. Implemented R enchant armor extra stats -Two new different phases of overchant totally controllable. Added Overenchant Limit 1, 2, for armors and weapons, 3 and 4 for weapon R exclusive (Official Client Values) and corresponding multipliers. Setted now to retail values (Overenchant for items enchanted up 3 and low of 6, multiplier 2 to added point in which enchant level(formula checked) Items overchanted up 6 have multiplier 3 to added points in which enchant level. The second overenchant is only for R equipment -Added enchant bonus for Blessed R armor -Added on first stance of funcEnchant a check if the item not has enchant return immediatly. This useful to save server performance ► hp mp cp stats for all awakened chars updated to december 2012 god update , retail confirmed All armor masteries for all classes now give hp bonus for the correct armor type magical evasion and magical accuracy stats working magical critical damage remade formula,Magic Evasion/Accuracy/Critical Improved Fixed Magical Evasion bonus for Final Ultimate Evasion Rage Aura radius fix (need correct id for debuff). - Updated all hellbinding type skill. - Added dispell for Spirit of Nabiarov. - Cubic Avengers fix. - Added some effects fix for knockback/down/HellBinding. Fixed activateRate of Mark of Weakness, Mark of Plague, Mark of Trick, Mark of Void Mark system fix Fixed Mark of Void DoT every second, not 2s During Hellbinding effect character is be paralyzed. - Removed stacktype poison\bleed because they stack between themselves fixed rewards for quest Not strong enough Added Shield Angle Defense to all direction for "Superior Shield Mastery". -Added skill Power Increase for "Last Patience" Trigger skill. -Modified basemul critical power of Critical Increase for "Shield Charge" to mul. Previously this increase the critical damage on 110% on debuffed target -Added power skill to all enchant routes for "Last Judgment", "Justice Punishment", "Shield Impact","Shield Wave", "Gust Blade","Chain Galaxy" -Modified speed debuff reduced for "Last Judgment" from 10% to retail 30%. -Removed Silence effect for "Justice Punishment". This effect is incorrect for client description. -Added new enchant ways for "Shield Impact", added trait type and modified power (previous are in static mode, whatever level the power is 9870) -Added new enchant ways for "Shield Wave". -Added Heal Percent to RecoversHP way for "Noble Sacrifice". Previous way piss off the percent of transfer damage -Added transfer to effector effect to Protection of Faith. Share the same stackType of Shield of Faith and Noble Sacrifice. -Changed Spike Shield stat "reflectMagicDebuff" to "reflectAndBlockMSkillDam"(like Shield Deflect Magic. The skill description don't say reflect magic debuff, say reflect Magic Damage. Changed 1st level percent from 35 to 10% -Changed effect of HP Recovery Rate to HealPercent on "Ignore Death". The skill say Enchant Power HP: Recovers 10% HP, this not means Increase HP recovery rate on 10%. Added cap Damage to 1. TODO: need to attacker player show the real do damage -Added new enchant way for "King of Beast". Removed innecesary Fly cast, Save VS (this only used for debuffs), -Removed innecesary for "Party Rescue" effect TargetToMe. In client description don't mention aggresion effect, or teleport effect. -Changed StackType for "Knight Frenzy" at the same for "Flame Archon" And "Spirit of Shillen" to avoid overpower combinations (PreAwakened char with one of this skill and this). Changed rEvas add to accCombat add. Increased enchant Time from max 90 seconds to 120 seconds. -Added enchant Way to "Superior Aggression". -Removed condition to activate toggle Rage Aura. The effects needs Sword or Blunt, but for cast don't have restriction. -Iron Aura (Party Effect Only) modified. Deleted restriction to effect only characters using Heavy Armor, and removed effect for Shield Defense, Shield Rate, Critical Damage Recept -Added to all Disarm skills, resist and sucess rate stats. -Added to Transform Debuff of iss, Resist and Sucess rate Stats. -Added to Chain Strike and Chain Hydra resist (Earth Wyrm Heart Ring) and sucess rate -Added Resist and success rate stat for HellBinding type skills -Removed RegHp and RegMp from Recovery Aura and Spirit Aura. Added Resist to PMez and MMez (individual resist to this group, need to add a general stat for both). Change substract of mpEff and hpEff to multiply -Blazing Boost: Removed FlyToBack function. -Added Rush effect to "Lion Rush". What are you waiting for? Start Playing http://tauti.lineage2media.com http://tauti.lineage2media.com Im Just A Player
  19. They Announced Tonight 00:00
  20. Move The Topic To Private Servers When Its On.D Dont Forget To Do It. Also I Cant See The Patch...
  21. Im A L2Crysis Player. But I Will Play Here Because Crysis Has No Balance And Just A Pvp Zone That Parties,Bishops,Clans Zerging. I Hope Big Community And Good Protection. Good Luck
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