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Everything posted by ParanoiaGR

  1. FreeAdena the truth is that i scamed him... he was ok with our trade//
  2. Omg. I send you 4 pins of paysafecards of 10 euro (40 euro total), and when you tooke paysafecards you loggout and 5 hours now didnt log. keep scam for 40 euro. Look and his topic. all say that he is scammer. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=231433.new#new
  3. Cause i smell scam, we can do it with 5 trades. First trade 10 euro for 200kk, other 10 for 200 etc. if want tell me.
  4. hi blu from wonderboy;*
  5. I can give for archer 40 euro.
  6. I never dissapear. You know i work 15 hours per day. Now im online, and you are NOT.
  7. with 300 euro we buy all the official.
  8. tell me way to contact you;p
  9. Pes mou timi gia ton char, kai ean einai dunaton na ginei to trade hand to hand. Eimai apo thessaloniki.
  10. WTB Adena 100kk/16euro. WTB Iss account 85 max price 30-40 euro. Scammers dont contact me, you will not scam me. ONLY paypal. For Iss account 85 i send you half money, you give me account infos, and if all are ok i send you the others. For adena, 100kk/16euro, but in half trade, i send you 8euro for 50kk, and other 8 for 50kk yet.
  11. Hi, im intersting for adena, and give me information for iss account. class/lvl/gear etc.
  12. you have low posts, how ll do the trade?
  13. tell me your offer about baum
  14. You forgot your bump when you wanted to sell adena in rpg. so STFU LAME
  15. no timecards, no paypals, ONLY paysafecards.
  16. As topic says, WTB adena in official shillen with PAYSAFECARD. Price for 100kk is 20euro.
  17. Give me one msn/skype to see the logs, and the payment.
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