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About mocsu

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  1. Idk where the other topic went. I said I was going to try the server, a few days ago, I'm still trying it. It looks great, feels great. Enough people to find decent pvp, farm difficulty is moderated. You need a day of grind not to max out your gear, but to make yourself somewhat 'pvp ready'. I'm not exagerating in any way. The server is decent, not the best, but a good run at something worth playing. This is my exit :-beep- yeah:
  2. Only true if you are Gollum with a masters degree in programing.
  3. kewl, 10 online :you serious?:
  4. http://www.l2represent.cz/
  5. get decent geodata, implement global gk, it's a high rate server. or don't...
  6. @N1nj4Styl3 Ur posts are always pointless. Check yo'self! OT: Website is empty. So... my advice is to handle your "sheet". LE: New server START will be at 2013-07-27. :not bad:
  7. "Tattoos (Grade S)" Mhm...
  8. a few more minutes until we take a swing at it! 8)
  9. `one more clan joining. cya at pvp ;)
  10. i like the ideea. the fact that the gm-shop has gear only up until c-grade is great. waiting for the "launch"! gj&gl
  11. nice design m8. nuked, but good nonetheless.
  12. looks interesting. good luck dude :-)
  13. nice to know there are still good official replicas and devs. gl
  14. Having played on every extension of this game, and tested many gameservers, i've decided to partner up with a c++ developer and a webdeveloper to work on a forthcoming low rate interlude gameserver. I'm also scouting for other developers so let me know if you got skills at himgr@lineagefrenzy.com Until our Open Beta, wich will come as soon as we get some people startled on our forums & as soon as we set up server files on a dedi (for now the files are on a vps), i want to leave here what we have in mind for our gameserver: 1. Experience/skill points: x8 2. Adena amount: x10 and chance: 70% 3. Gear drop (from monsters) amount: x1 and chance x8 4. Materials drop (from monsters) amount: x3 and chance x8; chance and amount for materials at spoil will be x5. 5. Several quests will have boosted multipliers but in general the drop chance will be x4 and amount x2. 6. Seven signs spawns over a period of two weeks as retail. Blacksmith and merchant of Mammon will be found in catacombs, necropolises. 7. Monthly heroes. 8. Weekly sieges for castles, and siegeable fortresses. 9. Working quests in PI. Forum: http://lineagefrenzy.com/arya LE: We will make something else of it.
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