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About |Ambra|

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    ☀ I'm making the difference ツ ☀

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  1. Trickster hit 1,2k deathshot?Mby on tanks.200 melee crtis lol then means u suck.Check ur buffs,items,char setup.
  2. Im not playing any of that...w/e. If I want to play immortal tanks or bps I'll go Aeron.
  3. Mucho pvp farm!Go start to join i need even more frags :-beep- yeah: /edit: Dont fuck with the coco.
  4. Can u add max 2 clients per HWID? Like this will avoid the bot pts..
  5. So much off topic.. Imo u should make sieges weekly,castle siege and territory war. Also u should make it possible to earn the pvp count and reward in siege zones (something like in Aeron)! Sieges are a good reason to pvp, especially on those servers, would be cool, think about it. /Edit: limit of wards to avoid zergs can be good too, 3 wards per castle.
  6. U scrolled down to read and copy that but read the beginning. L2 is all about lvling? ... What I said previously still valid.
  7. Once u get it don't forget u'll need money for the documents and insurance!
  8. Why not any pvp server,w/o tons of farm etc...Imo i go: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2/play/if i have to farm,make instances (w/o bugs) and is stable.. Think about dudes,a decent pvp server would be great then u will avoid all the bugs from instances and raids xD.
  9. You can take a look at Opel Corsa,Volkswagen Polo,Lancia Y,Citroen C3/C3 Pluriel. Depends what kind of car u want,those are "eco" but if u dont mind u can get any audi a3/a4 or any bmw 3 series.
  10. Even if this is a bit old,but i was thinking the same,so up !
  11. I cant understand why ppl keep opening lows and mids rate of this chronicle...If I or some1 else want to play low or mid..better play Innova,official,no? Still dont know why there arent easy pvp server of this chronicle,would be more entertaining also they wont have problems with all the instances,raids etc that arent working or that are super bugged ;S ...
  12. Typical romo. What point from i dont give a single fvck about u and ur weekly servers,i just wondered why u rage on every single topic. Before throwing trash from ur mouth ,think a bit.How many times i've talked to u?This is the 1st time and i do it because u act like being some1 or something when u are nothing...u did it once,twice,thrice...but dude calm down and keep doing ur things and let the others in "peace" ...that's what is pissing me off,u have nothing better than them so stay queit or talk like educated ppl; u also talk about mad kids etc when u're the 1st that rage,spam and trashtalk. This is funny : "New owners never success ,in case you didnt knew that ,youre still a baby!" u were a new owner too and u have nothing different than the new owners. "even midrates with 1k online dont last more than 2-3 months" when a good project started for the 1st time ,they do and even more...but then when the same dude opens the same server again and again,nothing different,nothing new (just hoping to get some money),ppl start to get pissed off and ofc it wont last anymore. How u can PUNISH me when u dont know who i am,when im not playing ur server and when i dont give a fuck about u?Anyway let it and read the following(u'll understand why i replied) : There is a saying : "one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself" or "one should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated" ,take it how u wish but read it twice. /Edit: if u'll reply ,do it w/o rage and insults,dont be a gypsy otherwise u can talk alone.
  13. This romo karasu...is spamming every single topic of every hr pvp server lol,so pathetic. Is not like i give a fuck but i wonder how stupid ppl can be,seems there isnt a limit :| ...From what i've seen ur servers arent so stable,ur average is arround 2-3 weeks +- then u open a new server; stupid ppl that keep joining ur servers and donate,but till u will find the idiots that will keep donate im sure u'll go ahead with ur weekly servers but dude at least stop acting like this,u look so retarded :/ . P.S: I've seen that u already opened a new one and revenge already closed(2/3 weeks,confirmed),i've seen the site is a copy/paste of aeron,at least be more creative. /Edit: Ontopic: Goodluck!
  14. i've tried it..damn is even more harder than tenkai,epics 1 shot u,same as instances...high rate with the name only but as i said harder than tenkai..i better farm like this in off...not on l2j that i might close from a day to another.still lf a real pvp server :) !!
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