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About L2Faris

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L2Faris's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. If you want contact with me via PM and we can speak I will setup a test server so you can test all features :)
  2. If you want contact with me via PM and we can speak I will setup a test server so you can test all features :)
  3. If you want contact with me via PM and we can speak I will setup a test server so you can test all features :)
  4. Then for what is maked this board? haha LOL!
  5. CPU Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quad-Core 2.7 GHZ RAM 8 GB DDR3 HDD 2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD Connection 1GB On Board / 100MB/s Upload/Download
  6. Server Rates EXP: 2000x SP: 2000x Party EXP/SP: 1.5x Adena Drop: 5000x Item Drop: 1x Spoil Drop: 1x Manor Drop: 1x Pet EXP: 200x Quest Drop: 1x Enchant Rates Save: +3 Max: +20 Rate: 70% Crystal: 80% (Farmable) Blessed: 90% (Boss Manager) Retail Features Auto Pickup Auto Skill Learn Disabled Crafting Class Masters 48 Buff/Debuff Slots 2 Hour Buff Time No Clan Penalties Working Clan Halls Working Grand Bosses (Valakas, Baium, Antharas, Queen Ant, Zaken, Frintezza, Van Halter) Classic Olympiad System - Start 18:00, End - 00:00 Working Boat Working Cursed Weapons 150 Inventory Slots for Characters and 200 for Dwarfs 30 Seconds Spawn Protection Disabled Death Penalty Working Karma Penalties!!! Custom Features Weddings No Grade Penalty Castle Lord Announce Enchantable Hero Weapons Armor Restriction (You cannot use Light armor if you have Heavy armor mastery, etc...) Custom Killing Protection (If your target is 5 levels bellow you, then can't be killed.) Anti Feed System (If you kill two times same char in 2 minutes you will not get rewarded.) Special Skills Joseph is a special NPC that will help you to learn much special skills. But offcourse you have to pay for them! The skills are unique and never seen before! The stats are balanced and by learning them you will not become the master of the server! Clan Wars Anakim is a special NPC that will take your clan to a custom ground in order to fight with enemy clans. Each kill will grand your clan with random reward of 50-100 clan points. Only clan leaders can use the npc.! In order to get teleported to the custom ground you must be leader of party with minimum 5 peoples. PvP Ground All monsters has been removed from PI and the zone is set to PvP Ground. When you are in that ground and you are killing enemies you will get special rewards, the rewards can be exchanged in the PvP Shop in Giran for special items! You can will enter in that zone only by speaking with Marchelo in Giran. He will remove all your buffs and set only buffs that are allowed in the pvp zone. Trade Chat The trade chat (+) has been modificated by special way. You can use the chat only with prefix [WTB],[WTS],[WTT] The trade chat is global! Any one can see it. Website | Community
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