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Everything posted by VasQueZ

  1. what? Who tell you that i am from netherlands?
  2. Hey guys i want to sell my second account in LoL i have already sell the first and i wanna sell and the second i get bored to play this game and i wanna to return to my only love Lineage after 8 months out. First of all this account is 29 level.*(updated to 30 level) Many wonder If you take it i will scam you after 2-3 days.NO because i dont wanna any relationships with this game again. This account has 75 champions owned,6 runes pages,and many many skins. Before tell you the skins i wanna inform you the 7 of them are legendary. Also i have the new 5 icons and the championship icon. Now i will inform you about the skins. Lets start.. Ahri-Foxfire Akali-Silverfang Alistar-Unchaired,Infernal Annie-Frostfire Ashe-Queen Brand-Zombie(legendary) BlitzCrank-Boom Boom Cho'Gath-Battle Prime(legendary) Corki-Redhot Dr.Mundo-Rageborn Evelyn-Tango Ezreal-Frost,Pulsfire Fiddlesticks-Surpice Party Fizz-Trunda Gankgplank-Minuteman Gragas-Vandal Graves-Riot(Not anymore available in shop) Heimeridiger-Snowdiger Janna-Tempest Jax-Vandal Karthus-Reaper Kassadin-Pre void Katarina-Mercenary Kayle-Vindirian Kog'Maw-Lion Dance(legendary) Lee Sin-Dragonfist Malphite-Glacial Maokai-Tempest Master Yi-Samurai Mordekaiser-Lord Nasus-Riot(not available in shop) Nocturne-Frozen terror Nunu-Bot(legendary) Olaf-Brolaf(legendary) Orianna-Battlecraft Riven-Championship(not available any more) Ryze-Dark crystal Sivir-PAX sivir(not available in shop + Rare skin) Skarner-Sandscourge Singed-Riot Singed*ULTRA RARE) Talon-Crimson Elite Teemo-Astronaut(legendary) Tristana-Riot girl,bucaneer Twisted Fate-underworld,jack of hearts Udyr-Primal Varus-Blight crystal Vayne-Dragonslayer Victor-Full Machine Vladimir-Blood lord(legendary) Warwick-Big bad Wukong-Jade Dragon,Volcanic Xerarth-scorched eart Xin Zhao-Winged Hussar Ziggs-Party pool Zyra-Wildfire This account has a lot of skins as you see. You can make your offers or you can add me in skype sacr4ment0 I accept ONLY paypal. Updated Jarvan IV,Renekton owned. Darious and Lord Darious skin owned too. *Updated Diana-Dark Vakyrie Lulu-Bittersweet Anivia-Hextech Caitlyn-Officer Updated notgham ezreal,shamrock malphite,phantom karthus,red baron corki obtained. Updated:Snowmerdinger skin,slay belle katarina,festive maokai,misteletoe le blanc,and shyvana champion own3d. The price has stucked to 40 euro paypal or 50 euro paysafe!!
  3. My favourite champion is ahri and favourite skin foxfire ahri.
  4. Why all try to copy the name of srv L2Pharos with names like L2Argos,L2Pyrgos and etc?
  5. Hey guys!! After 1 month i log again to forum back i am for studies so i dont have the ability to log in forum every day! I post today because i want to sell my account in EU west. I bored i and i want to return to l2 again. P.S. This is my 2nd account (but very good) I will give the registration e-mail and the password of it and all donate transtuctions in case of someone tell that i scam him. I prefer to sell it in person that i know in mxc! Lets Start. As i said is my 2nd account so is 24level. Has 6 runes pages with full runes for 24 level. Has 53 champions and a lot of skins, Lets start with the skins now. Akali- Silverfang Akali Alistair- Unchained,Infernal Amumu- No Skin Annie- Frostfire Annie Ashe- Queen Ashe Brand- Zombie Brand Cho-Gath- BattleCast Cho Gath Corki- Hot Rod Dr.Mundo- No Skin Evelyn- No Skin Ezreal- Froted,Pulsfire FiddleSticks- Superprice fiddle Fizz- Tunda fizz Gangplank- Minuteman GP Garen- No Skin Gragas- Vandal Gragas Graves- Riot Graves Hecarim- No Skin Janna- Tempest Jana Jax- Vandal Jax Karma- NO skin Karthus- Reaper Karthus Katerina- Mercenary Katarina Kayle- Viridian Kayle Kog'Maw- Lion Dance Kog maw Malphite- Glacial Malphite Malzahar- No Skin Maokai- Totemic Master Yi- Samurai Yi Mordekaiser- Lord Mordekaiser Nasus- RIOT NASUS K-9 Nocturne- No Skin Nunu - Nunu Bot Orianna- BladeCraft Orianna Poppy- NO skin Riven- ChampionShip Riven Ryze- Dark Crystal Ryze Sivir- PAX SIVIR Soraka- No Skin Olaf- Brolaf Teemo- Astronaut Teemo Tristana- Riot Girl,Buccaneer Twisted Fate-Jack of hearts,Underworld TF Udyr- No SKIN Varus- No Skin Vayne- Dragonslayer vayne Vladimir- Blood lord vladi Warwick- Big bad warwick Wukong- Jade Dragon Wukong Xerath- Scorched Earth Xerath Xin'Zhao- Winged Hussar Xin Yorick- No Skin Ziggs- Pool Party Ziggs Price: 30 euro via paypal the price is little expensive because of 7 legendary skins and skins in almost full champs. You can pm me here or in my skype: sacr4ment0 Thnx in advance guys!
  6. Most of players says in 1 week. Personally i dont know,but i trust them.
  7. Chucky when you fill out the code you get the skin immidiately or you need to restart your client?
  8. Site has a lot of traffic this time. I am not able to join either.
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/11flxn/official_the_championship_code_2012/ Some found their code! When will able to find it?
  10. About the code of streaming and the new icon what will be happened? When will be available? http://woobox.com/dwmvfy
  11. You cant compare EUROPE teams with asian teams. Before tournament start even europe teams tell that asian teems are better. And oc they are! P.S. I think AZ will win the 4th game. They will focus on Bebe,bad choise in my opinion the ezreal.
  12. I support TPA after sk gaming went out. They focus very well in farm and dont let AF farm. And the quick farm of TPA and stollen buffs make the game easier for them.
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