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Everything posted by VasQueZ

  1. pm me.
  2. Looking for premades to play on EUNE server. If you want reply with your name so i add you.
  3. Geia sas pedia! Auth tn stigmh xrisimopoiw mia VISA tis pireos sto paypal m alla epidi einai ths mhteras m apofasisa na kanw ena diko m logariasmo kai na xrisimopoiisw mia dikia m karta!! Anoi3a ena logariasmo sthn ethiniki trapeza! kai 8elw na rwthsw i ethiniki plash card i mia visa tis ethinikis einai simvath me paypal? An nai apanthste mou! Kai epishs tis dikaiologitika prepi na exw gia na kanw aithsh gia karta! Logariasmo exw hdh.
  4. Problem solved just get from friend server on germany for team speak!
  5. Hey guys me and my friends we are back to lineage after 1 year! And we want a team speak server for us! We are looking for a good price for month with 50 slots! Any sites that i can buy? Prefer hosted in Germany.
  6. Thnx romeo eixes dikio mou zhthsan mono tautothta kai afm! Opote komple lock it!
  7. Ti enoeis?
  8. Spoudazw dude dn einai 8ema exw kai se alpha kai peiraios alla xreiazetai OPOSDHPOTE ethinikis trapezas.
  9. Sou epinthimizw omos gia ETHINIKI TRAPEZA!
  10. 100%?
  11. Geia sas pedia tha ithela mia pliroforia h sxolh mou xreiazetai na exw ena trapeziko logariasmo sthn ethiniki trapeza.Tha ithela na mathw ti dikaiologitika xreiazontai gia na anoi3eis ena logariasmo tamieutiriou! Mono tautothta kai afm?
  12. If anyone knows about royal mail reply pls.I have some questions.
  13. bumpz.
  14. Geia sas pedia sintoma tha alaksw karta grafikwn sto 2o mou pc! Kai thelw tis gnomes sas kai gt eimai anamesa se 2 auth thn stigmh!! http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/SVGA/Gigabyte-GeForce-GTX650-1GBOC-GV-N650OC-1GI.htm http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/SVGA/Palit-Geforce-GTX650-1GB-DDR5-NE5X65001301F.htm Epishs mporeite na mou sinistisete 1-2 akoma apla na einai nVidia kai mporw na dia8esw mexri 120 euro!! Euxaristw.
  15. VasQueZ

    So happy!

    Se pion milas vre gamomane mn s gamisw kamia nekrh mana palio mpastardo! H mana s i diomosia mitra na poume tn exoun parei oloi!
  16. Exw parei apo e-shop kai m exei kanei 37 hmeres! Prin ena mina paraggila kati apo digital master perasan 20 meres kai dn hrte epikinwnisa mazi tous mesw e-mail kai dn pira kan apanthsh etc to akirwsa afou to vrika xamilotera apo plaisio kai m ekana 2 meres!
  17. Όχι 3-4 αλλά εξαρτάται το προιόν κιόλας αν παράδειγμα είναι άμεσα διαθέσιμο.
  18. VasQueZ

    So happy!

    20 euro the mousepad ( In greece cost 25) and 42 euro the mouse ( in greece cost 80) +17 euro shipping! 79 euro total! But you pay only via paypal. Check in official store site!! All items that are out of stock will be availble in 15th January! http://www.fnatic.com/shop/
  19. VasQueZ

    So happy!

    I am so happy i just obtain 2 items from Fnatic store!! In very good price!! Thnx Fnatic shop! Steelseries sensei RAW+fnatic mousepad ON THE BAG!
  20. Ναι δεν είχα κανένα πρόβλημα ως τώρα και έχω κάνει 24 παραγγελίες ΜΟΝΟ στην τελευταία έκανε να έρθει 5 ημέρες.
  21. Hey is there any link to download counter strike 1.6 non steam please? Preder torrent thnx :))
  22. Hey guys i want to give me on bet company in internet to exchange my paysafes to my paypal without free. Williams hill is good?
  23. Hey guys i am looking for some company to play lol together because my friends have stoped. Current elo 1400+ players for DUO or 5 person for ranked team pm me here or add my skype: sacr4ment0
  24. OK excelent features is a good start of me to start again l2 with dat server. Good luck dude.
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