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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. einai mia mlkia dn thimame akribws.. Thereisno kati grafeis..k patas enter alla dn thimame to kati atm xd
  2. First crying for adenas, now cuz i block you. Bitch pls anyway 'Welcome to the Shop Bank! Here, you can safely store your credits and earn interest for them! All money stored in the bank gains interest at a rate of 1% per day' cua
  3. Im the most active user nowdays. Wtf adenas has to do with that imo? [/gr] Τον βάραγε η μάνα του αυτόν μικρό,δεν εξηγείτε αλλιώς.
  4. yday i was making a report and you spam it,wasnt the last time. Everyone who ll check your last 2 days replies will notice your spam even though jaharakal delete some of your replies.
  5. Every post of you remind me how retarded you are and how much you deserve to be on my ignore list. Im here about 3 years and my adenas are from spam section basicly. Also you get 1% every day :ifyouknowwhatimean: You seriously have to take that limited ban as a warning since you were 'warning' jaharakal and spam topics last 2 days.
  6. Idk if that was the reason actually,they just punished overall i guess.
  7. Corruption cuz you spam every topic on mine while you knew that you were on my blocklist? Sry but no. Its time to accept your retarded actions i guess.
  8. Because 'Report to Moderator' button finally work out. You will really miss me I SWEAR
  9. Με σταματάει ένας μπάτσος με το αυτοκίνητο σήμερα έξω από την τρίπολη και μου λέει: -Ζώνη γιατί δεν φοράς; -Ρε φίλαράκι,με βερμούδα δεν πάει.. Αυτόφωρο..πριν 3 ώρες βγήκα.
  10. www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=283038.msg2667110#new www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=283038.msg2667110#new www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=283038.msg2667110#new www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=283038.msg2667110#new
  12. Ποιος θα μου κάνει ένα signature που θέλω? :pls:
  13. Sry i was inactive,check l2tower forum ,i think my friend shared it for free . Somebody lock it pls.
  14. Άμα το συνεχίσεις και βέβαια θα σου κάνω,μην νομίζεις πως φοβάμαι το spam section. ???
  15. Ύστερα από χορηγία του Νικολουδου,τους έβγαλα επειδή είμαι καλό παιδί. Τώρα για τυχόν Drama,blame him. :okey:
  16. Μιλάς εσύ που νομίζεις ότι όλοι μιλάνε για τον server σου? :D bitch pls
  17. Να αδειάσω το ignore list μου ή όχι? Λέτε να δώσω μια ακόμα ευκαιρία σε όλους τους μπετόβλακες εκεί μέσα? ΑΠΟΡΙΑ ???
  18. Θα ζητήσω από τον Dask ρε,δεν σε έχω ανάγκη.
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