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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Κι αν δεν θυμάμαι?
  2. Your request timed out. Please retry the request.
  3. Im on EUW too and i said the same with you,they rage :alone:
  4. Also. You cant sleep? Fap and sweet dreams.
  5. i found face on her make up
  6. Tested and work! :happyforever:
  7. Άσε τους πούστηδες και βάλε αυτά που μου έστελνες τα μεσάνυχτα!
  8. fail nub! Lets aram later?
  9. and these guys are playing mostly jax xD
  10. @Rosalie i was waiting an emo post from you ;) I created a new account on eune since i sold the other one,im 5lvl and i played a game with my friend. We got 3 more greeks in team that fed as fk and insult us cuz we were trying to talk them. I got their cancer.
  11. East you mean,most ppl there are PL and GR .And you are GR too :/
  12. lol ,τώρα είδα τι είπα χαχαχαχα
  13. Ο αριστερά όπως κοιτάμε την φωτο είναι ο Ocelote. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010 εγώ
  14. Τελικά ο MD είναι ο Ocelote ή ο άλλος?
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