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Everything posted by FaCeLeSsPvP

  1. can u put them in order according to imdb rate?
  2. tosa lefta gia x perneis yamaha z to kaneis 57mm kai petaei
  3. direct refferals for ptc sites?
  4. i explain if you not invest you need up to 3 years to make money if you invest like 40 dolards you need like 2 years to make money(like 150 per month for start) if you invest like 400 dollars you earn money in 2 months
  5. i have send him just the one psc and when i recieve the money we wil procced to the other 2 for now i dont believe he is a scammer he dont answer in my pms either but he gave me an explanation right now so for now we are good!
  6. Borgore im still w8ing for the money!
  7. s dinw 3 x10 pscards gia 26 evro paypal
  8. couze your mom is the top uploader?
  9. I want you to write me some forums that have many people up to 500 i dont care if its a gaming forum since it have a off topic area ty for reading
  10. (proofs that pic is mine ) http://images.neobux.com/imagens/banner9/?u=Eternity123&u3=9000546 With Neobux Why NeoBux is the best and most trusted PTC The reasons are simple: Has paid members more than $ 70 million to date! Operating since 2008 without problems and without the slightest hint of unreliability! Millions of users are registered to! All these years pays ALL users and directly! He paid a lot, but it has turned out even more. This is a profitable business that will not ever close, so long as profitable. An indication (although not proof) reliability is the same as the forum of NeoBux. Visit the NeoBux forum and you will see that there is a real MESS! Hundreds of messages are published daily by thousands of users of the page ... Visit the NeoBux forum to see for myself how much mobility there and how many messages are exchanged daily by the users ... Adprize. Is adprize's wothing? The AdPrize is an innovation of NeoBux and deals daily, several gifts! You can win a few Golden NeoPoints up assistance for a whole year! The awards, gifts from everyday sharing AdPrize are: 10 x Golden Subscriptions (Gold subscription for one year to 10 superlucky members) 2 x 50 $ (50 dollars for 2 superlucky members) 4 x 25 $ (25 dollars in 4 superlucky members) 10 x 10 $ (10 dollars to 10 lucky members) 20 x 5 $ (5 dollars to 20 lucky members) 50 x 2 $ (2 dollars to 50 lucky members) 100 x 1 $ (1 in 100 chance dolario States) 200 x 0.50 $ (half a dollar to 200 lucky members) 400 x 0.25 $ (25 minutes at 400 lucky members) 1000 x 10 NeoPoints (10 NeoPoints lucky members in 1000) 100 x 100 NeoPoints (100 NeoPoints to 100 lucky members) 10 x 1000 NeoPoints (1000 NeoPoints in 10 lucky members ) 1 x 10000 NeoPoints (10000 NeoPoints for a superlucky member) So it certainly DESERVES to spend 5 minutes of your time to see the ads AdPrize! Who knows, you could win $ 50 or the Golden subscription! Already many users have so far won the Golden subscription! Why not you? Strategy!!!!!! We left the most important piece to the end. It's what interests you most definitely: the strategy. The strategy will follow in NeoBux is the Alpha and the Omega and is crucial for your journey on this page. To manage to pull a decent income should have enough referrals. They will give you passive income and increase your income dramatically. The more referrals you have, the more will your profits. There are two types of Referrals: direct Referrals (DR) and rented Referrals (RR). To succeed in NeoBux, you do not need direct referrals, you can make it as good and only to rented referrals! Moreover, the vast majority of users working primarily to rented referrals. The secret to success is to follow a proper strategy! It goes without saying of course that if you manage to find and direct referrals you will earn lots of money ... There are many different strategies to succeed in NeoBux. Below is one of the most effective strategies have great success rate. You can start with this. Then, you certainly can change and customize according to your needs or circumstances. Follow these steps and remember that you must have enough patience to do it! Nor will need only 5-10 minutes anascholisis day. I firmly believe that it is worth spending 5 minutes every day of your time and that the final result will reward you with the above! 1. Click all the ads everyday. Calculate about 5 minutes every day of your time. 2. When you reach the $ 2, but DO NOT request payment transfer this a-beep-t to the rest of the rental (Rental Balance). 3. Rent 3 referrals. The cost is $ 0.20 for each, so it will give $ 0.60 total. You can rent the referrals even when you reach the $ 0.60, but recommend that you do when your account reaches $ 2 so you can better manage their referrals. 4. At this point turn on the Automatic Payment . Enabling Automatic Payment saves 15% of each referral hired you. Remember works only for referrals that want 20 or more days to expire. the Automatic Payment will not work for a referral that has been renting under 20 days. 5. Recycle the referrals that are not active on 5-6 consecutive days. It is best to first check the ads average (AVG) to see the daily rented referral, before you replace it with another. Generally we all rented referrals that have the largest possible average ad serving (AVG). If you're normal users (standard member), the minimum average ad (AVG) that should have rented a referral, to avoid a loss, is 1.33. An average equal to 1.5 is acceptable but what should you seek are rented referrals you have an AVG equal to or greater than 2.0. 6. If you see that rented referrals are active, then expand the 2 of them (those with the highest AVG) for another 90 days. 7. Two weeks after the first you rented referrals, rent it again three more referrals. 8. Repeat steps 5 and 6. 9. Others rent 3 referrals (you now have a total of 9 rented referrals). 10. Repeat steps 5 and 6. 11. If you have enough money in your balance, extend the last 3 referrals you rent for another 90 days. 12. Rent 3 referrals over other 13. You now have a total of 12 rented referrals and try to expand and the last 3 to 90 days. 14. At this point, try to rent more referrals, eg pack of 10 referrals which costs $ 2. 15. Always remember to recycle inactive referrals to you. The recycling strategy is particularly important. 16. Continue until you reach 300 referrals and I try to maintain and recycle inactive. 17. Wait until your account reaches $ 90 and never be tempted to withdraw! 18. When you reach the $ 90, upgrade your account at GOLDEN. The Gold subscription doubles the earnings from their referrals. Thus, every click gives a rented referral now $ 0.01 from $ 0.005 to give before. 21.Now you are a GOLDEN member, rent more referrals (eg pack of 100 referrals) and follow the above strategy. You will see your earnings grow dramatically over the years! 22. Remember that recycling is the main key to get active referrals. For the recycling of referrals, you can use (if you have) the NeoPoints . A recycling cost around 90 NeoPoints (or $ 0.07 if you want to use the cash balance). 23. After viewing the ads everyday, do not forget to click on ads and AdPrize. Calculate another 5 minutes of your time. The AdPrize is optional but highly recommended to see the ads and AdPrize. Who knows, you could win anywhere from the Gold Membership and then what you catch ... Remember that the "party" begins when you have a Gold Membership ... Maintaining statistics of your referrals are very important and will help you get a clear picture of the behavior and activity and will be much easier to decide what should recycle. If you have a few referrals (eg 20-30) are relatively easy to manage. But when we get more, it is advisable to use a special program to keep their stats. Excellent tool is the Handy Manager (created by a user of NeoBux). It is totally free and you can locate it easily if you search online. If you do not suit you, you can use Excel. If you have rented a few referrals then you can keep their stats manually (but this is very time consuming if you have multiple referrals). In any case, you can decide on what path you follow a regular maintenance on the statistics you referrals. Be aware that at times puts the NeoBux offers and can lower the price of Golden Assistance (eg $ 75 instead of $ 90 that costs normally). So if you are close to the limit, keep your mind ... If you want to speed your first goal, which is the acquisition of Gold Membership, you can invest a little money. For example, you can use some of the money that you have taken from other PTC Sites (provided dealing with other PTC pages) to rent referrals in NeoBux. Thousands of users around the world use their profits from other pages in PTC NeoBux. And it makes sense as no other PTC does not have the perspective that is NeoBux. Sign up here http://www.neobux.com/?r=Eternity123 If u sing under the above link you would be my direct ref you dont lose absolutely nothing if u register with this link i will help you and answer all of your questions as mutch as i can Thx 4 reading
  11. 3x 10euro pcs'rds for 30 euro on paypal
  12. what you mean 1.1 ratio man if i give u 30 euro psc how mutch money will i recieve on paypal?
  13. ena typhoon kai ena glx exw tora p malon ston epomeno xrono 8a ta poulisw na parw i beverly i amaxi
  14. stin 7 selida exw 2-3 photo deite to ligo kai kabloste :)
  15. eixa kapote yamaha z kai egw 57mm tote imoun grigoros tora siga siga :P exw anebasi kai photo katse na dw se pia selida einai
  16. ti tragikos more thes na s anebasw video na deis oti apla pirazw to carb kai baraei koftes gt den pisteyete eleos pia
  17. egw sto glx pirazw ton aera kai baraei koftes sta injection den 3erw ti pezei
  18. empisteysou pios kindinos gia tin paypal milame edw tis ebisteytikes ton trapeziko s logariasmo stin taytotita koloneis?
  19. gia na baraei koftes to mixanaki pirazeis to karbilater kanonika tora sta injection na s pw tin alithia den 3erw t pezei gt na baras koftes siga tin pipa pare enos filou s to mixanaki kai bara koftes na s figei i kabla min pirazete na kenourgia mixanakia rrrr(cryptox x ,innova i)
  20. LOIPON PEDES POLITE HONDA GLX 150CC (me ergostasiako kinitira racing moter einai kai iparxoun alloi 2 se oli tin ellada ) me apomonosi sti pena to xroma einai skouro kokino(pl skouro) me 7 perles mesa (300 eyrw ekane na to bapsi to kopeli) timi polisis 800 eyrw PARAPANW PLIROFORIES mazi me to mixanaki pernete kai to ergostasiako t moter 90cc (einai se bides alla den lipei tpt) to 150cc moter den exei xartia alla exei o skeletos opote dont worry gia perisoteres plirofories pm
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