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  1. AbsolutePower's post in WASD movement Lucera 2 source was marked as the answer   
    go to:
    _moveMovement = readD(); // is 0 if cursor keys are used 1 if mouse is used find if (activeChar == null) return; and add: if (_moveMovement == 0) return;  
  2. AbsolutePower's post in Question about Broadcasts was marked as the answer   
    @Ehoq  the best solution for animation-effects is to edit client. you may find something here:   https://maxcheaters.com/forum/41-client-development-discussion/
    if you want to experiment with magicskilluse  :      
     _effected.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(_effected, skillId,  skillLevel, hitTime, reuseDelay));
    vars for magicskillUse are diffirent and depends on pack , you can check the magicskillUse.java to see exactly the vars.
    Social Action :
            _effected.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(here it could be : _effected or _effected.getObjectId() , here actionId));
  3. AbsolutePower's post in in java was marked as the answer   
    its bad coded , update the sql connection and at least replace the player loop with : L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(playerName)
    instead of a whole loop inside another loop.  it can be done like :
    L2PcInstance player =  L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(playerName);
    if(player != null && player.isOnline() == 1)
        add item etc.
    final code : 
    if(id > 0 && count > 0 && !playername.isEmpty())
        L2PcInstance player =  L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(playerName);
         if(player != null && player.isOnline() == 1)
            your code to add item here.
  4. AbsolutePower's post in Opening Links In Interlude was marked as the answer   
  5. AbsolutePower's post in Character Regen was marked as the answer   
    calcHpRegen(L2Character cha)   its inside--> Formulas.java
    find if (cha instanceof L2PcInstance)
    this is the original  code:
    // Calculate Movement bonus if (player.isSitting()) hpRegenMultiplier *= 1.5;      // Sitting else if (!player.isMoving()) hpRegenMultiplier *= 1.1; // Staying else if (player.isRunning()) hpRegenMultiplier *= 0.7; // Running and you can do something like this:
    // Calculate Movement bonus if (player.isSitting()) hpRegenMultiplier *= 1.5;      // Sitting else if (!player.isMoving()) hpRegenMultiplier *= 1.1; // Staying else  if (player.isRunning()) hpRegenMultiplier *= 0.7; // Running else hpRegenMultiplier *= 0.9; // Walking this is for hp regen.
    for mp regen just search for calcMpRegen and cp  calcCpRegen
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