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About SuckerPunch

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  1. make better system omg
  2. Do you have pet buffer?
  3. info in site and you dont need 100 info its just a normal srv like all others.. about site we will make 1 better ofc
  4. Opened 17/10/2011 Visit Our Website For Info's http://www.l2fightclub.tk/ Or our Forum http://l2fc.forum.com.bz/ With custom Apella
  5. what happened with srv and its down can someone tell me?:/
  6. kamael bug ? omg hahahhahah crazy dont spam shits in this topic plz just dont reply if you are noob ..
  7. Nice server join fast and farm guys:) easy farm
  8. to farm na einai duskolo alla tha itan akoma kalitera ama ekanes ta mobs na peftoune apo ola ta class opws kai archer kai bishop (dld undead)
  9. egw exw paixei mono ston cw kai ston da.. o cw itan polu balance server gia mena epefta kai erixna .. tcp emena sto da to kalitero pou eixe ginei ekei itan ena !! to treasure huntxD.. episis pisteuw oti tosa atoma pou exoume edw gia ton dw gt dn ton kaneis freya low rate x7-10 na exoume na paizoume balance server :D
  10. thelw na milisw me ton commodus parakalo
  11. re file ti tha ginei to miso kalokairi sxedon exei fugei .. tha ton ani3ete pote?..
  12. ade file twra pou exoume kai ore3eis gia farm xD peripou poso mporei na parei??.. 1 vdomada?..
  13. Hhahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahah .. mipws 3ereis ama exei alla3ei kai name sto forum? kai se ti.. e entaxei tha se piraze dld esena na einai kai 500 ama epernes tosa lefta osa pire o versus apo tous server 10k euro sigoura kai parapanw tha exei parei...
  14. Re paidia o Versus exeis parei polla lefta apo cw/dw/da dn mporei na parei ena kalo Protection?? ama xasei 100-200 euro dn tha pathei kai tpt gt tha kerdisei ta diplasia apo ton srv... kai apantiste m pou einai o commodus..
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