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Everything posted by nickm

  1. http://translate.google.ru/#pt|en|Bot%20Liberado!%0A%0AEst%C3%A1%20cansado%20de%20ter%20que%20se%20matar%20upando%20e%20farmando%20na%20m%C3%A3o%20nesses%20%22LOLServer%22%20que%20fecha%20com%201%20a%202%20meses%3F%20Chegou%20a%20hora%20de%20relaxar!%20Upe%20fa%C3%A7a%20seus%20itens%20usando%20bot%20em%20um%20servidor%20low%20rate%20totalmente%20retail-style.%20Imagine%20Jogar%20um%20Low%20Rate%2C%20100%25%20Retail%20%28sem%20custom%20nenhum%29%2C%20Gracia%20Final%20%28Arquivos%20do%20Oficial%20L2off%20full%20sem%20bugs%29%20e%20poder%20relaxar%20enquanto%20farmar%2Fupa!%0A%0AVideos%20categoria%20%3A%20Rules%0AA%20Regra%20%C3%A9%20JOGAR!%0A%0AJogue%20a%20vontade%20sem%20se%20preocupar%20em%20ser%20banido%20por%20uso%20de%20bot!%20N%C3%A3o%20quer%20jogar%3F%20Tchau!%20Seus%20choros%20e%20opini%C3%B5es%20n%C3%A3o%20ir%C3%A3o%20mudar%20em%20nada%20a%20proposta%20do%20servidor.%20Quer%20doar%3F%20MSN%3A%20nuno%40norule5x.com%0A%0ACaracteristicas%20categoria%20%3A%20Caracter%C3%ADsticas%0AA%20Fun%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20da%20Staff%20do%20Servidor%0A%0AA%20%C3%BAnica%20fun%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20da%20Staff%20no%20servidor%20ser%C3%A1%20de%20manter%20ele%20online%20e%20est%C3%A1vel%2C%20n%C3%A3o%20iremos%20interferir%20em%20NADA%20no%20jogo%2C%20as%20configura%C3%A7%C3%B5es%20ser%C3%A3o%20Retail%20e%20LIBERADO%2C%20o%20f%C3%B3rum%20s%C3%B3%20haver%C3%A1%20a%20%C3%A1rea%20de%20Flames%20para%20os%20players%20se%20divertirem%20%C3%A0%20VONTADE!%20Se%20voc%C3%AA%20%C3%A9%20um%20player%20que%20tem%20que%20chorar%20muito%20e%20quer%20aten%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20da%20Staff%2C%20desista!%20N%C3%A3o%20haver%C3%A1%20responsabilidade%20por%20parte%20do%20Admin%20em%20nada%20que%20acontece%20ingame.%0A%0AEventos%20categoria%20%3A%20Start%0AInaugura%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20do%20NoRule5x!%0A%0AA%20inaugura%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20do%20NoRule5x%20ocorrer%C3%A1%20no%20Domingo%20pr%C3%B3ximo%2C%20dia%2021%2F08%20%C3%A0s%2016%3A00. :D
  2. hi new server,open 21/08 16-00 [-3GMT] Gracia final - pts xp - x5 sp - x5 adena - x5 spoil - x1 drop - x1 quest(reward/adena/exp/sp/etc) - x1 rb - x1 1/2/3 prof - quest no autoloot no gmshop/any npc with custom item's all bot soft allowed! http://www.norule5x.com/
  3. Added auto vote reward Added deathmatch event Fix for client packets Fix Typhoon on Hellbound Updated Mysql Added command for DM and CTF(Comming event) Update teleports Goddard and Aden Increased drop count Quest items in ToI for A grade armors recipes
  4. s50.radikal.ru/i129/1108/22/6b1521fbfdcd.jpg - mahum's s015.radikal.ru/i331/1108/96/1beec4906c96.jpg - drop S grade in nest primeval isle! s44.radikal.ru/i103/1108/33/eb2c45d067dc.jpg - nevit's blessing potion s59.radikal.ru/i163/1108/b8/e826c49e05f5.jpg - lizardman's and etc
  5. works nevit's blessing+potions (bonus exp if you have recommends),works all loc's freya(plains of lizardman/mahum training ground and etc) new event - gift of vitality
  6. http://l2.fakaheda.eu/forum/index.php?topic=144.msg185#new
  7. 500+ upup JoeDaFlow you play here?)and you rus?
  8. dont know)but -> Most users ever online was 54
  9. Most users ever online was 54 © FORUM UP UP UP
  10. online 90+ only on forum -> In total there are 14 users online up /ps uptime 100%!
  11. 10-20?only on offline trade in giran ~15
  12. new info: only 1box or 2box with PA
  13. New international Gracia Epilogue x10. System of 5 powerful servers has been set up in order to ensure better performance and greater number of users online . These servers are connected to the Internet via 1Gbit/s channel. 3 Servers Hardware: HP ProLiant DL380 G7 X5650 2.26 GHz Intel® Xeon® X5650 (6 cores, 2.66 GHz, 12 MB L3) - 2 12 Gb RAM HDD HP SAS Enterprise 146 GB, 6 Gbit/s, 15000 speed, - 4 2 Servers Hardware: HP ProLiant DL380 G7 E5640 2.66 GHz Intel® Xeon® E5640 (4 cores, 2.66 GHz, 12 MB L3) 6 Gb RAM HDD HP SAS Enterprise 146 GB, 6 Gbit/s, 15000 speed, - 2 Lineage server rates: * Exp 10 * Sp 10 * Adena 10 * Drop 5 * Spoil/Manor/SSQ 3 * Quest 3 No auto-loot No GM shop(no 1/2/3 prof,only quest) On donate shop only ss/potions/etc Full Epilogue,everything works,you can test server,open OBT Eng section coming soon Opening 11/03/11 - 21-00 [+3] ---> http://l2ua.com/
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