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Everything posted by ferraaan91

  1. Healer lv. 100-101 16 ap ( main or dual ) Feoh ( any type ) lv. 100-101 16 ap ( main or dual ) Brooch lv 4 with: - Diamond Lv 4. - Sapphire Lv 4. - Obsidian Lv 4. - Others lv 3-4. - Important skills +10. - Exalted Quest lv. 2 or 3. -No need gear ONLY IN NAIA/SHILEN/CHRONOS/BARTZ SERVERS! I PAY WITH PAYPAL VERIFIED ONLY! I have lot of vouchs, if need ask add me skype Skype: ferraaan91@hotmail.com
  2. Im looking for a low rate God's server. Refuse to write "official servers" please
  3. WANT TO SELL SCRIPTS OF ZRANGER FOR ANY TYPE OF CLASS. PVP OR/AND PVE We'll be in contact all time for any issue and we fix it in 1 minute, btw there are perfect scripts Conctact me: Skype -> ferraaan91 / ferraaan91@hotmail.com ( u can use both ) Mail me: drop me a mail in my Inbox!! Ask price in skype or mail!
  4. WTS HEALER 99 SHILLEN Seraph Heavy +3 ( full element ) Refined Devil Horn + WIT Talisman HellFire Enhanced Octavis Bracelet Enhanced Istina Bracelet Tauti Bracelet Passives Skills +5+6 Some Active skills +5+6 3 active skills ( augmentation ) Requiem buster ( acumen+mana up ) we are healers , Not dds :) 2 dyes. WIT & CON 12 days Until remove Rune III Xp+Drop ( 50%) Dualclass= Tank lvl87 More info add me at Skype 300 euros. Accept offers. Skype: ferraaan91 or ferraaan91@hotmail.com
  5. Thx share :D
  6. Its not working on l2java TT some1 tryied on there?
  7. IP:, port that i wrote: 7776 L2.net apper OOG: 14:57:50 :[bot -> loginserver : connected 14:57:50 :[bot -> loginserver : opening 14:57:50 :[starting login Process no crash.. no nothing :/
  8. Well i read a lot of topics and I cant Connect on this server.. I found the Ip: I tryed to connect OOG and IG.. And when i press Listen it Doesnt do nothing.. I dont know why.. On OOG dont appear list of server, and on IG i press Listen, Then I open l2.exe-> I log but.. doesnt appear on l2.net... Maybe i need something on proxy.. Or change Port?... I dont know :/ If someone can help me, It will be good :) Thanks!
  9. Well.. When i Make IG, and then i log ON, my game doesnt do nothing. Maybe i need proxy proggram???
  10. Hei, thanks for this informatiooon :D:D:D its welcome !
  11. Heiiii!! Hi From Spain!!!! I hope this forum helps me at all I need :D
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