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Everything posted by FinalGod

  1. Τι δουλειά κάνεις; Βασικά ποια είναι η έτοιμη δουλειά σου αν επιτρέπεται;
  2. Hi there.Well let's start. Your render seems a bit pasted to my eyes.It seems likeyou took a ready bg and you just pasted a render. I know everyone in the beginning was like that so im gonna give just an easy tip. You lack of deapth.If you don;t know how you can use your adjustments (thing that proves that yopu have not read my tutorials grrrrrr) just darken youe edges a bit and erase with a soft circle brush of 20px with both opacity and flow at 20% his shoulders.Or even the whole parts.Not sure about this but hey in art we are experimenting.
  3. Πως φαίνονται οι λευτάδες.
  4. Ναι οκ δεν θα πώ ότι ήταν και τα τρομερά αλλά από τότε ξεκίνησε το καυλάκι.
  5. Ο τζαχαρακάλ στα έσβησε με τα τζανκ που έκανε. Εμένα μου αρέσει.
  6. Εγώ θυμάμαι το 2009 που έδωσα ο μαθηματικός μου παρότρυνε κάτι παιδιά να δώσουν μαθηματικά γενικής παιδείας και τους έλεγε κάτι μαλακίες ότι θα πέσουν πινακάκια και κάτι τέτοια και θυμάμαι μέσα στην τάξη μόλις είδαν τα θέματα έφαγαν καυλάκι.
  7. Hello and welcome to the sectional Graphics/GFX General Discussion rules.Follow those simply rules and have fun broswing around. -Graphics/GFX General Discussion not showcase This is a discussion sectional board not a showcase.Here we are making topics (always with the right perfix ,having a good image) to discuss about gfx things,to make any gfx related sugestion and anything related to gfx. if you want to post your project just go in our showcase. -Prefixs What the title says.Always using the right prefixs.That one gives a nice image to the boards and they are become more friendly for the users. -Spamming/Flaming/One word replies Spamming,flaming and posting one word replies are not allowed here.We are not here either to destroy the topics with our spams,flaming or laughing at the user who is trying to make something or posting useless comments like one word replies.If you want to give a useful comment do it.If not just leave it.If we notice something like that the replies will be deleted and user will be warned/punished. -Porn Content gfx projects Nothing to say about it.It is not not allowed and if we notice something like that we will take care about it. NOTE:Rules may be changed without any warning.So be always you are checking this topic once a month.
  8. No you did not.You just have hating feelings and you are a wannabetrollerandironicman. I know too hard to read specially you.
  9. κάπως έτσι πάει. Πήγα να ακούσω το mohombi coconut tree και τελικά είδα το trailer του fast furious 6 :not bad:
  10. Leave him.I don't have to prove anything to people like him.He cant understand that sucking system is so easy to get abused. i have made a lot of trades and no one complained.
  11. What you call firends i call them brothers. :not bad: huh
  12. I edited your title with the right perfix. Please next time use the right perfixs otherwise your topic will be locked/junked without any warning. Thx for sharing though.
  13. Well to be honest every time im using topaz i am just playing with my own setting until i find a result i really like. Dunno what's your photoshop version but atm i am using the cs6 -not the extended one- so everytime i open my topaz a new window will pop up and untill my manual setting there are two more options like. -You have some defualt settings which are awesome too.I have used them a lot of times. -You have a preview window too.You can see there your project how it is now and after the furute topaz layer before evn you choose it.Kewl huh? Have always in your mind this so you can have a clear opinion what of each one makes and just play with the settings.Either way use a default one and choose -Either you let it as it is -or you just edit a bit its settings (of the default one) In any other case you can always check this source to find more info. Have always in mind that any questions are welcomed.
  14. Δεν ξέρετε ρε από τραγούδια....... Μια βραδιά στο Λεβερκούζεν - Μπάμπης Στόκας Ο Raule το κουνάει με αυτό.
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