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About DaRkRaGe

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  1. Try to keep your sources updated the error is that missing the last field. INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('40006', '30003', 'Buffer', '1', 'L2JOneo', '1', 'NPC.a_traderA_FHuman', '20.00', '25.00', '70', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '3862', '1493', '13.43', '3.09', '40', '43', '30', '21', '35', '10', '0', '0', '1314', '470', '780', '382', '278', '0', '253', '0', '0', '0', '80', '120', null, '0', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT');
  2. yeah and also Raid engine and thousand contrubutions were my idea but l2emu add them to their sources :(
  3. exacly l2emu dont use getalleffects() on dodie faction in l2character.java and dont support to let donator's skills pass the unlegit remove. Also l2emu have add a lot of costum thinks in donators that they are not interesting me. I made this for a friend who requested i will not make also buffer for donators like l2emu its too mutch lol. Its a simply shit for people who want the donators seperate from the rest community
  4. first of all admincommandhandler is from rayan and i dint remove the author and secont have a lof of diffs from l2emu. ;) i have just made it for a user need it i dont know if i will commit.
  5. jython is your friend with l2jfree sources
  6. I remember some time ago i have promise somethink about to create a Source Gs with : -LoginServer -Cache Server -Game Server And now today im keeping my promise.. new L2JOneo_faction_INT is online in our Svn. tested and report. this is a new dawn for l2j but remember all are under development (npc server, Community server) http://tools.assembla.com/oneoteam/browser/trunk http://tools.assembla.com/svn/oneoteam/trunk/ To learn the new and remember the old ones the first Cache server was created by NeoDeviL in c4.... so a big thx to this great dev. Regards, DaRkRaGe
  7. Hello MxB community i just want to let u know because you support us all this time That the dev team now have a new member. With proud we announce the colaborate with schursin (Russian guy ex dev member and contributor from l2j off.) schursin Start allready commiting... ================================================================================================ We start working on new thinks and major new stuff comming soon. L2JOneo TM waiting answers from 3 more l2j devs. Regards, DaRkRaGe
  8. Ok i have deside that i time to hire people work in this project. So Im asking for : Dev Members with good skills in coding and datapack supporting : I dont believe i can find in this forum but have it in your mind :S Forum Moderators : 2 people. Website/ftp/Network managers: New Web Spaces comming soon Project Leaders and managers : They will manage the Faction Installation and care About the Update system. WoW Developers and testers for the new Project WoW Emu by Oneo Team (Repacks) If someone want to participate and Provide services to people contact me immidialty or post also here. I see every day people with great skills do not care or offer their knowelege to public because they dont have a motive Now you have. email : support@oneodevteam.com
  9. Serial Key Published at http://www.oneodevteam.com and Reupload it to Our Servers. Enjoy.
  10. As i promised the first Beta v1.0 Source instalation for easy setup and config also with autoupdate fuctions (use an l2 update costumized to Oneo Revs Needs.) is here. This is not finished its a simple first beta The server is like SVN but with update options and fast and easy installation Optimized to users needs. This project will go far and when we have stable fuction installation you will just updatet he old and thats it. About the New mods on code cashed and npc servers Noctarius, Nille02 and me we are working on this and soon will make it happened. Hosted for Downloads to Our Servers. Download Link : http://update.l2oneo.com/L2J_Oneo_Project.exe Update fuction is working but for now we dont have any update to add because fuction installation sync to last revision. Serial Key Published at www.oneodevteam.com Best Regards, DaRkRaGe head coder and Owner.
  11. Ezeral not in NPC instance oh my god IN L2PCINSTAMCE PUT THIS
  12. This problem is from zone table and geodata. Check if you have latest geoengine revision
  13. The L2j off sources dont have in l2pcinstance the void restoreHPMP and the new Oneo void RestoreCP so you cant run costum npc buffers in l2j off use onother source/pack
  14. Important : because opensvn.org was too slow and unstable we have transfered to a new repo. NEW SVN TO CHECK OUT (compile) : http://tools.assembla.com/svn/oneoteam NEW TRAC : http://tools.assembla.com/oneoteam 100% faster and stable. Best Regards, Stelios
  15. Download Oneo Sources have auto announce system Implented months now ;)
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