That change nothing at all it just kill even the current activity to 0 or move the spam to offtopic boards and than the topic hide will be useless.
Stupid move from retarded ppl.
That topic shows the uselessness and retardness of this whole staff.
Seriously you wannabe mods cant stand opinions that much?
What hurts more the fact that ppl know that all of you are mentally retarded or the fact that its true?
The delete of spam boards is useless since you didnt fixed anything at the other boards just destroying them so ppl will leave the forum.
And that closed spam team thing...its retarded anyway...
thats why i left him he have no clue about how to make an entertaining server just the usual boosted exp zone farm your ass off and shut up if you bored type of servers :D
No, the definition of an instance is a copy of the world where others who not in your instance cant interact with you.
Rift is just a closed zone much like hellbound, instance is a zone where a bunch of player can go in without knowing about eachother.
You just show again how immature useless mod you are.
1st of all the ban reason and the way you banned me is against the rules and how come that nobody dekarmed me for flaming hmmm?
2nd of all who in the hell are you to tell someone what he/she should take in consideration?You have no clue about who think what because if someone dont lick your ass you ban him/her you abusive script kiddo. :)
3rd of all and you should realise that this is a forum an open community where your work is to manage the community for the better of it, not to grow another set of balls.
And by the way i know that a part of the staff(the useless ones like you) always wanted to get rid of me since weeks but sorry its just not gonna happen i enjoy making a fun out of you idiots too much :)
By the way raule if you want to bring up something against me atleast try to do a research to proove your point because bringing up quotes from topics where staff abuses are commented like a reason to flame against staff is useless. :)
Sometimes you just end up in a situation where you see kids desperately trying to maintain their power and instead of doing the right thing they just ban the ones who know/talk too much :)
Think about like that: i got banned for calling raule a retard while he is indeed a retard so everyone should be banned who says that to a staffer(there would be 100+ ban instantly) IF ofcourse the forums staff would know what is community management :)
With such mentality inside staff not possible.
Most guys in the staff who got so much respect from the community such as coyote or setekh are pretty much useless at staff level.